The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Talk With Mentor

"Hey, Adas"

"What is it?"

"How long have you been in love with Elena?"

"What's with that embarrassing question?"

"Answer me"

"Well...I don't know when exactly I fell in love with her but I think, the first day I met her"

"How long?"


"1 year? 2 years?"

"I think around 10 months"

"Only 10 months?"


"Not fair"


"I have been in love with her ever since I was 8 years old"


"I have loved her for 13 years"

"Wait, how is that possible? You met Elena in the game, right?"

"She thinks that but I have known her since we were kids"

"Don't tell me....stalking?"

"Hell no"


"Your name is Das Ryle, right?"


"You are from the royal family, right?"

"How do you know that?"

"My father is a friend of your grandfather"

"What does it have to do with Elena?"

"Elena's grandfather, my father, and your grandfather have been friends since school"


"I used to go to the palace with my father"


"I met Elena, Selena and...there's one other girl, your cousin I think"

"Are you serious?"

"We were only kids. Elena and Selena were around 5 or 6 years old and your cousin was around 3-4? We have played together for months. I remember it because I was a little older than them"

"I can't believe it"

"I have never seen you in the palace"

"I am also the same age as my cousin. Maybe my parents were not around?"

"Maybe...I don't know"

"So, you have loved Elena since then?"

"Yes. She is a little dumb but Selena is smart"

"Don't call her dumb"

"I have been in touch with Selena. She kept me updated with Elena"

"That is clearly stalking"

"Shut up"

"I am glad Elena doesn't remember you"

"That's a cruel thing to say...wait, Does Selena know Elena is going out with you?"

"Elena has told me about Selena. I am sure she has told her about me too"



"Selena is more possessive than me"


"She loves her more than me. It's impossible that she is okay with it"

"Don't say scary things"

"You are just like how Elena told me"

"What did she say?"

"He is very kind and smart. He is handsome and loves me so much"

"Is that so?"

Elena, don't say those things to everyone.

"She also told me that you are afraid of heights"


Don't say these things either!

"It's funny how you managed your first login"

Many things happened on my first login.

"It's not like I am afraid of heights but I have trauma"


"When I was around 7, I was on a trip with my parents. We went to see the mountains, the weather suddenly got bad and I fell down the cliff"


"I was badly injured. I have a huge scar on my back"

"Does Elena know about it?"

"She doesn't"

"What did your grandfather do when he heard that?"

"My parents didn't tell him until I was discharged"

"He is a scary man"


"He has many cases filed against him"josei

"I know"

"He once killed 12 people in court, in front of police, in front of the government"

"They had it coming"


"When my cousin was 6 years old, she was kidnapped. The police found the criminals in 3 hours and sent them for instant judgment, they were sentenced for imprisonment but my grandpa killed them all"

"But still, killing them is little..."

"I would have done the same"

"How can you say that?"

"What's wrong with killing criminals?"

"Do all the royal family have a screw loose?"

"That's rude"

"I am not joking"

"I am not joking either"


"Answer me, how did you know I am from the royal family?"

"Elena told me"

"She would never do that"

She promised me that she would never tell anyone.

"You are sharp"

"Shut up and tell me"



"Rix, you can show yourself"

What is she saying...huh? A pixie?

"This is my personal pixie"

"Wait, don't tell me that you are one of the chosen players"

"How do you...know that?"

"Lily, can you?"

[As you wish]

"Wait, you have pixie too? That means..."

"So you used your pixie to look into my personal information"

"What if I did?"

"That's stalking"

"Stop calling me stalker"

"Does Elena know about this?"

"She doesn't. What about you?"

"She doesn't"

"Guess we are in the same boat"

She was one of the chosen players. There are still 14 others like us.

"Do you know the other 14 players?"

"I don't. It's impossible to identify them"

"Maybe all the top players are them?"

"That's also impossible. My Devip said that whatever we wish shouldn't affect our stats"


"The developer who chose me, I call her Devip"


My Devip also said the same thing but I think my wish did affect my stats.

"Elena is taking her time"

"She must be busy eating and forget about us"

"Hey Das"


"Give me your phone number and Elena's too"

"What why?"

"I want them. I can take it by checking your information but I don't want to do that"

You have already done it many times!

I gave her my and Elena's contact information.

"Nice. If I need to talk to Elena, I will message you"

"Why me?"

"It's embarrassing to talk with her, so I will get her through you"

"You sound like the old me"

"Thank you so much Das"

She was about to hug me but stopped.

"By the way, why do you think Elena plays this game?"

"Because she likes it?"

"There are many other VR games, more amazing than this one, so she only plays this one?"

"Because it's...what was it, f2p?"

"Do you really believe that?"


"What do you think I wished for when the Devip asked me to wish for something"

"What did you wish for?"

"I want to play this game with Elena"



"So you then found Elena in the game?"

"No, she started playing this game a month after that"

"Wait, I am lost. How is that possible?"

"Ask her yourself, bye bye"

She opened the menu and logged out.

"Das, where did Grace go?" Elena came back with two sweets in her hand"

"She just logged out"

"I see. What did you talk about?"

"Nothing. By the way, Elena"


"You said you play this game because it's f2p, right?"

"That's right"

What did Grace mean by that?

"I won this game in the lottery though"


"The game company sent me the VR gear set and VR game for free"


"I mean, do you really think my parents would buy me an expensive VR gear set and VR game?"

"Good point"

Don't tell me that Grace wanted to play this game with her, so the Devip sent Elena the VR gear set and the game? These game developers are crazy!

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Let's log out"

"Yeah. We will level up tomorrow"

We logged out.

"My headache is back again"

After eating lunch and resting for a head got a lot worse.

"It doesn't hurt when I log in to the game"

It's evening. My head hurts so bad that I want to smash it.

"Should I log into the game?"

That will make it worse but I can't endure it anymore.

I logged in.

"It doesn't hurt now"

[Welcome back, Adas]



"Let's go somewhere"

[A date?]


[It's a date]

"Stop pulling my hair"

I don't mind it anymore. I like being around her.

[Adas, do you want to level up? I will help you]

Level up huh? I haven't checked my level yet. I don't know my level. I should check my level.

[Skill Faker Deactivated]

"Let's stats are...huh? Why?"

[What's wrong, Adas?]

"My stats are the same as they were before"

I am still at level 15 with the same stats.

"How is that possible?"

<Corruption rate 48%>

I heard that 'Leveled up' sound when I defeated the sea monster and even after that...

<Corruption rate 56%> <User condition in danger>

I leveled up with Elena and miss Serah too. Elena helped me for 3 days.

"Maybe my Faker skill is still activated?"

My ATK is 320

DEF is 315

AGILITY is 312

I tried changing my stats...oh my bad, I added a 'zero' extra...huh?

My ATK is 3200 now.

"What's going on?"

I tried changing my DEF to a random number and it changed.

"I see so that's how it is"

<Corruption rate 68%>

The Faker skill doesn't fake stats, but it changes the stats.

<Corruption rate 82%> <Corruption rate rapidly increasing>

[Adas, are you okay?]

For 3 days...for 3 days Elena helped me level up. Every day for 3 days, for 4 hours, she continuously helped me.

"But it was all for nothing"

<Corruption rate 94%>

Elena did so much for me but everything was vain...pointless.

"I really hate that word"

[Adas, are you okay? You are scaring me]

<Corruption rate 98%>

Everything was pointless, useless, futile...worthless...hehehehehehehe


[Adas, you look scary]

<Corruption rate 100%>

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