The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 1589

Chapter 1589

Chapter 1589

Chapter 1589

This time, Ellinor really did step out the door.

After leaving the bathroom, she kissed her son on the forehead and stepped out onto the balcony.

Marcus, maneuvering his wheelchair, slowly emerged from the bathroom. He gazed thoughtfully in the direction of the balcony, then glanced at the new pajamas laid out on the bed.

Adrian tilted his head and said, “Dad, Mom seemed a bit upset when she left, didn’t she?”

Marcus could tell too. There was a certain moodiness about Ellinor as she left, but he couldn’t go after her now.

With a soft sigh, Marcus asked his son, “What does your mom usually do?”

Adrian thought for a moment. “Um… Mom usually works, takes care of us, and looks for my dad.”

Marcus’ eyes deepened. “She’s always looking for your dad?”

Adrian nodded. “Yes! Mom’s always trying to find out where my dad is, but there’s no news from him.”

Marcus squinted his eyes. A strange feeling was stirring in his heart.

Adrian suddenly leaned in. His large, curious eyes were full of anticipation. “Dad, do you like my mom?”.

Marcus looked at his son. “Why do you ask that?”

Adrian proudly raised his little face. “Because lots of men like my mom after they meet her.”

Marcus’ eyes darkened. “Many men? Does your mom meet a lot of men?”

“Mom has to go to work, so of course she meets a lot of people.”

Marcus frowned. “Is that so? How do these men show they like your mom? How do you know about it?”

Even a child could tell if these men were harassing her.

Adrian honestly said, “They call and text my mom to express their feelings, but mom ignores them and only talks about work.”

Marcus felt a heaviness in his chest. He gripped the armrests of his wheelchair with all his might. He had an increasing urge to stand up.

At the entrance of the Rex residence.

Chase parked the car by the roadside. Bartlett got out with a smile, thanked him, and went into the house.

The front passenger window rolled down slowly. Belinda watched Bartlett’s retreating figure, her expression suddenly becoming a bit worried. “Um… If without Uncle, I think Ellinor and Bartlett would be quite happy together.”

“Unfortunately, there are no ifs.” Chase said with a light smile. “Ellinor could never love another man.”

Belinda turned to look at him. “I think so too. That’s why I feel even more sorry for Ellinor. Uncle is probably in danger, and Ellinor is waiting for him alone with three kids. When will it end?”

Chase raised an eyebrow. “If there’s someone she loves deeply, waiting can also be a kind of happiness.”

Belinda disagreed. “Waiting with an end in sight is happiness. Endless waiting is definitely not happiness. No one would feel happy waiting for someone whose fate is uncertain.”

Chase reached out and lightly grazed her cheek with his fingers. “Always worried about Ellinor, huh? How about showing some concern for your boyfriend?*

Belinda looked confused and a bit shy. “What’s wrong with you? Aren’t you here, fine and dandy? What should I worry about?”

Chase took her hand and placed it on his chest. How about my emotions? I’m feeling a bit nervous here.”


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