The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 1573

Chapter 1573

Chapter 1573

Chapter 1573

“We’ll be at the restaurant in about half an hour.”

“Sounds good. Send me the address; I might swing by if I have time.”

Ida, unimpressed with his pretense, hung up the phone.

Ellinor, overhearing this, asked, “What’s Chase up to?”

Ida laughed lightly. “He’s having dinner with his girlfriend’s parents.”

A frown crept onto Ellinor’s face. “What’s he playing at?”

Ida shrugged. “Not sure. He asked for the restaurant’s address and said he might join us. Boss, which restaurant are we heading to?”

Ellinor was unsure. “Let’s decide where to go first, then send him the address.”

Ida agreed. “Alright.”

„-Meanwhile, at the Wesley household.

After hanging up the call, Chase put away his phone and turned to help Belinda’s mother with the dinner preparations. “Mrs. Wesley, let me help you.”

Mrs. Wesley declined politely. “Chase, I heard you on the phone earlier. Do you have some urgent matters to attend to? If so, feel free to go take care of it.”

Chase shook his head with a smile. “It’s nothing urgent. It’s just a friend inviting me to dinner. Restaurant food tends to be too greasy for my liking. I prefer to eat your home-cooked meals.”

Mrs. Wesley was pleased by his flattery. “Then stay here and wait for the dinner I’m preparing for you.”

Chase rolled up his sleeves. “Let me help you with the dishes, Mrs. Wesley.”

Mrs. Wesley stopped him. “No need. Mr. Wesley and I can handle it. Just relax and watch some TV.”

Mr. Wesley/who was chopping vegetables, agreed. “That’s right, Chase. Let us handle it.”

Chase wouldn’t let the opportunity to impress slip. “But Mr. and Mrs. Wesley, I need to contribute something to feel at ease.”

Mrs. Wesley was touched by his thoughtfulness, and to make him feel included, she handed him a couple of garlic bulbs. “Then help me peel these. I’ll need them for the garlic paste. The kitchen can get smoky, so feel free to do it in the living room.”

Chase grinned. “Sure thing.”

He took the garlic and settled down on the sofa to peel them.”

Just then, the door opened.

Belinda Wesley walked in, only to be stunned by the sight of Chase peeling garlic on her living room sofa.

After rubbing her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, she finally asked, “What…what are you doing in my house?”

Chase held up a clove of peeled garlic. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m peeling garlic.”

Belinda looked puzzled. “I can see you’re peeling garlic, but why are you doing it in my house?”

Chase chuckled. “Your parents invited me over for dinner. I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing.”

Belinda frowned, glanced at him, and then dashed into the kitchen.

“Dad, Mom! What’s that guy doing here? When did he show up at our place?”

Upon hearing their daughter’s voice, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley looked up.

Mrs. Wesley shook her head. “Belinda, dear, how can you refer to Chase as ‘that guy’? It’s impolite.”

Not only did she not get an answer, but she also got a lecture from her mother, which made Belinda even more frustrated.

“Mom! Why did you invite him to dinner? Do you know him well?”


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