The Last Primal

Chapter 459 - 459 - Overzealousness

Chapter 459 - 459 - Overzealousness

"You guys!" Suddenly, another, fifth presence joined the discussion, sending the rest of the boys (with the exception of Thuk, who kept happily galloping), to stop in their tracks and focus on the long-missed member of their group. "You guys are so childish again! Master hasn't been away for that long!"

"[Goblin] Galina, my dear!" Glohn exclaimed, his voice is filled with happiness. "Today is truly a great one! Tell us, little girl, how is going for you on the other side?" 

He guffawed happily, slowing his pace to a leisurely walk as he continued his merry way, more focused on the voice of the girl that he had kept in his heart something like a daughter.

At the same time, Gob, the one that was closest to her, and was a sort of 'brother figure, also cheerfully cried.

"[Goblin] Sister! It's so good to hear your voice! How are you? Did anybody bully you?"

A light, soft, gentle chuckle resounded in the participant's head as Galina giggled at her brethren's words.  josei

"Everything is fine brother. It's good to hear your voice guys, truly!" She responded, giggling between her words, clearly happy to hear the voice of those she considered as her closest family besides the Young Master. "But anyway, why are you acting like children? Master hasn't been away from Haven for that long. It was a bit more than a day and a half since his last visit!" 

"[Goblin] Oh, little Galina, you are so mistaken!" Glohn, her teacher answered, surprising the girl with his next statement. "For us, it was much more than that! Today marks the 3rd day since the Young Master's last visit. Also, keep in mind that a day here is-"

Unfortunately, his words were cut short when the excited happy squeal of the little lizard, Thuk came, completely filling their shared mental channels with his happy cries.

"Thuk was the first, Thuk won! Thuk is the first to meet the Master! Thuk has beaten the ugly giant!"

Looking back at the calmly approaching Aiden, he was now on the ground with a dark green-scaled lizard happily jumping up and down on his chest. Doing his little dance, as he happily squealed, enjoying his victory over the grey orc, Roas.

"Master! You are back!" Thuk exclaimed happily, acting like a spoiled child in front of his father.

"Thuk… Could you…" Pressed down on the ground, on the lizard's surprising weight, Aiden groaned, trying to push the little creature off of him, albeit without much success.

"[Orc] Little Thuk, step down from the Young Master, you are bothering him!" Breaking the celebration, the rough, gruff shout of the feared giant's voice came from behind, causing the little creature to tremble for a moment, before quickly accepting the order of the fearsome warrior.

Then, as if just realizing his mistake and rude behavior, he bowed down, crying in an apologetic tone.

"Please forgive my insolence, Young Master! I was just too happy to see you again! I didn't mean to be disrespectful!"

A happy chuckle was the only response to the little lizard's heartfelt apology, causing him to raise his head looking at the now sitting Young Master questioningly.

"Don't worry about it, I don't mind." Aiden spoke after a while, slowly pushing himself up from the ground, looking in the direction of the rest of the group that followed after Roas.

He looked over at them with his usual calm, friendly smile, giving a slight nod as a greeting as they arrived one after another. In the end, only the little shy lady, he left behind with the rest was missing.

"Galina, my dear, why do I feel that you are disappointed and sad? Did you perhaps wished to visit your family in Gupta?" He asked through the shared mental channel breaking the ensuing silence.

Though she wasn't visible, Aiden could already imagine the pout she would display at this moment as she spoke with a displeased tone. 

"Yes, Master. You always go alone, and leave me behind! When will you allow me to visit with you? I miss my brothers and my teacher also!" She exclaimed, feeling hurt and left behind.

"I apologize if that is the case, my dear. I only left you there because I thought you enjoyed your time with the other girls. You seemed happy and content amongst them. I wasn't aware you didn't enjoy their company." Aiden spoke, being surprised by the girl's sudden outburst. 

Before he left, he made sure to check up on her as well, and he didn't feel any negative emotion coming from her. She was genuinely happy and cheerful to be amongst the others.

"No, Master! I love my sisters!" Galina hurriedly exclaimed. "It's just… I haven't seen any of my family since they left. I want to hug my brother and teacher, and see how much progress they made! I also want to show them my new body!"

"[Goblin] New body? What do you mean, Galina?" Gob's voice suddenly came, joining the conversation.

"[Goblin] What happened to you, Galina? Did you evolve again?" Glohn asked, feeling concerned about his pupil.

"Master, you still haven't told them?" Instead of answering them, Galina also fired a question of her own.

Aiden could only sigh, feeling a headache coming his way at the slew of questions he was sure to be asked… 

Taking a moment, he calmed his nerves and gathered his thoughts before responding to their queries and explaining the events surrounding Galina's evolution to her latest, marvelous state. 

Her new form, being a Lesser Primal, shocked everyone present, including the usually proud and stoic Roas, who immediately asked the Young Master to bring him along as well. 

It took Aiden almost a full hour before the emotions were back to an acceptable level and he could finally move on to the main topic, the reason for his current presence.

However, once he got to the topic of the statue of him, the group once again fired up and began to tell the various tales surrounding the site now considered to be holy with great enthusiasm. 

Stories about the fatigue being lifted from the weary body, the sickness being cured just by a single prayer filled the next several minutes, shocking Aiden more and more as he kept listening.

'How is this possible?' He mentally remarked, not sure what to make of what he was being told. Did this somehow relate to his last actions?

In the end, he decided to visit the site he had not seen for a while, allowing him to be escorted by his overly eager, zealous servants, even going as far as allowing them to 'properly welcome him' whatever that actually meant.

However, his leisurely attitude, his nonchalant response proved to be a grave mistake in the next few minutes. As the grand escort of the highest-ranked members of Gupta returned with their Lord in tow, Aiden was welcomed with a fully prepared grand spectacle. 

The people of Gupta gathered along the Central Square, cheering, dancing, and celebrating happily. Aiden felt as if he was returning from a victorious conquest and achieving something grand, causing him to smile wryly and be unsure of what to say and how to react.

He was slowly escorted towards the giant statue of himself, looking down at his people with a warm, gentle smile. Still, as he neared his own bronze carving, he could feel a presence, similar to his own radiating from its depths…


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