The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2127

Chapter 2127

Chapter 2127

Chapter 2127

Ivy’s gaze dropped, the weight of realization heavy in her eyes. She knew she wasn’t the one he desired, which was precisely why he hadn’t stayed with her today.

But she quickly covered for Balfour with an excuse, “He’s swamped with work and so busy. Who isn’t working these days? I should- be heading to the studio soon myself.”

A small laugh escaped Ivy, but the tears brimming in her eyes made Grandma’s heart ache even more.

“What happened next? How did Balfour find out you were kidnapped?” Grandma asked, her voice laced with concern.

Ivy bit her lip, hesitant, “I forced the kidnapper to charge a million dollars on the credit card Balfour gave me. He sensed something was off and came after me with help. If it wasn’t for his sharp instincts, I might have…”

Grandma’s expression turned frosty, “My dear, you’ve been through so much. Did they find out who was behind it?”

Ivy was torn. How could she admit that the person who had harmed her was her own flesh and blood?

“It was…


Grandpa pondered for a moment, “That name sounds a bit familiar.”

Ivy sighed, “Grandpa, you’re not wrong. She’s my sister.”


Both Grandma and Grandpa were flabbergasted. The idea of a sister meticulously plotting against her own sibling was absurd to them.

Grandma was resolute, “You shouldn’t go filming today. It’s too dangerous after what you’ve just been through. Taking a day off is only reasonable. If you’re worried about speaking to the crew, I’ll handle it.”

She reached for her phone, but Ivy quickly stopped her.

“Grandma, there’s no need! If we don’t film today’s scenes, it’ll delay the whole production schedule. Besides, Clara’s been arrested. She’s in jail now so no one else is going to hurt me!”

Yet, the old lady felt the outside world was fraught with dangers. Even Ivy’s sister could hurt her, not to mention others.

“Do you really have to go to the set today?” Grandma asked. Her brow was furrowed with worry, but seeing Ivy nod, she didn’t push further.

After all, the young couple were workaholics.

“Alright then, let’s have the family driver take you to and from the set. We’ll also assign a couple of bodyguards to accompany you. I promise they won’t interfere with your work, okay?”

Ivy nodded obediently, knowing that everything Grandma arranged was out of concern for her. “Grandma, Grandpa, don’t worry. I’ll be extra cautious from now on and take good care of myself.” Grandma stroked Ivy’s hair with a tender touch. She just thought the kid to be so well-behaved.

She couldn’t fathom how the elders in the family had allowed such a thing to happen. How could a sister harm her sibling? And since the incident, Ivy had never once mentioned her parents’ stance on the matter.

It was probably with their silent consent.

In this world, perhaps no parents can be completely fair. It was this lack in familial bonds that led Ivy to the kindness of Alyssa and Dean. Though they weren’t her biological grandparents, they had given her a taste of what a warm family felt like, and that was enough.

Before Ivy left for the set, Grandma packed some homemade pastries she had prepared that morning, a small gesture of love for Ivy to take along.


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