The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 387

Chapter 387: What Am... I?

As soon as Das rushed out of the security room, Elena tried to chase him but fell down.

She could see Das running in the hallway.

'This is bad. I don't know why, but he looks so angry.'

"I have never seen him this angry before. He… genuinely looked scary."

Elena heard a thud sound coming from the hallway and saw Das lying on the floor.

She placed her hand on the chair and slowly stood up.

As she was leaving the room, she looked back at the monitor and started walking towards it.

She looked back at Das and said, "I am sorry," as she deleted all the footage.

She slowly made her way to Das and checked his breath.

His face was red as blood, but his breath was functioning properly.


His eyelids moved a little.



Elena brought her ear close to Das' mouth to listen to what he was saying.

"..lena… will… o… no… Li… d."

Elena couldn't figure what he just said, but she could feel the pain in his voice.

"What happened to him?"

Elena still had no idea what caused Das to pass out.

She was having a hard time walking, and going to ask for help would just cause more problems.

She rested Das' head on her lap and waited for anyone to pass by.

As she was waiting for any teachers to pass by, a pair of footsteps walked into the next hallway.

Elena patiently waited for them to turn this way.

After around a minute, which looked like hours to Elena, two female teachers who were headed home passed by the hallway.

They saw Elena sitting on the floor and quickly ran towards her.

"Are you okay?" the teacher asked.josei

Elena quietly nodded and pointed her finger at Das.

"What happened to him? And what were you even doing here?" questioned the other teacher.

"Now is not the time for this," the other teacher said and asked the second teacher to call for some help.

A minute later, the second teacher came with Samuel and two more teachers. One was male, and the other was female.

"What's going-- Das!" Samuel shouted as he crouched down and said, "What happened to him?"

He then looked at Elena and said, "I asked what happened to him?"

"Calm down, Samuel!" The other male teacher shook Samuel and said, "CAn't you see she herself is shocked."

Samuel and the other male teacher carried Das to the infirmary while all the female teachers went home.

After dropping Das at the infirmary, the other male teacher left too.

Meanwhile, Elena was on her way to the infirmary.

She was walking with slow steps, making sure she doesn't fall.

When she reached the infirmary, she saw Samuel talking to himself.

"What am I going to do now?"

"How could this happen?"

"She is going to kill me."

Samuel then noticed Elena, cleared his throat, and said, "I am sorry for earlier."

Elena shook her head and said, "It's fine."

She then looked at Das and said, "Can you tell me what happened to him?"

"He is just sleeping."


"Yeah. I don't--"

As Samuel was explaining the situation to Elena, the door opened.

Samuel glanced at the door, and he felt as if his heart had stopped beating.

It was angela.

She hastily walked at Das and looked at him.

She looked at Samuel with the corner of her eye and said, "Can you explain this, Sam?"

"Angela, believe me. I have no idea how this happened."

"I am not here to hear that. Tell me what happened"

"I don't know. When I came to him, Elena was with him"

Angela then looked at the side where Elena was standing with her head down.

She turned around and said, "Elena,"

Elena slowly looked up at Angela, and as she saw Angela's face, her eye widened.

"Aunt Ange… la"

Angela furrowed her eyebrows and said, "So you remember me."

"I didn't know Das was your son."

Angela turned around and looked at Das, then looked at Samuel and said, "Help me carry him to the car."

Samuel gulped down as he stood up and carried Das in his arms.

"Careful not to drop him."

Angela walked to the door and gestured to Samuel to go first.

Samuel left the room with Das in his arms.

As Angela was about to leave the room, she looked at Elena and said, "Come, I will drop you."

Elena hugged herself and said, "You should take him home."

"I wasn't asking you."


"It wasn't a request. I am ordering you to come with me."

Elena picked her and Das' bag and went outside.

When she reached outside, Samuel was standing at the gate, and Angela was waiting for Elena in her car.

Elena increased her pace even though her legs were giving her enough pain to scream.

She reached the car and tried to open the backdoor.

"Not there, sit in the front seat."

At first, Elena backed up some steps, but Angela opened the door and said, "Come."

Elena reluctantly sat on the front seat as she closed the door.

She then waved her finger at Samuel and signaled him to come closer.

When Samuel walked to the car, Angela turned down the window and said, "I am disappointed in you, Sam."

Samuel just forced a smile in return as ANgela drove off.

They had reached half-way, but no one said anything.

"How do you still remember me?" Angela finally broke the silence.

"Mom always talks about you."

"Is that so?"

Elena nodded.

"What else?"

"Dad always makes an unpleasant face whenever mom mentions you."

Angela grinned a little and said, "He hates my guts."

It was silent after that. 

Elena didn't know what to talk about.

She then looked at the backseat where Das was sleeping.

"I am sorry, aunt."

"What are you apologizing for?"

Elena didn't say anything and just looked down. After a while, they reached Elena's house.

Elena opened the door and got out of the car.

"Thank you."

Angela nodded and said, "Let's meet again sometime. I have many things to talk about."

Angela then drove off.

Elena watched as the car drove off and sighed.

'I can't believe I met aunt Angela'

She then slowly walked to the gate and opened it. She slowly made her way to the front door and went inside the house.

'I am glad that mom and dad are out of town and no one here.'

She walked a few steps and suddenly sat down on the floor.

"I can't… do it anymore."

She curled up her legs and sat there.

Almost an hour passed, but she didn't move an inch.

Elena then moved her legs and said, "It should be okay now."

She stood up and walked to the living room.

After taking some breaths, she threw her back on the sofa and made her way to the bathroom.

The first thing she did after entering the bathroom was taking off her clothes.

She put them into the washing machine and turned it on.

She looked at her naked body in the mirror and just stared at it.

Shen then moved her hand to the mirror and touched her face on it.

'I will write I am a slutty whore on your face.'

Elena covered her ears and stood under the shower.

After washing her body for about half an hour, she got out of the bathroom.

She stretched her body and said, "I feel a lot better now."

Without wiping or covering her body, she walked to the kitchen with her wet body.

Her footsteps and the drops of water followed her as she walked.

Water was still dropping form from her long black hair and her white body.

She grabbed the knife from the counter and stared at it as her lips trembled.

She moved the knife and cut her finger with it.

Blood came out of her cut and moved her finger to the washbasin.

The blood soon formed a drop as it fell down in the washbasin.

Before the second drop could form, her cut healed.

She threw the knife away from her as she hastily sat down on the floor.

"It's been so long that I almost forgot about this"

Her lips trembled as tears fell down from her eyes.

All the pain and suffering she was enduring so far was bursting out now.

"I can cry now, right… Das?"

She cried until her eyes dried up. 

Her eyes had huge black marks under her eyes, and her eyes were red.

She scoffed and said, "Just what am… I?"

'If Das knows I have such a strange body, What will he think?'

"What if he starts hating me?"

She shook her head and said, "No, I am sure he already hates me."

'He also saw that footage. I wonder what he will do when he wakes up?'


After Serah recused Elena and Virza from Yumi and the other three girls, Elena ran away.

Shortly after, the ambulance arrived and took Virza away.

Serah had already informed the school about this, and they summoned an emergency meeting.

Serah showed the recording she took from her phone.

The head was confused at first as to how can something like this happen? Then Serah snapped and threatened them that she would file a report about this to the police if the school doesn't do anything about this bullying.

The head asked for the CCTV recording before making a clear judgment, but much to their surprise, the footage was empty.

Someone had deleted the footage, and it was none other than Elena.

Without any solid proof, the head denied taking any action. But Serah said she would ask the other girl who was stabbed and take her statement.

Reluctantly, the head agreed and gave four months suspension to those four girls.

The school wanted to keep its reputation as a prestigious school and didn't want the public to know about the bullying and told Serah that she needs to keep her mouth shut.

Serah didn't want to take any consequences with her career and agreed but stated that she would go to the police directly if she ever spots any bullying in the school again. 

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