The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2170

Chapter 2170

Chapter 2170

Chapter 2170

“Was it my problem, or have you been lying to me all along?”

Balfour uttered indifferently, feeling there was no longer any point in prolonging the conversation with Giselle. It was useless to press for an admission she was unwilling to make.

“No! I haven’t lied. It’s you who won’t trust me. You’ve been charmed by Ivy, but I’m the innocent one here!”

Giselle’s defensiveness only heightened as Ivy frowned impatiently.

“Giselle, if you keep slandering me, I’ll sue you for defamation! You’re the one who should be confessing!”


Ivy’s cool demeanor only fueled Giselle’s anger. She glared fiercely, “Who do you think you are? Telling me to confess? I’ve already told you, I didn’t put that clothe in my bag! Stop playing the saint, Ivy. I know it was you. You probably bought a larger size and slipped it into my bag when no one was looking!”

Ivy crossed her arms, watching Giselle unravel.

This woman was falling apart at the seams!

Ivy felt her vindication was imminent. Since the day she’d decided to play this role, her aim was solely to deliver a convincing performance.

She was also acutely aware of another critical role she was playing: Mrs. Balfour.

The only one failing to see reality was Giselle, who believed Ivy was the obstacle between her and Balfour. Little did she know, even without Ivy’s presence, the Howard clan would never have welcomed her.

Giselle’s desperate defense was fruitless. Anyone with a shred of sense wouldn’t buy the near- hysterical woman’s story.

Still, that bespectacled woman stood loyally by the starlet.

She figured Giselle held far more clout than Ivy

Giselle would surely remember who had stood by her side.

“Don’t let Ivy deceive you, folks. She’s always been envious of Giselle. This is clearly a setup.”

Someone in the crowd asked with a furrowed brow, “What’s your stake in this? Why are you so protective of Giselle? Are you her insider or something?”

The woman with glasses chuckled awkwardly, “What are you talking about? I just can’t stand watching everyone blindly trust Ivy over an innocent Giselle.”



“Oh, please. We’ll believe whoever has the proof. Do you think we’re all as gullible as you?” The bespectacled woman was left feeling battered and bewildered. Moments ago, the crowd had been eager to hear her take down Ivy, but now they seemed swayed by Ivy’s


Meanwhile, Giselle was a mess of tears and nonsensical pleas, repeating her convoluted feelings for Balfour over the years.

Her face was ashen, her eyes red and swollen. She was the picture of misery.

“Balfour, you have to believe me. I didn’t do this. You always used to stand by me, why won’t you now? Is it because of Ivy?”

Balfour’s brows knitted together, and he no longer wished to hear Giselle’s nagging voice.

As Giselle continued to implore Balfour’s trust, Ivy felt her stomach turn.

At that moment, Balfour pulled out his phone and dialed someone, barking a few brief orders.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted from outside the studio. A squad of uniformed officers marched in with a purpose if not the police, then who?

“Mr. Howard.”

They greeted Balfour with a nod. He acknowledged them, and they sprang into action, swiftly cuffing Giselle’s wrists.


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