The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 559

Chapter 559

Chapter 559

Theo turned around, got into his car that was parked behind him, and then drove away

After watching Theo’s car vanish at the end of the rond, Chase turned his gaze to Ellinor and asked, “Ellinor, what’s the deal? Why did Theo drop you off again, and you mentioned that someone’s got it in for you? Is that true?”

Although Theo had left, Ellinor let out a sigh of relief, but her anxiety didn’t ease up. She waved her hand tiredly. “It’s a long story! I’m beat; let’s head home

and rest first.”

Meanwhile, somewhere else.

In a car on the road, Collin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned to look at Mr. Blanchet in the back seat, whose face was as dark as thunder. He felt the pressure and dared not speak.

However, when Mr. Blanchet stepped out of the car to rescue Ms. Mendoza, he left his phone in the car and Ms. Wesley called Fearing it might be an emergency, Collin picked up the call instead.

He had to relay what Ms. Wesley had told him to Mr. Blanchet.

After a moment of consideration, he mustered up the courage to speak.

“Mr. Blanchet, Ms. Wesley just called. She said it’s her mother’s birthday today and she hopes you can come over for dinner to celebrate.”

Belinda Wesley’s mother was almost twenty years older than him.

Theo’s mother passed away when he was very young, and Belinda’s mother had always cared for Theo like a parent.

Collin waited a long time without getting a response from Theo, so he gathered up his courage to ask again, “Mr. Blanchet, are we going to Ms. Wesley’s or back to the Blanchet villa?”

Theo seemed to snap back to reality, slowly raising his head and blankly said, “To the Wesley’s.”

Ever since Ellinor left, the Blanchet villa lost its liveliness and he rarely went back during this period.


Collin received his instructions and then signaled the driver to change direction.

At the Wesley’s.

Belinda came out of the kitchen holding a platter of fat and juicy crabs with a bright smile on her face, seeming to be in high spirits.

She put the platter of crabs in the middle of the dining table. But once she looked at the abundance of dishes, she felt it wasn’t enough. So she turned around and called into the kitchen.

‘Mom! You and Zola should get a few more dishes ready: Theo’s surely bringing his wife today! It’s her first time at our house; we can’t treat her shabbily!” Mrs. Wesley came out with a plate of salad, looking at her daughter, who was always bustling about, “I know! You’ve said it at least a dozen times! It’s my birthday today and you’re making me cook so much; aren’t you afraid I’ll drop dead from exhaustion?”

Belinda gave a small smile, walked up to her mother, wrapped her arm around her and cooed, “Mom, I know you’re working hard! But the food I make doesn’t taste that good; only the crabs are passable, or else I’d cook everything myself!

I’m mainly worried that my cooking will be so terrible that it will scare people off!”


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