The Last Primal

Chapter 116 - 116 - Regret (Part 1)

Chapter 116 - 116 - Regret (Part 1)

Matching the youth's terrifying golden glare, the warden started to sweat profusely. If he knew that this blonde brat had such a monster for a brother, he would have never dared to have any thoughts towards her. He would have even offered his help and helped her regain her freedom. That way he could have scored a valuable ally for the future and finally form his own enterprise, be somebody in this world!

Alas, he didn't know, and his lustful thoughts caused the ire of this monstrous existence. Even just now, he further gloated in front of this boy and continued with his childish taunts. Only now, did he realize how much of an idiot he was. 

"I… I…" he stammered. He truly feared this young man in front of him. The power he has just shown was beyond anything he had ever witnessed. Not even those high-grade warriors and martial artists he had heard myths and tales about could be this fast and decisive!

Resting his hands behind his back, Aiden took a step back, right next to his still smiling sister. From all the horrors she faced today, she could only feel safe when she was close to her brother. To her, her brother, her hero was beyond anything this world could offer, she would always be confident about his triumph over their enemies.

"Yes?" Aiden asked with the same chilly calm voice as before, completely unfazed that he just brutally murdered someone. His eyes scanned the group of guards in front of him, lingering a bit longer on the two war hounds that were covering behind their masters.

Each of the warriors nervously gripped their weapons harder as they felt that golden glare scanning through them. Their strongest and consequently their loudest was just killed in a mere second. They didn't even get the chance to react! They just stood in their posts, hoping to escape this predicament but refusing to run. They were all seasoned veterans, after all, they wouldn't abandon their employer just like that!

"I…" The warden continued to stutter, unable to vocalize the thoughts in his chaotic mind. If he were to listen to his heart he would be screaming and crying, begging for mercy! However, he was unable to voice any of these thoughts as he tried to match those terrifying eyes of his. 

Taking a deep breath, he tried to forcefully calm his raging emotions, and then looked at the blonde girl, whom he thought nothing more than an outlet for venting his lust on previously. He couldn't help but feel regret swelling up in his heart now! 

"Miss… please… I…" He started, looking at the blonde girl with pleading eyes. However, as he spoke one of the guards looked at him with fierce eyes and audibly coughed, forcing him to smile wryly and correct himself. "...sorry, I meant we all are deeply sorry for what we did…. and caused you. Please…. forgive us… and let us go!"

Instead of answering, Lily giggled at his plea. Grabbing his brother's right arm, she leaned onto it, feeling, enjoying the warmth that was coursing through inside his body. It always calmed her agitated heart and troubled mind.

"Hmm… You had me whipped for hours…" Lily started, putting an index finger on her lower lips, thinking back.

"I… will punish the guards who dared harm you!" The warden immediately replied by jumping up from his chair. He saw this as a chance, he will obviously grab it, even if he has to throw everyone present in front of this little monster!

Lily was about to answer however she saw Aiden covertly signaling to her with his hand to shush, so she just looked at him.

"Who were the ones that tortured her?" Aiden abruptly asked with the same calm tone that now utterly terrified everyone present besides Lily. 

"Uhm… it was these four!" After a brief moment of hesitation, the Warden pointed on four of the present guards, then he looked at the one lying dead on the ground. "And the one you killed was the leader…" 

He was not just their leader, but his right-hand man! However, he didn't dare utter such words. He gulped, swallowing such harrowing thoughts and lowered his gaze, not daring to look at the youth any longer.

"I see. You four, step forward and kneel down in front of her. Beg for her forgiveness." Aiden stated with his calm, emotionless tone. 

The guards that were mentioned looked at each other, cursing their employer in their minds. They only followed his orders! Why are they the only ones suffering?!

However, as things have come to this, they will not lower themselves, but instead, try their best! The four of them were all highly trained warriors after all.

Looking at the five others in the room not reacting, he stomped his halberd onto the ground, causing all eyes to fall on him. Then, swallowing his fears, he defiantly spoke.

"Guys! What are we all afraid of? Even if he is strong, we have the numbers and the years in our favor! What can he do against all nine of us!" 

Then pointing the weapon towards the boy, he shouted at him.

"So, what if you are stronger than each of us?! We still have more experience! You and your whore will die here today!"

Although she didn't know what that word meant, Lily felt it was something bad, as the tone was condescending. Looking at her brother, he let go of his arm and pointed at the man.

"Brother… he was the one that tore my clothes that Granny gave me with a whip. He... whipped me for hours!"

"I see…" Those were the only words that left Aiden's mouth. 

Facing the man in question, he tensed the muscles in his arms. His hands contorted into his usual swiping stance, he flickered from his spot only to appear in front of the guard in the next instant. 

The guard was already prepared for an attack and he instinctively held his weapon in front of him trying to block the incoming swipe, however he grossly underestimated the power behind Aiden's earlier attack.

As Aiden appeared in front of the guard, he was already in a swiping motion. His right hand took the golden scaled draconic form sliced through the steel weapon like butter. As the weapon didn't offer much resistance, the arc continued in its downward arc going through both of the guard's hands that held the pole just under the protective rondel. 

As the weapon and both of his hands fell down to the dust, the man burst into a loud painful cry. 

"AAAAAARGH!" He shouted, almost becoming crazed by the sheer volume of searing pain he felt at that moment. His nerves flaring, he was unable to remain calm. Looking at the rest of the guards he angrily shouted. 


As if just awoken from their stupor, the rest of the guards looked at each other, before nodding and raising their weapons. With a large synchronized battle cry, they all charged at the boy. 

All, but the two war hounds, who refused to obey their master's orders, and continued to cover and back away to the far corners of the room. 

Readying her bow, Lily pulled an arrow from her quiver as well. Raising the weapon, she armed at the furthest guard, carefully. Factoring in the size of the room and the speed and trajectory of the man, she stretched the string as she aimed at a specific spot in front of her target. 

Meanwhile, Aiden had already finished off the mutilated man in front of him with a second swipe tearing through his throat. As the man fell down next to his hands to the dust, he gurgled his last in a matter of seconds. 

Taking a quick peek at his sister, he saw as she was already aiming for the one in the back, ready to join the battle. He smiled under his mask, and not wanting to take her opportunity, he intercepted the incoming attacks with both of his transformed hands. 

Blocking two attacks with a thrust of his claws, only to swing sideways simultaneously with both hands, he parried the first four. While the others tried to circle towards his back, he snorted when he saw the last one fell to the ground with an arrow standing out from the small opening of his helmet. Lily pierced the man through his eyes, killing him instantly. 

As she was aiming for his second shot, Aiden also launched his attack, tearing into the two guards in front of him. With one quick thrust with both arms, he basically tore a hole through both guards with ease. 

As both men fell, he jumped over them, evading a second round of swipes and thrusts from the others. josei

As he turned around, he also saw the second arrow flying in the air next to him, ending yet another life. 

Looking at the remaining four guards, Aiden snickered. The red hue started to, once again, dominate the golden glow in his eyes, slowly washing away his sanity...

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