The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2253

Chapter 2253

Chapter 2253

Chapter 2253

Colton’s voice cut through the tension like a knife, “Look, if the perpetrator’s already got blood on their hands, they won’t care how many of us are here. If they’ve gone berserk, seeing red, that’s when Thalia’s truly in the crosshairs. What we need to do is find her, and do it quickly!”

Margot nodded, a little sheepishly, acknowledging she wouldn’t run her mouth off anymore.

She began to recollect the sounds she heard during the call with Thalia. The place was whipped by the wind, strewn with rocks, but more importantly, it sounded like there was the clanging of trash cans!

“Wait, I’ve got it! There’s a spot with those metal recycling bins, surrounded by chain-link. fences! That’s the noise, I’m sure of it! I don’t know what got knocked into them, but I remember that distinct clatter of bins.”

Normally, Margot might’ve missed such a trivial detail, but in the heat of the moment, it came to her.

She even figured it was the sound of trash cans.

“There’s only one place around here with those kinds of bins. If I’m not mistaken, it’s to our left.”

The producer pointed in that direction; his eyes shadowed with concern.

They all knew the area well, having been dragged around by Colton during the shoot. No one would’ve guessed they’d be back under such dire circumstances.

“Let’s split up. The quicker we find Thalia, the better. The longer it takes, the more danger she’s in!”

Colton and the producer headed one way, while Margot stuck close to Balfour’s heels.

“Keep it down when we’re out there, and for goodness’ sake, if you see something scary, don’t scream. We don’t want to tip our hand, got it?”

Balfour’s condescending tone sent a shiver down Margot’s spine, but she swallowed her fear for the sake of the rescue.

“Got it, Mr. Howard,” she murmured with a hint of defiance.

Balfour didn’t need her to do anything; he simply wanted her to stay cool and not slow him down.

Meanwhile, Thalia was shivering behind a dumpster, her legs numb from crouching.

Using the shadows of the night as her cloak, she carefully shifted her weight, hoping to move to a safer spot.

But fate had other plans as her foot crunched down on the gravel, the sound piercing the still mountain air.

Kael let out a sinister chuckle, “Oh, Thalia, Thalia. Just stay put, would you? I’ve got your number now! Don’t move, I’m coming for you. Why can’t you be a good girl, eh? If you’d just stayed put, I could’ve made it quick and painless for you! But no, you had to make me hunt, and now… now you get to taste my wrath! Ha-ha-ha!”

Alone on the mountain, Kael couldn’t believe it took him so long to find her, especially since she had been right behind him all along. His temples throbbed with rage as he flexed his wrist, a twisted grin spreading across his face.

In this moment, he couldn’t tell if the rush he felt was from nearing the completion of Diana’s task or the impending release of his fury upon Thalia.

At first, when Diana gave him the job, he just felt bound by their shared fate on this twisted journey. Whatever Diana wanted, he’d do without question. But now, the thought of

Thalia’s fragile neck going limp in his grasp thrilled him beyond measure.

With these dark thoughts, Kael took menacing steps toward Thalia.


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