The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 1428

Chapter 1428

Chapter 1428

Chapter 1428

She could only play along for now. Her boss seemed relatively composed, and her emotions were still in check.

If she explained the situation honestly, she would find out that she was missing one of her children. That might shatter her calm demeanor.

Ellinor nodded. “Yeah, he’s as lucky as a four–leaf clover.

He was said to have been blown to smithereens last time, but didn’t he return safe and sound?

I know he wouldn’t deceive me again. He promised me he’d come back, and I believe he will.

The hallway is a tad chilly. I’ll return to my room to rest and wait for his return.”

Murmuring to herself, Ellinor turned around stiffly and walked back to her room. With every step she took, her sorrow seemed to grow.

Ida’s heart ached as she watched Ellinor put on a brave face.

The boss had no idea that Theo had somehow sneaked back and taken one of their children. Only to end up missing.

Yet the boss still had such unwavering faith in him.

If they could never find that man again and never get their first child back, then it would be less painful to let the boss believe that the man had died in that plane crash rather than having her face the harsh reality of betrayal.

Three years later.

Blanchet Corporation, shareholders‘ meeting.

All the shareholders were present, but the president’s seat remained empty.

The meeting was scheduled to start at 9 a.m., and just as the clock was about to strike nine, the office door was pushed open.

A young woman in a business suit, accompanied by a secretary, strode in and naturally took her place in the president’s seat.

With a calm demeanor, she spoke softly, “Apologies for the wait. If everyone’s here, let’s get this meeting started.”

The Blanchet Corporation hadn’t officially held a shareholders‘ meeting in three years.

The shareholders present were all middle–aged men in their forties or older. They were skeptical about a woman being in charge and voiced their dissatisfaction.

Ellinor, expecting such a reaction, leaned back in her chair.

“I understand your reservations about me being in this position, but there’s nothing you can do about it. Since I’m here, it’s legitimate. Instead of expressing your opinions about this, why not discuss the major decisions and future development of the corporation? After all, it directly affects your future positions, don’t you


A grumpy old shareholder sitting on her left grunted. “I don’t mean to be rude, but what does a young lady like you know about corporate development? If your husband is still missing, you should promptly

select a new president among us shareholders to take over the corporation. You don’t own any shares in the corporation, so you sitting proudly in the president’s seat is hardly convincing.”

Ellinor glanced at the challenging old shareholder as she pursed her lips. “What do you mean ‘sitting here proudly‘? You all have no objections to Theo being the president of the Blanchet Corporation, right?

I am Theo’s wife, and in his absence, it is only reasonable that I, his wife, temporarily manage his business. Is there a problem with that?”

Another man sneered. “Wife? As far as we know, you and Mr. Blanchet never got married, did you? At best, you’re just his girlfriend. What gives you the right to take over his business?”

Ellinor remained unperturbed. “Even if I don’t have the legal status to jointly possess the shares held by Theo, my two children are Theo’s primary heirs, right? As the mother of the heirs, I think I have every right to sit here, don’t I?”


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