The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 566

Chapter 566

Chapter 566

Watching Ellinor’s retreating figure, Patricia finally dropped her icy facade, turned around, and put on her usual sweet and gentle smile.

She said to the new secretary in the CEO’s office. “Jone. I hope you can keep an eye on my brother from now on. As you know, many wornen try to get close to him under the guise of work, and I want to keep him from being bothered by women with ulterior motives”

The secretary named Jone nodded in agreement, ‘Miss Howard, I understand. Don’t worry, I’ve got this. If anything happens on Mr. Howard’s end, I’ll let you know right away, especially any moves by that sales manager. I won’t give her any chance to pester Mr. Howard.”

“Mmm, I’m relieved you’re here. Jone, you’re special and nothing like those ordinary girls. Keep it up, okay?” Patricia said, smiling warmly. Then she turned and walked into her brother’s office

Jone blushed, feeling secretly delighted as her mind began to run wild.

Miss Howard just said that she was different from other girls and even told her to keep it up.

Did this mean Miss Howard wouldn’t mind her getting close to Mr. Howard and she might have a chance to become the lady of the Howard family? Would Miss Howard accept her?

If so, Miss Howard really was as kind as the rumors said, without any of the arrogance of a rich girl.

In the CEO’s office.

When Patricia walked in with a thermos, her brother Balfour was frowning at a test paper their younger brother Byran had just finished, his frown deepening the more he read.

“What the heck have you been learning all these years? You can’t even do basic math?”

Byran was terrified. His head was lowered, not daring to speak.

He didn’t know how to answer any of the questions, but he didn’t dare leave them blank in front of Balfour, so he just wrote whatever came to mind.

Balfour rubbed his forehead, barely able to accept that this uneducated, unintelligent child was a member of the Howard family and his own little brother. He had intended to go over the wrong answers and explain the concepts Byran didn’t understand, but there wasn’t a single correct answer!

All those tutors they’d hired over the years were a total waste. Despite years of coaching from renowned teachers, Byran’s academic level was still at an elementary school level. He was absolutely hopeless.

Balfour’s face looked stormy as he threw the paper back in front of Byran, “Rewrite it all!”

“Okay…” Byran was so scared that he didn’t dare breathe. He put his head down as he started to rewrite.

Seeing this, Patricia sighed in resignation and walked over.

“You’re tutoring Byran? Don’t be so mad. I brought some chicken soup. Let’s take a break and have some soup.”

Balfour looked up when he heard the sound of her voice, his expression still not softening. “What are you doing here again? The kid is still in the hospital; shouldn’t you be there taking care of him? Who’s going to look after him if you’re not there?”

Patricia was taken aback by her brother’s cold and displeased tone.

He had never spoken to her like this before. Ever since Ellinor exposed her bribery of the restaurant waiter yesterday, he had been distant and hardly spoke to her.

She explained in a small voice, “I left Haillie and the nanny with the kid. I thought you might be tired from work, so I brought you some soup. I asked the nanny to cook extra when she was making it for Baber. You must be tired from work, so have some soup to replenish your energy”

Balfour glanced at the thermos in her hand and said nothing. “The kid has burns. He needs to eat less greasy food.”

Patricia looked pale, “I know, I…


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