The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2492

Chapter 2492

Chapter 2492

Chapter 2492

“Let’s call it a day, Ivy. Your fan meet is just around the corner, and you’ve got the moves down. No

need for any last-minute cramming,” Ms. Madison advised with a reassuring smile.

“Got it. I’ll be sure to remember everything. And I’ve saved a ticket for you. Make sure you come,

okay?” Ivy replied, her voice bubbling with excitement.

Ms. Madison couldn’t help but feel a thrill of anticipation as Ivy smiled and waved her goodbye; Ivy’s

fan meet was the hottest ticket in town, and to think she had reserved one especially for her – it was a

sweet gesture that didn’t go unnoticed.

As Ivy and Balfour made their way out, Ivy hadn’t even reached the door before Balfour, ever so

thoughtful, had her jacket ready for her.

“Put this on now. You’re all sweaty, and if you catch a cold draft outside, you might catch a chill,” he

said with concern.

Ivy slipped into the jacket and leaned in close to Balfour, whispering, “Did I do okay in there?”

For some reason, Balfour’s cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson when Ivy drew near.

“Yeah, good,” he managed to say.

“No way,” Ivy exclaimed, her eyes widening in astonishment. “How can you be blushing?”

She had never seen such an expression on Balfour’s face before!

“Are you getting shy on me?” Ivy teased, feeling her own cheeks warm up in response

Despite always receiving praise from her dance coach, Ivy couldn’t shake off her nerv She had never

performed in front of an audience before, and the thought of her very fi show being in front of her

adoring fans was daunting. She wanted to surprise and deli them, but Balfour’s unexpected reaction

had thrown her for a loop.

Yet, Balfour seemed reluctant to admit it.

It wasn’t until they reached the front door of their home and Balfour opened the car door for her that

she faintly heard him say, “Not bad.”

But it was more than just “not bad” to Balfour. In that moment, a fierce desire to keep her all to himself

had surged within him. He just didn’t want her to dance in front of the crowd. All because of Ivy’s

glowing look on stage.

He had imagined what Ivy would look like dancing, but the reality far exceeded his expectations.

Watching her move, he wanted nothing more than to claim her as his own.


Balfour and Ivy now lived in a different building, a quiet place where only the two of them, along with an

occasional housekeeper, resided.

Ivy cherished the solitude she shared with Balfour, their private little world. But the sound of the

doorbell was an unexpected interruption. Who could it be at their door?

Freshly showered, Ivy wrapped a towel around her damp hair and went to answer the door. But the

face that appeared on the video screen caught her off guard. “Mara? What is she doing here?”

Ivy couldn’t help but wonder if Mara had a hand in some of the events that had transpired. When

Balfour had last spoken to her about Mara, he had made his intentions clear. Mara had understood that

she and Balfour could never be a couple and had willingly taken on the role of a sister.

Although Ivy wasn’t entirely trusting of Mara, she didn’t want to assume too much. All she needed was

Balfour’s unwavering commitment.

Ivy opened the door, trying not to show too much enthusiasm. “Mara, what brings you here?”


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