The Last Primal

Chapter 162 - 162 - The Proposal

Chapter 162 - 162 - The Proposal

Letting out a breath of air, Aiden looked at the woman who was watching him with keen interest. He didn't know what to think about her anymore, this person was just too strange, she was shrouded with too much mystery. 

Just who was she? Aiden wasn't even sure that she was human anymore. She looked like one, but just like him, she could also have a human form. Her voice, her strange alluring ability… There were just too many questions regarding her background.

Even his system couldn't provide any help in judging her intentions. Was she an ally? Or a very powerful enemy? He didn't know. He only knew that this was the only path he found so far, his chance at finding any clues about this mysterious place. 

The Demon Grotto. It had a very ominous, eerie feel to it. As if it was some sort of dark place. Could it have a connection with Aiden, or with his origin?

As question after question started to pop up in his mind, Aiden shook his head. Steeling his resolve, he decided to put his trust in this mysterious woman.

"I am looking for a place called 'Demon Grotto'. Do you know anything about it?"

A strange, uneasy expression surfaced on the Leader's face as soon as Aiden mentioned the name of the place he was looking for. It was a mixture of shock and surprise with a tinge of sorrow as well.

"Why are you looking for it?" She asked with forced calmness in her voice. She looked into the boy's golden eyes, looking for hidden, unsaid clues.

"Does it matter? I need to find that place. As I said, if you can show where I can find the entrance to this 'Demon Grotto', then and only then will I help you in return." Aiden responded calmly despite the Leader's piercing, penetrating stare plastered on him.

The Leader did not answer immediately to Aiden's offer. She turned back towards the window and silently gazed at the flow of people walking by, living their daily lives, oblivious to the struggles of those above them. They were happy and content as long as their own personal living wasn't affected. They wouldn't need to care about who governs the city, they only cared for their own wellbeing. The ones above them didn't care about these ants either.

"Could you answer me a question, that I have been wondering about for a while now?" The youth's crisp voice woke her from her reverie. Turning around, she looked at the boy, with the previously friendly smile as she asked.

"Sure, go ahead and do what you would like to know, I will do my best to alleviate your concerns."

Aiden walked next to her and looked out at the window as well. Seeing the busy townsfolk, he asked after a moment.

"Why isn't the ruler of this kingdom, or the royal family appoint someone in place of the previous City Lord? What is the need for all this hassle? I don't understand. From what I heard, there are multiple candidates this time. Who will decide, and how?"

Hearing the question, her previously forced friendly smile didn't change, but at the same time, it had a qualitative improvement. From its previously fake, political curves, it became gentler, more honest. 

"That is an excellent question, Aiden! You see, while you are right and the Royal Family would indeed have the power in paper to simply appoint someone as the next one, they would earn the ire and contempt of the Nobles they so heavily rely upon. If they turn the powerful households against them, they could face a catastrophe or even full-on destruction. The royal lineage is powerful, but it's not the only strong and ancient one."

She looked at the boy who was focusing on her words with such focus, with such attention that she rarely has seen before. She smiled and continued.

"The most powerful households in the kingdom are all ancient, very powerful bloodlines."

"So, while the Royal Family lords over the land in theory, in reality, they heavily rely upon these noble households to keep their place. So then doesn't that mean that the true leaders are these powerful households? How many of them are there?" Aiden interjected. 

This whole situation about the kingdom seemed weird and too complicated. Shouldn't this be easier? The strong should rule over the weak. That's what his instincts were telling him anyway.

"Well, the fact is the Royal Family, the Draquileans are strong enough to contend against the four ancient bloodlines. They can't win against them, but they wouldn't necessarily lose either. The end wouldn't be beneficial for either of them, so over time a sort of treaty, a pact was made. The Draquileans would be the ruling family, and the others would form a High Council."

She explained, with a calm and delighted attitude, as if their previous discussion about Aiden's offer hadn't taken place at all.

"I still don't understand how this is relevant to this current situation, or even how this 'council' has any real power and hold against the Royal Family. If the royals are as strong as you say, then what sort of hold do these four strongest nobles can have against them?" Aiden asked again. This whole situation was way too convoluted.

"The High Council is not just the four households. At least not anymore. It was in the past, but over time, it grew and the smaller, but still influential families have joined. While they do not have too much sway in terms of decision making, the Council does protect its members. And with the combined power they are slightly stronger than the Royals." The Leader answered with a knowing smirk. 

Looking at the boy, she waited just for a breaths' time before continuing,

"Before you ask, no, they have no interest in overthrowing them. If they would do that, then their alliance would immediately fall apart as all the 'Big Fours' would want the number one spot. Even the small ones would want a piece of that pie. In the end, even if there would be a winner, it would be spent and would suffer heavy losses. The kingdom in turn would be weak and fragile, a prime target for all the surrounding countries to take a jab at us."

As the look of understanding surfaced on the boy's face, she continued with an even brighter smile.

"You see, the current situation, this 'balance' if you would call it, is perfect. The Royals are strong so our neighbors would think twice before trying anything, and even if they would, the Council would immediately respond. But just as this can be a blessing, it is a curse as well. Because the two sides have roughly equal strength, the Royal Family had to make many concessions over the times. Some were tougher, harder than the others…" She sighed as she gazed out at the window, not continuing her train of thought.

After the momentary silence, she went on.

"Anyway, the Royal Family can't appoint their own men anymore, the Council would immediately interject. The result is that all those that have the necessary resources and power could contend for the City Lord position. The candidates would have to go and garner supporters behind them and state their case in a publicly held event a month later. While this event would in theory only be where they would state their resources and power to the currently active City Council, the whole thing is usually just one big battle, where, in the end, there would be one candidate left standing."josei

At this point, Aiden could now finally roughly guess what the Leader wanted. Still, with a small smile curving on his face, he spoke.

"And this is where I come into play, I presume?"

The leader smiled wryly but still nodded in the end.

"I'm going, to be honest here, Aiden. Yes, that's the main reason I wanted you here. However, at the same time, I do honestly hope we could work together, even if this whole situation with the City Lord selection wouldn't be, I would have still reached out to you after witnessing your actions." She once again looked out at the window, and with a much lower tone, she whispered, mostly to herself.

"Although I might not be here in that case..."

Giving it a brief pause, the Leader looked at Aiden, awaiting his response. Every card was out in the open by now, there was nothing left to be said. She could only hope he would accept. 

She was actually feeling vulnerable for the first time in many years. Her abilities had seemingly no effect on him, and even with her magical prowess she wasn't confident in defeating the overwhelming might and unbelievable speed this youth showcased so far. To make matters worse, she was fairly certain that he didn't put in his all at either time.

A few seconds had passed in intense silence before the boy finally looked up. With a cheeky smirk on his face, he spoke.

"I understand everything now. While in the end, none of these really matter to me, I can still help you. However, if you want my help, you will need to tell me everything you know about the Demon Grotto."

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