The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2044

Chapter 2044

Chapter 2044

Chapter 2044

Ivy stood frozen, her mind a whirlwind of emotions, as Balfour shoved Giselle, aiming to put some distance between them.

In that same instant, Giselle caught sight of Ivy not far off, her eyes suddenly gleaming with malice. She deliberately leaned closer to Balfour and whined, “Look, Balfour, isn’t that Ivy over there?”

The moment Ivy appeared, a flicker of panic crossed Balfour’s eyes.

To any onlooker, the scene painted a suspicious picture of their relationship.

Ivy watched them for what felt like an eternity before marching over, thrusting Balfour’s phone into his hand, and turning on her heel to leave.

“Ivy!” Balfour called out.

She did not stop. Balfour knew Ivy had gotten the wrong idea, and he pushed Giselle aside, intending to chase after Ivy.

Giselle had finally achieved her goal, making Ivy witness a compromising scene, and she was not about to let Balfour off the hook that easily…


Before Balfour could take more than a few steps, Giselle suddenly screamed and collapsed into his arms. “Balfour, save me,” she gasped before pretending to faint.

With no choice left, Balfour reluctantly turned back. No matter how he shook her, Giselle remained limp and unresponsive.

A life at stake could not be ignored, so Balfour could only watch as Ivy disappeared from his view.

“Quinton,” Balfour bellowed, and Quinton came running in from outside to stand by his side.

Without much care, Balfour dumped Giselle into Quinton’s arms. “Take her to the hospital.”

“On it!” Quinton responded and quickly carried Giselle away.

Pretending to be unconscious, Giselle was frustrated to leave like this, but she could not reveal her act. If Balfour discovered her ruse, any semblance of their long-standing acquaintance would be shattered.

Once Quinton had taken Giselle, Balfour headed toward the hotel. He needed to clear the air with Ivy; he could not allow her to. harbor such misconceptions about his relationship with Giselle.

He had barely taken a few steps when his phone rang.


“Mr. Howard, all the executives are present; we’re just waiting on you.”

Today’s meeting was crucial. Any mishap could impact the Howard Group’s objectives for the remainder of the year.

Torn between following Ivy and attending to his professional duties, Balfour finally said with a heavy voice, “Alright, I’ll be right there.”

After hanging up, he lingered, gazing in the direction of the hotel for a minute before resolutely walking away.

Back at the hotel, Ivy shut the door behind her and slumped onto the sofa, her spirit in shambles.

Images of Giselle nestled in Balfour’s embrace, haunted her, refusing to let her find peace.

“Focus on the script,” Ivy muttered, picking up the screenplay from the table and attempting to read.

She flipped through the pages without absorbing a single word.

“Ugh!” Frustrated, Ivy leaned back against the sofa, covering her face with the script.

She could not be a saint, indifferent to the sight of Balfour holding another woman in his arms.


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