The Last Primal

Chapter 481 - 481 - The Race

Chapter 481 - 481 - The Race

(AN: In case you are interested about an update of my situation, check the Author's Note section)


With nearly half of the Gupta residents currently were still either out of commission or just slowly starting to return, most of those that stayed behind were left speechless with the shock and fright they felt when suddenly two blurry silhouettes dashed across the skies above them.

For what was only a brief, fleeting moment, they saw two vaguely humanoid shapes with two wings protruding at their backs as they flew, raced towards the direction of where the mountains and the farms reside.

Their speed, though fast, was luckily nowhere near to the threshold of the speed of sound, making the unaware Gupta residents evade a disaster. Yet, unaware of such laws of nature even existed they were blissfully unaware of the calamity they just narrowly evaded.

Whilst the people of the land were amazed, awed even of the two figures, Aiden and Number 3 were unaware of any of that. They were locked in their own little world, having the time of their lives as they soared through the clear blue sky. 

They were at each other's head, neither party gaining any substantial lead that they could keep for any length of time. For every time one would increase their speed and try to put some distance between them, the other one would match his or her speed and retain their lock. 

Still, neither of them was truly bothered by this fact, they both enjoyed the moment, the feeling as their wings flapped and pushed against the wind. The incredible sensation completely overwhelmed their senses, they felt truly comfortable as themselves high up, leaving the ground.

Seeing as the land below them grew ever so distant was a unique feeling, even with the system's unique mapping feature, this personal view was a refreshingly new perspective.

The two kept racing head-to-head at the other, neither of them, using anything but their own, pure strength and stamina. They were still getting a feel for the new appendages, getting comfortable and more skillful as they increased their speed and did some smaller maneuvers.

A flip, a roll where most of what their current repertoire consisted of. The occasional dive, then the ascent with the same speed and momentum were mixed in between. True, they raced, but just like their duel before, the goal wasn't a victory, but instead the crucial, critical experience.josei

Feeling pumped up and still, some of her strength left unused, Number 3's wings slowly began to shine, radiating a faint golden glow. Feeling confident with herself, she activated her Mystic Martial Art skill, pooling and guiding more of her [Spirit Power] towards the wings, further enhancing the strength and speed in which they operated. 

In the next instant, her figure zapped forward as her speed surged, leaving behind a stunned Aiden. 

As the distance between the two increased at a rapid pace, Aiden's eyes shined with the same golden glimmer. 

"So, you cheated in the end, huh? Sure… I can play that game too." He muttered to himself, copying her actions. As his innate ability activated, he felt the increased flow, quickly guiding it in the same manner as his mentor, his master did. In the next moment, his wings also lit up, following the same unique trait as Number 3, before his speed too increased at a frightening pace.

Yet, this wasn't enough. Merely matching her speed, would not work down the suddenly created distance of this large chasm, but merely not let her further increase her lead. No, he needed something more, something brazen…

He sighed, as he decided to risk it. After all, using this strange new source, his supposed divinity was one of the main reasons he came back here in the first place. Though a lot had happened and in the end, he couldn't focus too much on it, he still gained a bit of insight a bit before. With the memory still relatively fresh, Aiden suddenly closed his eyes, keeping the course straight towards their destination.

He heaved a heavy sigh, as he concentrated on clearing his mind from all the unnecessary noise. All the chaos, all the emotions needed to be reined in, leaving behind nothing but the calm so that he could once more tap into that mysterious source of energy.

Recalling how it felt when his duality, the two minds connected, fusing into one, he dived deeper and deeper into himself.

He could feel the same energy slowly entering his system, mixing together with his own [Soul Power]. Going on with pure, natural instinct he guided the flow towards his wings, whilst keeping the [Mystic Martial Arts] active.

From the outside, a slow, gradual change could be witnessed if one were to look closely at the swiftly flying boy. The golden shine that surrounded his wings, were changing, transforming into a platinum glimmer. The change was not complete, creating a beautiful transition where the tip and around half of his wings were still retaining their golden luster, whilst the lower parts and the connecting joints were now bathing in their platinum hue.

However, that was still more than enough. With most of the muscles put under the new enhancing source, Aiden's speed surged once more, his body suddenly blurred, as it dashed forward with unimaginable speeds.

Instantly, what they avoided before, were now crossed, his body, his speed instantly reaching the dreaded milestone, the speed of sound, a loud sound blast reverberated in the air above Gupta.

The increased distance was almost instantly worked down, and then as he retained his new state, the situation was flipped around.

Suddenly, under the surprised gaze of Number 3, the boy's blurry hazy streak-like figure blasted forward, leaving her behind without a second thought. The distance between the two increased once again, but this time, it was she that was left in the metaphorical dust.

Yet, she didn't mind. She smiled at the receding visage of her boy, satisfied with what they achieved. She pushed her body to its limits, just as she hoped for, and on top of that, got used to this new form, this new outlook of hers. 

With only one last thing, one last test remaining, she retained her current speed as she followed behind the already far-gone boy without any worry or concern in her face or heart.

"That was fun, Master…" By the time Number 3 got to their agreed destination, Aiden was already back, lying on the ground, taking his well-earned rest, gazing at the sky above. His tone was content and satisfied, as he relaxed. 

His body was already back to its normal, human-like default form, all the Draconian traits were gone.

"Yeah… Still not sure what happened to me, but I am at least comfortable with these changes…" She answered after she slowly landed to his right. "There is only one last test to do… Luckily I think I can manage that on my own…" She muttered, gazing at her body and clawed, scales-covered arms. 

Closing her eyes, she took a large gasp of air, using the peculiar breathing technique that was responsible for controlling and calming her senses, her agitated nerves.

She repeated the technique multiple times, as she slowly began to calm down. Her hunger, her excitement slowly fading, her features began to transform along with it!


AN: Hey there Readers!

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