The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 385

Chapter 385: Where were you?!

Yumi and the other three girls surrounded Elena as Yumi said, "Let us take care of you, slut"

Elena was surrounded by them, but all her attention was on Virza, who was now lying on the ground with her back facing Elena.

Her uniform was dyed red from the backside.


Elena tried to rush to Virza with her crippled legs, but Yumi grabbed her hand and once again pushed her against the wall.

"How dare you ignore me, bitch!"

"Let me go! What do you want from me?!"

"What do I want from you?! You are a slut who just whore around with every rich man she sees, and you ask what do we want from you?"

"What are you talking about?! Let me go! Virza... She is bleeding!"

"You are not going anywhere, bitch!"

"I said…" Elena grabbed Yumi's hand and punched her in the face with her other hand as she yelled, "Let me go!"

"Argh!", Yumi backed up some steps as she stumbled and fell on her back.

Elena crawled at Virza shouting, "Virza! Are you okay?!"

She turned Virza over and rested Virza's head on Elena's lap.

Virza was already crying, but it wasn't because of pain. She was feeling responsible for Elena's currency condition.

Virza's lips trembled as she said, "I am sorry"

"Stop talking! I will take out the knife, okay?"

Virza blinked.

Elena moved her hand to Virza's back and pulled out the knife.

Virza let out a painful groan.

"I will call an ambulance---!"

'My phone is in the room!'

Elena helplessly glanced around, hoping she would see anyone and call them for help. But no one was there.

The classes had ended hours ago, so it was almost impossible for anyone to be around, except the teachers who would soon be preparing to go home too.

Deep down, Elena was hoping for Das to come for her help. But Das had no idea of what was happening with Elena.

Currently, he was in the classroom, counting numbers and warning Elena to come out.

Elena hugged Virza as she said, "Everything will be okay"

"You bitch!" Yumi stood up as she pulled Elena's hair and kicked her in the face.

The other girls also started kicking Elena.

They kicked her in the face, chest, stomach, even on her crippled legs.


As they kicked her leg, Elena let out a painful scream.

"Hey! Cover her mouth or some teacher will come"

One of the girls stuffed her foot in Elena's mouth.

"Good one", said Yumi.

They were crushing Elena's fractured legs with their feet.


Elena was screaming, but nothing was heard.

She kept grunting.

Yumi then grabbed Elena by her collars and said, "This is what you get for playing smart with us, bitch!"

Elena didn't say anything. Her gaze was still focussed on Virza.

Yumi clenched her fist and punched Elena in the face, saying, "This is for kicking my cute face earlier"

She then kicked Elena on the stomach, saying, "Take this, bitch"

Elena was once again slammed into the wall.josei

The other two girls quickly grabbed Elena's hand and made Elena stand up.

Meanwhile, the third girl was beating Virza.

Yumi kept punching and kicking Elena in all the places.

Elena's bruises turned redder and redder.


As Yumi was going to punch on Elena's face, "I…"

Yumi stopped and grabbed Elena's face with her hair and said, "What?!"

"I… came that… day", stuttered Elena.

Yumi gritted her teeth as she kneed Elena's stomach and said, "Then why did you run away?!"

"You are… bad girls. You sell your… body for money"

Yumi punched Elena's face and said, "So what?!"

"I… would never… do that"


Yumi started beating Elena again as she said, "We wanted you to become like us!"

She punched again and said, "We would have been great friends"

"I… would rather die than… sell my body to someone… other than… Das"

"You… bitch!"

Yumi turned around and said, "Hey! Give me that knife!"

The knife was lying beside Virza.

The third girl kicked the knife towards Yumi.

Yumi picked up the knife as she looked at Elena and said, "I will just make your face so ugly that even old men won't want you"


Yumi moved the knife towards Elena's face and said, "What do you want me to write, huh?"

"No... no! Please… stop"

"Heh! Cry all you want now. After we are done with you," she then looked at Virza and said, "We will deal with her"


Yumi cut Elena's cheek a little and said, "I have decided what I should write"

Yumi dig the knife deeper and said, "I will write, 'I am a slutty whore', on your entire face"

"What's going on here?", said the voice from behind Yumi.

Yumi turned around to see a woman standing there; who was holding Virza.

"Hah?! Who the hell are you?", asked Yumi.

The woman took out her phone and started recording the scene.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing?!", Yumi tried to punch that woman.

The woman swiftly dodged it and said, "My name is Serah, and I will be joining this school starting next month as an intern teacher"

All the colors faded from their faces as they ran away, leaving the knife behind.

Elena walked two steps and fell down, but Serah put her phone in her pocket and grabbed Elena.

She looked at Elena, who had bruises all over her body, and her mouth and nose were bleeding.

"How could they do such things?"

She then glanced at Virza and said, "She is less injured...huh?"

Serah's hand was on Virza's back.

She felt something wet and checked her hand.


Serah quickly looked at Virza's back; that was bleeding heavily.

"How… cruel"

'What should I do now?'

'I can't even move my hands or call anyone'

Serah slowly rested Elena on her shoulder as a support and moved her hand to her pocket to take out her phone.

She called an ambulance first and then, as she was about to call the police; she stopped.

'Should I call the police? If I call the police, the school's reputation will go down. And I need this job. What should I do?'

After pondering for a while, 'I will first talk with the head before reporting it to the police'

She then looked at Elena and said, "I am not heartless enough to let these girls get hurt for my job"

Serah just stood there, waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

After a minute or two, Elena opened her eyes and glanced around.

She saw Serah and said, "Who are you?"

"Oh, you are awake?! Stay put, I have called an ambulance, they will be coming here at any minute"


Elena grabbed Virza and said, "Is she okay?!"

"She has lost much blood, but her condition can be in danger if she lost blood anymore"


"Yes, I just said I have called them"

"You did?"

Serah smiled, seeing how Elena was worried about Virza more than herself.

"You should rest on that bench"

"I am fine! Just take care of Virza"


Elena quickly ran away from there.

She dragged her feet to the water fountain and sat there.

'It hurts. It hurts. Everything hurts! Why did this happen?'

She was about to cry, but remembered what Das had told her before he left the room.

She endured the pain and sat there for around five minutes.

Her bruises slowly disappeared.

She watched her face with the tap water.

'I still can't walk properly, but I have to go now'

"Or he will get angry"

Elena slowly made her way to the classroom.

She dragged her feet to the door and opened it.

Das glanced at her but said nothing.

He then looked back at the window he was looking at before Elena opened the door.

She slowly walked in, making sure Das doesn't notice her way of walking.

Elena walked to the desk and stood there.

Her entire body was still aching, but she was enduring all the pain.

Das never looked back at Elena and kept looking at the window.

Elena wanted to call out his name, but she was afraid her voice would break in between and Das would realize everything.

Das then glanced at Elena with the corner of his eyes and sighed.

"You are great. Just great!", Das shouted.

"You went somewhere without even informing, then you came back, and didn't even apologize?!"


"I am seriously disappointed in you"

Elena just stood there and kept looking at her feet.

Das' face twitched as he yelled, "Come on! Say something! Where were you?!"

"I went outside, "

"For what?!" Das then glanced at Elena's clothes and asked, "Why are your clothes so dirty?"

"I slipped in the puddle of dirt"

Elena's lips were constantly trembling, and her eyes were full of tears.

'What happened to her?', Das thought as he stood up.

'She looks like she is about to cry… wait! Could this be because of what I said?!'

'I told her to stop crying before I come back. And she couldn't stop crying, so she went outside'


Das grabbed his and Elena's bag and said, "Let's go home"

When Das was waiting for Elena, he packed up Elena's bag in the meantime.

Das handed her the bag and started walking towards the door.

Das opened the door and heard the sound of a thud coming from behind him.

He hesitantly looked back and saw Elena lying on the floor.

"Hey… what's wrong with you?", Das said with a voice full of worry and fright.

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