The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 933

Chapter 933

Chapter 933

Chapter 933

Jonah Wyton also asked Elinor. To true what these individuals are saying? if this is the case, the Blanchet Corporation could suffer signifz, and kisses as a result of your actions.”

Bartlett Rex also looked at her with concern, Tinot, are you okay?”

Elanor Mendoza didn’t answer anyone’s questions the stared firmly at Then Blanchet, trying to gauge his reaction, but he never looked up, and there was no response from him

She guessed that the mother and daughter who had caused a scene at the Blanchet family that day probably didn’t gain any benefits, so they werd to the media to “publicize” those events

However, it was unlikely that a background less mother and daughter would be the only ones to cause such a large commotion Domestic medis also wouldn’t dare to casually report on the Blanchet Corporation’s affairs. So, there must be other forces at play here.

“Hmm? These trending hashtags are all gone!”

One of the girls in the living room suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Other girls also took out their phones to check.

“They really disappeared!”

How strange! Suddenly, all the relevant discussions vanished!”

1 can’t even find them when I search now!”

Listening to their discussions, Ellinor also looked down at her phone. Indeed, all the hashtags related to her and the Blanchet Corporation had disappeared.

At that moment, Theo put away his phone, gracefully stood up, and looked at Ellinor coldly. “Are you leaving?”

Ellinor felt like he was provoking her.

She frowned, “If I say I’m not leaving, will you agree?”

Theo calmly and firmly responded, “No”

Ellinor rolled her eyes. She knew it would be like this. She didn’t want to stay there either, so she stood up. Belinda Wesley saw this scene and came over, asking, “Theo, you guys just arrived, why are you leaving so soon?”

Theo said, “It’s getting late. She should go back and rest.”

Belinda looked at Ellinor again. Considering her pregnancy, she believed she should rest well,

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Although she wanted to chat more with Ellinor, she could only show herself to be more sensible. “Ellinor, you shouldn’t go out alone these days. Even though we don’t know why those trending discussions were taken down, some irrational netizens will still remember. Online violence is terrifying. You must be careful!*

Ellinor nodded, “Yes, I will,”

Her wedding photos were placed in an exquisite leather case by Belinda. She handed the case to them for them to take.

Theo took the photo album’s leather case and placed his hand gently on Ellinor’s shoulder. He bade Jonah and the others farewell, then turned and walked with her towards the exit.

As soon as they got into the car, Ellinor said sincerely, Theo, I’m sorry”

Theo had just started the car, and hearing her words, he glanced at her and asked, “Why are you apologizing?”

Ellinor said, “Those discussions just now happened because of me, causing negative impacts and significant losses to your Blanchet Corporation. But don’t worry, I’m confident I can handle the problems that come next. If the stock price of the Blanchet Corporation can’t recover in the short term, I’ll find a way to bear all the losses”

The man suddenly slammed on the brakes.

The sound of tires rubbing against the ground was piercing, startling Ellinor,

What was he doing? What just happened?

The man behind the steering wheel turned around, his stern gaze looking at her with anger, “Ellinor, do you know who you’re talking to?”

Ellinor was first surprised, then she looked at the back seat and back at him, asking. “Is there a third person here?


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