The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2234

Chapter 2234

Chapter 2234

Chapter 2234

Ivy’s eyes crinkled into a tired smile as Balfour gave what sounded like a veiled promise.

She still looked exhausted, nearly dozing off again after their brief exchange.

“Go ahead and sleep. I’ll stay right here with you,” Balfour murmured soothingly, gently stroking her hair. His usually firm gaze softened, a rare occurrence, as Ivy, struggling against the drowsiness, prompted him to check in with their grandparents.

“I’ll give them a call in a bit.”

“Do it now. They must be worried sick.”

Only after Balfour agreed did Ivy allow herself to drift off into a peaceful slumber.

As Ivy’s breathing steadied in sleep, Balfour couldn’t help but lean in to make sure her chest rose and fell as it should. He feared that Ivy’s breath might be as feeble as it was previously. According to the doctors, Ivy’s breathing was practically negligible when she was initially brought in. He couldn’t even imagine his reaction if he had witnessed it.

He’d never considered how vital Ivy had become to him until the stark realization that he couldn’t lose her hit home-just the thought was unbearable.

“Get well soon so you can go back to driving me nuts, okay?” he murmured affectionately, watching over her a moment longer before stepping out to make the call.


“Oh, Balfour, has Ivy woken up?”

It was the time of day when Alyssa and Dean would usually be resting, but their concern for Ivy had kept them on edge, unable to sleep.

“Yeah, she’s awake. We talked a bit, and now she’s asleep again. The doctor says she’s going to be fine, just needs plenty of rest. Don’t worry.”

“Oh, thank goodness she’s awake! Make sure she rests, and you take good care of her at the hospital. When you’re both back, I’ll make her favorite chicken noodle soup-a proper pick-me-up for you both,” Alyssa said, her voice shaking with relief, while Dean chuckled in the background.

“Don’t worry, I’m with her. You and Grandpa should get some rest. You’ve been at the hospital all morning. Ask Emily to light some sage for you.”

“Emily already did that when we got home. We’ll head to bed as soon as we hang up.”

With Balfour’s reassurance, the elderly couple felt a weight lift from their shoulders. They had been so worried about Ivy.

“Alright, then. Get some sleep, and I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay, Balfour. Take care.”

After hanging up, the joy was still evident on Alyssa’s face.

“I always said Ivy has a guardian angel looking out for her. Nothing bad could happen.”

Dean nodded in agreement. “Balfour and Ivy, both blessed. They’re a match made in heaven, haha.”

“Let’s go rest now. You’ve been yawning away. Alyssa said, not forgetting to look after her husband.

They had to take care of themselves if they wanted to be around for many more years to come.

“Right you are!”


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