The Last Primal

Chapter 462 - 462 - Divinity

Chapter 462 - 462 - Divinity

From the outside, the statue and Aiden seemed to be resonating on the same frequency, as if they were in complete harmony. As the light flickered at one, it also did the same on the other.

From the onlookers, it was as if their Holy Statue wasn't simply a sanctified object, but an extension of their Great Lord. An extra limb, an extra part of his divine body given to them to worship and embrace.

The crowd surrounding the square was watching with tense silence as the events continued to play out in the plaza, where the meditating, situated Aiden was deep in his own thoughts, contemplating, pondering about the peculiarities of the Divine Wills mysterious appearance.

Seconds passed, turning into minutes before finally, Aiden's lips trembled, heaving a heavy sigh. At the same time, his expression shifting, he revealed a defeated look.

After all, he could do nothing but give up on his suspicions, at least for the moment. Though the state of his mind was still bothering him, and he still couldn't fully process, understand what has actually happened, the fact was obvious.

A second will, a second presence has somehow manifested inside him and was now inhabiting inside the statue. His presence, this 'Divine Will' was him, but at the same it was different, it was something entirely new.

It held a knowledge, unknown to his main body and mind, which did nothing just increase his doubts.

'[Aiden, don't try to fight against it, there is no use.]' Understanding his plight, Enya finally decided to reach out to him and speak. '[That is still you, the manifestation of your divinity. This knowledge was always within you, you just couldn't access it.]'

Aiden wanted to argue, but before he could, Enya continued.

'[The system didn't use you, it simply split it away from you, giving you a medium, an interface where you could slowly, gradually merge it back. You can absolve this vast knowledge and understand it yourself gradually.]'

Enya spoke, her voice was like before, mostly emotionless, insipid as she continued to explain the situation, and shed light on the pressing questions Aiden kept asking himself.

'[I know you still have questions, but for now, you have to be patient. I know you want to understand the origin of this power, the reason for everything that is happening. Even your place in this world, or perhaps in the other one. Everything will be revealed when the time comes.]'

There was a momentary silence, as she finished her speech. Aiden could only frown, not finding the right words to say to his guide. 

'[For now, just follow my words, Aiden. You know that my purpose is to serve you, guide you on your journey on the path that you yourself chose.]' Enya's words broke the sudden silence once again, confusing Aiden once more.

'I… chose this?' He repeated her words, finding it hard to believe. He wanted to ask, to refute, but once again, he couldn't and could just silently stare and ponder the meaning behind it all.

'[Focus on the connection with the Divine Will. Try to reach out to it, let the vast library of its knowledge slowly reveal itself to you. Allow it to reach back, let its energy enter you, mix in with your own. Don't be afraid.]'

Though Aiden wished for answers around his past more, he knew that it was futile to ask. By now, he could understand the limitations, the boundaries that kept Enya shackled to set directives. Whoever she truly was, whatever her true connection to him, or any of his past incarnations was, she was now bound by a higher power and was forced to obey and follow a mission.

In a way, as Aiden understood more and more about her guide, the closer he felt, the more he felt sorry for her fate. Still, what he found even stranger, inexplicable was her brief moments of freedom. During those times, when her shackles were momentarily lifted from her spirit the only thing that was in her mind was how she could assist, help him. Aiden could never once feel the regret, the sorrow… she never lamented about her misery but was always laser-focused on how could she help him. 

During those times, he could feel the overflowing love, the deep connection, the fondness of how she felt about him. 

Ever since he saw the memories of his family's past, ever since he completed the first trial and parts of his memory were returned to him, he felt that she wasn't just an unknown spirit assigned to him, but she was someone from her past with a deep connection.

His thoughts were broken as her annoyed voice filled her mind. Her grumbling quickly broke Aiden back to reality, to the task at hand.

'[Stop daydreaming, Aiden! Focus on what I have just told you! Now, focus on the connection, slowly reach out to the Divine Will and let it respond. Be patient, this process cannot be hurried, it has to be completed at its own pace.]' She spoke again, repeating her instructions from before.

Sighing, Aiden cleared his mind once again, focusing on the instructions instead.

His attention wandered back to the strange sensation of the shared senses, to the Holy Statue. Once again, he took his time, listening to the whispers coming from the eternal void, reaching out to him, asking for guidance, begging for help, or just simply thanking him for his benevolence.

The chaos, the storm was again beginning to overwhelm his mind, yet this time, he didn't falter, he did not take a step back, he stood his ground.

He braved the surging storm, he waited as he guarded against the endless whispers, the pleas. 

He waited, listened, he did his best to gradually get used to the weird sensation. 

Repeating the breathing technique, he eventually managed to find solace, the many whispers though not fading completely, were now silent, nothing more than faint breezes around him. His creased eyebrows, slowly calmed, the frown lifted away from his expression, as time kept passing.

As he got used to the feeling, he also began to lower his guard, the walls and blocks guarding his mind thinned, gradually opening up the channel and turning it from a one-way path so that the other side could reach out.

Minutes passed again as Aiden sat still, unmoving, as the calm once again dominated his outlook without any change happening.  josei

Then it happened, just as he was about to question everything that was transpiring. He felt it. 

The other side carefully reached out, information came from the other side, the energy, and with it, a new-old knowledge entering, merging with Aiden's mind.

Focusing on the stability of this inflow of information, Aiden once again submerged into a deep meditative state, both wills entangling, fusing Aiden was deeply focused in processing this gift, unaware of that his figure began to slowly glow, radiate with a golden hue, that was now flickering its color, its radiance shifting.

Under the golden shine, a platinum sheen appeared for brief instants…

Meanwhile in the system, messages, notifications kept appearing one after another…

[Your understanding of the Primordial Laws is increasing…] 

[The Divinity: Basic (Level 1) Progress: 1%…]

[The Divinity: Basic (Level 1) Progress: 1.01%…]


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