The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2046

Chapter 2046

Chapter 2046

Chapter 2046

“Really? Yet she snagged Best Actress? Talk about a stroke of luck.” Ivy had never watched any of Giselle’s TV shows or movies, but after overhearing this tidbit, she made a mental note to binge-watch some of Giselle’s work when she had a free moment.

The two had been chatting up a storm when the crew signaled that everything was ready to roll. The director called for attention, and Ivy quickly touched up her makeup before dashing to her mark.

The brief exchange had brightened Ivy’s spirits considerably.

Back in the zone, Ivy’s scenes unfolded effortlessly. Her grip on the emotional nuances of her character in “Ballad of Valor” was getting stronger by the day, and they were wrapping scenes ahead of schedule.

Colton could not hide his enthusiasm after wrapping up the morning’s shoot. “Ivy, you’re hitting your stride. I knew you had it in you, but you’re even better than I imagined. Keep this up!”

Ivy blushed at the high praise, feeling a mix of pride and humility. “You’re too kind, Director. I’ve still got a ways to go compared to the seasoned pros, but it sure feels great to meet your expectations.”

“I mean every word,” Colton assured her, giving her a thumbs up. “Ballad of Valor is going to be the hit of the year!”

Little did he know that very thumbs-up was like a thorn in Giselle’s side.

Just the day before, Giselle had faked fainting to hold onto Balfour’s attention, which had landed her a night in the hospital for observation-commitment to the role, as she saw it. Fresh from her hospital discharge, she was just passing by the “Ballad of Valor” set, hoping to make her presence felt.

Instead, she caught the tail end of Colton’s praise for Ivy.

It stung to think that Ivy, a complete novice, was seen as a gifted actress while she was deemed unfit in Colton’s eyes.

Watching Ivy and Colton converse, Giselle turned on her heel and returned to her trailer.

Her assistant and agent exchanged worried glances before following her.

Once inside her trailer, Giselle sat down with a huff, swiping everything off the table in a fit of rage. “Ivy has become quite the darling, hasn’t she? Charmed the pants off Colton with so little effort. What a scene!”

Her agent, trying to keep things light-hearted, coaxed, “Giselle, why get worked up over her? We’ve got a shoot tomorrow. Stay calm, or it’ll show on your skin, and you won’t look as beautiful as usual.”

“What’s the point of looking good? Haven’t I told you how crucial ‘Ballad of Valor’ is for my career shift? Why didn’t you secure the role for me?” Giselle vented her frustration on her agent.

The agent listened silently. She had done her best, after all.

Giselle had been clear about using “Ballad of Valor” as a pivot away from typecast commercial roles, and her agent had been proactive in liaising with Colton’s team, even securing an audition.

But what good had it done? Colton had barely concealed his displeasure during Giselle’s audition, dismissing her suitability outright.

Now, Giselle was pinning the blame squarely on her agent.

Swallowing her grievances, the agent could only placate her. “Giselle, even without ‘Ballad of Valor; there are plenty of other scripts to choose from. Besides, you’re young and beautiful, no rush to change lanes. There are scores of actresses who’d kill for the ‘decorative’ roles you’ve mastered.”


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