The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2144

Chapter 2144

Chapter 2144

Chapter 2144

“Of course, the most important reason is that I know you’re not that kind of person. I believe in you, and the evidence I’ve seen is all based on that belief.”

Ivy was caught off guard when Balfour gave her the earnest answer she had been longing for after a bout of playful banter.

They reached the front door of their home, and Balfour turned to face her with a serious look.

“I know it’s tough being treated like a suspect. But trust me, the real culprit will slip up eventually. For now, all you need is a little patience.”

His voice was soft yet filled with strength, and Ivy nodded incessantly, “I believe in you.”

“Alright, wipe your tears away. If Grandma sees your eyes all red, she’ll pin me down with questions, thinking I’ve been picking on you.”

Ivy quickly touched her own cheeks, which were still surprisingly dry.

Looking up, she caught Balfour’s eyes crinkling with laughter.

“You’re teasing me again!”

Balfour just chuckled as they walked hand in hand into the villa.

“My, why are you two only getting back now? Balfour, did you get tied up at the office again and forget to pick up Ivy?”

Hearing their entrance, Alyssa quickly stood up, her gaze at Balfour tinged with mild disapproval.

Ivy couldn’t bear to see him nagged by Alyssa and hurriedly interjected, “It was my film crew that had issues today, so we were held up. It’s not Balfour’s fault.”

Ivy looked genuinely worried that Alyssa would scold Balfour, which was much to the old lady’s amusement.

“There, there, I’m just an old woman who likes to chatter. Look at you all worried! Lunch is ready. Let’s eat. You both have been busy all morning, you must be starving.”

With a bowl of hearty soup warming her stomach, Ivy felt her spirits being soothed as well.

The old lady was happy to see them eat enjoyably.

How she wished for these peaceful days to continue..

After lunch, Balfour and Ivy retreated to their room. But it wasn’t long before Balfour said he had to leave.

“Is there something at the office? Why do you need to go out at this hour?”

Normally, they would both take a little nap around this time. It was one of their shared habits.

Unless there was an emergency, neither would leave the house shortly after lunch. Balfour’s departure seemed out of the ordinary.

But Balfour just told her to rest at home and not to worry about going to the set that afternoon.

“Just stay home and relax. I’ll be back by evening.”

With that, he gently ruffled Ivy’s hair and turned to leave.

As the door clicked shut behind him, Ivy felt an unstoppable wave of desolation.

What did she really mean to Balfour?

Even if they were just acting partners, couldn’t he share his whereabouts with her?

He seemed to know every move she made, yet when it came to Balfour’s plans, she was completely in the dark.

The imbalance left her even more unsettled.

Ivy forced herself to lie on the couch for a while. But every time she closed her eyes, she saw the accusing faces from the set, branding her a criminal.

She had to get up and brew herself some water.

Thank goodness Balfour had brought her back from the set. If he didn’t come, she would probably still be there, locked in a standoff.

Standing by the window, lost in thought, Ivy gazed outside. It wasn’t long before a knock at the door came from one of the household staff.


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