The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2104

Chapter 2104

Chapter 2104

Chapter 2104

All of a sudden, she spent a million bucks today? What on earth did she buy?

To Balfour, a million was just a drop in the bucket, but it was unlike Ivy to spend such a hefty sum all at once.

Knowing Ivy, she would not touch his money without a good reason.

What had happened?

Something felt off, and Balfour immediately made a call.

But, to his surprise, the call went straight to voicemail.

This was not normal!

Balfour, increasingly worried, furrowed his brows and reached out to the film crew to check if Ivy was on set.

The crew member on the other end replied truthfully, “Mr. Howard, Ivy wrapped up her scenes early this afternoon and left. She mentioned something about browsing a bookstore.”

Balfour hung up, puzzled. Browsing a bookstore? Why would her phone be off, then?

He then called home, only to find out Ivy was not there either.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was amiss. With a sense of urgency, he stood up, pushed open his office door, and commanded his assistant Quinton, “Track Ivy’s phone location. I need to know where she is right now!”

“Right away, sir!”

Quinton did not know what was going on, but by the looks of Balfour’s face, he did not dare ask and immediately ordered the tech team to start tracking.

Meanwhile, in the abandoned skyscraper, Raven and his gang, who were not exactly scholars, had managed to switch off Ivy’s phone but had completely forgotten about the possibility of phone tracking, leaving them unprepared.

“Boss, this money was a piece of cake! A whole million bucks!” said the buzz-cut man, squatting on the ground, unable to stop smiling at the bank card balance.

“This is way better than that Clara chick, giving us just a little down payment, treating us like we’re some street beggars!”

The buzz-cut man was easily satisfied; a million dollars was a fortune he had never even dreamed of.

But Raven thought differently. If this woman could cough up a million without batting an eye, that meant she could give them more. It should not be too hard to squeeze her for a little extra, right?

Ivy watched them quietly, guessing that they would probably get greedy.

No matter what, as long as she could buy some time, that was all that mattered!

Would Balfour have noticed the transfer? He was smart; he should have sensed that something was off by now.

Back at Howard Group’s tech department, everyone was fervently working to pinpoint Ivy’s location.

“Mr. Howard, we’ve got a location,” the technician reported, presenting a tablet to Balfour. “The satellite has located the individual in question in an unmarked area. It appears to be an abandoned skyscraper

that’s been deserted for a couple of years.”

Balfour’s expression was grave. “How far? How long will it take to get there from here?”

“About 60 kilometers. At top speed, it’ll take around an hour.”

“Too long. Isn’t there a quicker route?”

An hour was a lifetime. There was no telling what those kidnappers might do to Ivy in that time.

He could not wait another second; he had to get there fast!

“There is another path, Mr. Howard, but it’s quite rough. It could be dangerous to rush it. You could take the underpass to the mountain road. It’s a half-hour trip, but the mountain pass is the risky part-narrow and full of twists. Not exactly ideal for a high-speed chase.”

Balfour did not wait to hear about the dangers; he had already made up his mind.

We take that route. Let’s go!”

No matter the risks, if it meant saving time, it was worth it.


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