The Last Primal

Chapter 159 - 159 - Meeting (Part 1)

Chapter 159 - 159 - Meeting (Part 1)

The journey back to the Adventurer's Guild was uneventful. Although when Aiden walked by the Haunted House, he stole a few glances at its direction, he did not halt his steps. He was sure there would be a quest to investigate it, and then he could check it with all the authorization that could be needed.

As he got to the Guild's house and pushed on the tall double-doors the same packed front hall greeted him, similar to how it was yesterday. 

"Is this place always this full?" He asked as the same crowd greeted him.

"Yeah, pretty much." Cole's voice came from behind. Patting Aiden's shoulder as he walked past him, he smirked as he continued. "Come, let's get your guild card, and get ourselves a juicy quest!" 

As he talked, he was already several steps ahead, walking towards the Quest Board on the sidewall with hastened steps. 

Seeing him rushing forward so eagerly, Aiden smiled but didn't say anything. His eyes scanned through the crowd, eventually resting at the curly brown-haired girl standing by the counter looking at his direction with an already rosy cheek. She had a shy look on her, and couldn't directly withstand the boy's stare, she could only steal a couple of glances every now and then.

Walking forward, Aiden approached the desk, while his eyes looked at the back door. In his system, he already had a bit of that area mapped out, but after a while for some reason, his [Dark Sense] was blocked off. He couldn't tell if it was the same warding that he met a few times already or something entirely different, but he couldn't get a full map of the building's layout no matter what.

As he got close, he smiled at the shy, already beet red girl, and with his calm voice greeted.

"Hey Mary, how are you doing today? Do you know if my card is ready?"

In response, Mary hesitantly nodded once, then before Aiden could ask anything more, she turned around and rushed towards the back door. Only when she got to the door did she speak up.

"Y-yes! I will go and get it for you right now! G-give me just a moment, okay Aiden?" 

Although she phrased it as a question, she did not expect any answer as by the time she finished talking, her short figure was already gone in the depth of the halls unknown to Aiden.

"Hey, check this one out Aiden!" Cole's loud yelling came from the left. A short while later he came with two pieces of paper flailing headwind as he rushed to him.

"Check these out! These are cool, and we could probably do them together!"

Taking the papers, Aiden checked the information on them. They were both a quest that required them to venture outside of the town. The first asked to gather some sort of white flower that grows at the riverbank, and the other one was a quest to gather some weird frog's gall bladders.

"Gather Hydros Flower Buds

Difficulty: ★

Description: We would require the White Flower Buds of the Hydros Plant that grows alongside the riverbank just outside of town. Please bring back at least 10 intact Flower Buds in pristine condition to consider the quest as completed.

Reward: 10 Draquilean Bronze Coins / Piece"

"Gather Thorny Forest Frog Gall Bladders


Description: We would require Thorny Forest Frog's intact Gall Bladders. We require to bring back at least 6 intact Gall Bladders in pristine condition for the completion of this request.

Reward: 10 Draquilean Bronze Coins / Piece"

Looking at the quests, Aiden had to admit that they were indeed rather convenient for them. They looked relatively easy, and while he was already told what the stars meant, he couldn't really know if they would be too easy or not. In the end, he decided not to worry about it too much.

Looking up, he gave a friendly smile to Cole.

"Yes, they look fine, we should pick them up."

"Great, then I'll go and register it under my-" Cole immediately began to excitedly exclaim and was about to rush to the desk to the first free attendee, when he was stopped by Aiden.

"However, before you go and register them, wait till I get back. Remember, what I told you? I have to meet up with the examiners still. Their leader invited me for a talk yesterday. Wait for me to get back and then we can register them and maybe even complete both of them before we get back to the tavern to rest for the night."

Just remembering what Aiden told him, Cole embarrassedly scratched the back of his head. He gave an awkward smile.

"Oh yeah... Sorry Aiden, I completely forgot. I was just so pumped up... You know my first official party, and we could set out and quest and stuff… Sorry, I will wait for you. I will…" He nervously looked to the sides, and after finding an empty table, he pointed at it as he continued. "...I will wait at that table. I will keep these quest papers for now, and once you are back, we can register it with Mary and do them."

With that, he quickly escaped to the appointed table and took his seat while he continued gripping both pieces of paper as if they were some precious treasure. He wouldn't let anybody take those two sheets from him no matter the means.

As Mary was still not back, Aiden scanned through the crowd. Seeing the colorful people, all the adventurers, a small smile began to curve up on his lips. This… atmosphere, this feeling was something he realized he needed. Although there were only humans, and he did not meet with other intelligent races so far, he was still happy. He could see people with full leather sets, mail, and steel garments… Swords, Maces, Axes… Carved Staves, and even Bows of all kinds. They were all busy, picking Quest Notices from the Board then discussing it with their parties, deciding on what their next adventure would be. 

This life, living on the edge, eating and living only what they earned. This... this excitement was missing from his life. He had to admit, he had an unquenchable thirst for this lifestyle. Although the main reason that drove him to set out alone was to complete the main quest the system enforced upon him, and registering as an adventurer was only a means to this end, it may not be that bad after all. josei

He already met up with Cole after all, who slowly overthrew his first, bad impression of this greedy race.

"A-Aiden... " He heard his name being called out from behind by a weak, meek voice. Turning around, he was met with Mary who got back from the office area with a small silvery card made out of some unknown material in her hands. Her face, just as before was beet red as she nervously stole glances at Aiden's handsome expression.

Raising the card towards him, Mary continued with a nervous, weak voice.

"H-here it is, Aiden. Your card is ready. It was also already upgraded to reflect your Rank 2 status. Now, I'm not sure if you were already told, but being a Rank 2 gives you the right to complete quests up to a 2-star Difficulty rating. Or up to 3-stars if you join or create a party. Although, I would advise you to join an established one, being a Rank 2 would make you a hot pick among all of them."

She coughed lightly, and with a bit more power behind her voice, she continued.

"Also, I was informed that the Examiner's Leader would like you to come and meet him now if you would have the time. I was told that you were already informed about this meeting?" She looked up with uncertainty in her eyes. When their gazes met each other, she tried withstanding the pressure, but she couldn't hold out for long and averted her gaze shortly.

"Yes, that was our agreement yesterday. Could you show me the way?" Aiden asked with a gentle smile, causing Mary's face to turn a shade darker.

"C-certainly! F-follow after me, Aiden!" She stepped to the side and raised the table to let Aiden through. After he came over, she lowered it back down. Taking a deep breath, she nervously but decisively grabbed Aiden's right hand, and while almost fainting over the embarrassment she rushed towards the door while pulling Aiden behind.

"C-come! I will lead you to the Leader's office! Y-you are already expected!"

Not giving any chance to resist, Aiden was quickly pulled to the back-office door, his figure vanished through the door as the eager and embarrassed Mary pulled him with great momentum.

As his figure vanished from sight, he failed to notice a group of guys watching Cole from the side. Their eyes did not hide the cruelty and murderous intentions as they looked at the brown-haired boy as a juicy little target...

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