The Last Primal

Chapter 171 - 171 - Commotion

Chapter 171 - 171 - Commotion

As the large, wooden double doors to the Guild Hall creaked open, Aiden and Cole were met with a surprisingly large crowd that gathered in the hall. From the looks of it, it seemed that while most of them were adventurers or at the very least seasoned warriors, there were quite a few civilians mixed in.

They were chirping to each other, adding to the large buzzing noise that the gathered had emitted. The hall was so packed that the duo couldn't even find a way to squeeze through and could just barely squeeze themselves in and close the door behind them.

"Do you know what is happening here? What are all these people doing here?" Aiden asked with confusion in his voice. He heard about a guild meeting that his sister had to attend and met that annoying golden-armored guy who kept following her, but this seemed different. It had a different vibe.

"I... " Cole couldn't answer immediately, he himself had no idea what this was. His head darted back and forth, trying to make sense of the situation but even after almost a minute, he couldn't come up with anything. He sighed as he continued. "I don't know. This is certainly not a gathering for the Meet-Up, there's a lot of civilians here. Besides, this is way too many people for that."

Looking through the crowd, Aiden saw that most of them kept stealing glances over to the upper floors as if they were waiting for someone to come and address them.

"Hmm…" He wondered, remembering the discussion he had with the leader of the examiners, Sarah. She did mention that one of the candidates are from the Guild Management, and from the looks of things, this could be a gathering to listen to the candidate's speech. Realizing this a deep frown appeared on his face, smearing his previously calm and smiling composure. 

Noticing this, Cole looked at this with a confused expression.

"What is it Aiden? What happened?"

Shaking his head, the frown disappeared from Aiden's face, and with the same smile as before he looked at Cole.

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing!" Suddenly, picking up some movement from the upper floors through his [Dark Sense] he turned towards the railings, as he insipidly continued. "Anyway, it is starting. Let's just listen for now."

"Huh? What is starting? Listen to what? What are you going on ab-" He began bombarding Aiden with his questions, but soon he was silenced as a familiar figure appeared on the upper floors. 

Wearing his golden breastplate, Sir Michael raised his hands to the air with a large smile on his neatly trimmed, bearded face. His crisp and booming, deep voice filled the entire hall.

"Greetings, my friends! I am greatly humbled by all of you that gathered here today! I swear that I will continue doing my very best to be worthy of such devotion!" 

He gave a theatrical bow towards the crowd, showing gratitude and earning a loud sea of cheers as a response. He kept his humbled posture for almost a full minute before he slowly straightened his back, and raised his hands, expertly silencing the crowd. 

Just from this first interaction, Aiden smirked at his figure from the back, it was clear that he was experienced addressing such crowds. His golden eyes flashed for a moment, as he scanned the man. 

Although the golden glow only lasted for a fraction of a second as it just merely flashed through his eyes, Sir Michael, due to his years of experience, still managed to catch it. He quickly glanced over at the youth in the far end, before his eyes went back to the crowd.

"As this 'race' is nearing its end, we are approaching the date for the Event. I'm going to be honest with all of you, the competition will be fierce, and brutal. Our victory can only be achieved through the sweat and tears of your devotion! I can only hope that you will all continue to support me, all throughout the upcoming days and during the Event. What I can promise you is that if we will come out victorious, I will lead our home, this city out of the tainted swamp that we have been led to." His eyes slowly paced through the crowd, he had a solemn expression on his face. Michael raised his voice ever so slightly, and with great conviction, he empathized each word he spoke next.


Following his words, the gathered crowd erupted in a crazed, maddened cheer. For several minutes following his words, the people kept shouting his name, they looked at the man above them as if he were a god.

The reaction greatly pleased Sir Michael, he was snickering, bathing in delight inwardly, but he managed to retain a somber expression on the outside. He let the crowd continue his maddened chant for quite a while before he raised his hands again, grabbing their apt attention.

"Thank you for the trust you have all placed in me! I promise you that those that are responsible for bringing the filth to our home and casting us into its shadowy tendrils will pay the price! THEY WILL ALL RECEIVE THEIR DUE JUSTICE!" He raised his right fist towards the sky as he shouted the last part, once again with great devotion in his tone.

The crowd ate his words once more, erupting into the same crazed devoted shouting just like before. Basking in the limelight, Sir Michael let them continue for a while.

Meanwhile, Aiden wasn't really paying attention to Sir Michael's words. His eyes rested on the hooded figure behind him, just a short distance away, expertly staying in the shadows, avoiding the gazes of the gathered audience.

When his eyes spotted her figure, Aiden could also feel that from behind the cover of her shroud she was also looking at him. He felt her gaze, it was as if they had created their silent, separate little world. They could both feel the presence of each other. Abruptly, a pair of purplish glow emerged from amidst the void, as if a slumbering beast has awoken. 

In response, Aiden's eyes lit up once again, countering the magical, charming effect. The hooded figure kept up her "assault" for only a moment longer before she averted her gaze, looking at the ground. The light also quickly faded from Aiden's eyes, returning to their original state. However, he kept his focus on the figure. In his opinion, the man speaking was just a wealthy idiot, that was put in the spotlight as he was a perfect little puppet to control. 

While the silent staring contest went unnoticed by the crowd, Sir Michael, once again, spotted the golden glowing eyes coming from the back. Even though he wasn't the subject of his power, he could still feel an incredible force surging through him, causing him to shiver for a moment. He now couldn't help but wonder who that figure was and made a mental remark to investigate the figure later. He can't have such an enigma remain unsolved...

Sarah, the hooded figure behind him, saw the change in Sir Michael's posture, this idiot must have noticed Aiden! She gently sighed, shaking her head in contempt. She still couldn't fully understand what her mistress wanted with him. Yes, he might be an idiot that could be controlled with slight nudges, but also, at the same time, he was impulsive and keen to make rash decisions. He wasn't someone that should be put into such power… He much rather suited the role of an easily expandable frontline soldier.

Looking at the back of this idiot one last time, she let out another sigh, before she looked at the boy in the back once again. He was the only one worthy of her attention, the only one that could match her.

"Just who are you Aiden… I swear, I will find out your secrets one day and make you willingly join us!" She muttered to herself. Luckily the hood completely hid her face as a small smile began to curve her usually expressionless and stale lips.


Several blocks and districts away, in the depth of the notorious and abhorred 'Slums' district, hidden behind the magical warding an elegantly dressed feminine figure stood by the window as if overlooking her territory. 

Her face was hidden behind a lavish, elegantly designed silver mask, only her black irises were visible from the tiny holes. She was looking towards the direction of the Guild Hall, silent and unmoving.

She didn't even flinch as the closed-door suddenly creaked open, and the elderly butler came in. He stopped a few steps away from her mistress, giving a courteous bow.  He held a few sheets of paper in his hands.

"Mistress, the young miss has sent back the report you requested." As he spoke, he raised his arms forward, presenting the object in question to the feminine figure who hasn't even looked at him since his arrival.

"Thank you. Put them on the desk, and please leave me alone." She coldly spoke, not giving even a look.

"As you command, Mistress." The old man kept his bowing posture as he reverently spoke, before placing the paper on the desk as requested and promptly exiting the room.

Once the door closed, the figure released a sigh.

"Sarah, Sarah my child… What are you up to now?" She whispered to the window.

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