The Last Primal

Chapter 491 - 491 - Master?

Chapter 491 - 491 - Master?

Seconds passed feeling like heavy weights on the hearts and minds of all in the room. Every single eye was fixated on the exotic-looking young man in the room, hoping and just as equally dreading the answer he would eventually come to.

The mercenary-looking band of people that were already stationed inside the barracks, were feeling various degrees of regret and sorrow. After all, their little play to test the newbies has backfired on such a grand scale that not just their future potential partnership came to jeopardy, but even their lives.

Once again, thinking about that and being reminded that most of this was the fault of one wild animal whose nature was harder to control, a tinge of anger resurfaced on some of those contorted expressions, casting an annoyed, hot glare at the semi-unconscious, dazed lump of meat at the side.

Don, the captain of this regiment was in an even bigger predicament. On one side, he couldn't truly regret his decision to test the waters with this ploy, even if the outcome was less than favorable. On the other hand, however, the information they received was much more than they had hoped for.  josei

Though they have yet to get any information from the rest of the youngsters, at the very least they know that their leader was more than capable, he was akin to a slumbering monster than a newly started kid.

'New kid, just recently came to the scene in the town… Exceptionally strong, powerful… Wait for a second…' Suddenly he recalled hearing some rumors about a new prodigy, a new monster that registered at the guild and swiftly took the title of the strongest adventurer from that pompous idiot. 

Rumors said that it was a measly-looking young man. He had a slender, lean physique and a messy, commoner-looking outward look, though that was just a play. It was said that the kid had the strength of an ogre inside him, every strike of his shook the training hall. Even the nickname he earned, the 'Ogre Child' was a reflection of his deceptive traits.

His duel with Sir Michael, the 'Golden Boy' was said to be a short, one-sided beatdown were in the end, the fainted 'hero' had to be taken away and was still under the care of the local priests.

Recalling the various gossips and rumors he heard, Don could easily connect the dots and come to the frightening conclusion.

"You… You… are that new adventurer… that the town is talking about? The Ogre Child?" He couldn't help but ask with a shocked look on his face.

His words caused another wave of surprise and bewilderment to spread amongst his team. They all looked with a newfound look at him. Amongst the already present fear and weariness, now a tint of respect and awe have also started to seep in.


"Is it true Cap? This is that famous boy?"

With this new realization in their minds, they could only look at their brethren, Krone with a look of pity. He just had to once again, do something incredibly stupid and charge at the only person in the city that shouldn't be angered. After all, the wildest rumors about him went as far as saying that the Ogre Child fought against the Roaring Lion to a draw! How wild is that!

Hearing the weird name he was referred to, Aiden looked at the elderly leader with a confused stare.

"Ogre Child? Me? Why?"

Suddenly a series of loud chuckles exploded from behind him. Hearing the strangely fitting new nickname, Scarlet and Drake laughed so hard that they almost fell to the ground.

"Ahahahaha, that is great! The Ogre Child! Oh my…" They laughed heartily, soon spreading their infectious state to the others in the team. A few moments later Sara, Lily, Naybeah and finally even Galina joined in, giggling without restraint, finally lifting the sour mood in the room up with them.

The rest of Don's team members although they dared no to openly join the laughter, they too revealed thin, meek smiles on their faces as they looked at the team of youngsters.

Before Don, could have any chance to react, Drake came forward from behind, placing his hand over his friend's closest shoulder he slowly calmed himself as he responded with a wide grin still plastered on his face.

"You see Aiden, it's quite fitting actually. Just think about it. Nobody would expect you to be so abnormal after all…" He sighed at the end, turning his gaze towards the elderly man as he pointed his question at him.

"So… I think it's time for you guys to explain yourselves. My friend here, myself, and the others behind us are really eager to learn what was all this about. Why did you attack us? Shouldn't we be doing our best to get to know each other in these few hours we still have left?" He asked, showing clear displeasure and disappointment in his expression.

Aiden, on the other hand, didn't say anything else but was still frowning. To be perfectly honest, he was still stuck at the new alias he was coined with, not too happy at all.

'I'm not an ogre… A dragon would have been much cooler…' He mumbled inwardly.

"Sigh…" Don heaved, letting out all his pent-up emotions, looking down at the ground rather than the boys themselves as he continued. There was a bit of sadness coming from his tone, that though he tried to mask, Aiden could still pick up. "We didn't mean to cause any harm, but considering the dangers we are about to face, we wanted to have a clearer picture of those so-called 'youngsters' that Master Sebas told us that would be joining today. Being forced to play like pieces on a grand chessboard, we at least wanted to know those that we are now forced to work with."

"I see…" Aiden suddenly spoke up, looking at the old man with a neutral gaze. "That is understandable… Anyway, who are you, people? It's clear that you are not some random bunch of people picked up from the streets." He fired a question of his own. He had his ideas already but wanted confirmation.

"Yes, I suppose it's best if we start over." The old man, catching the hint, nodded at the boy and bowed once again.

"My name is Don Cherignan, the captain of the Silver Howl mercenary group." He introduced, giving only a single breath' time before continuing. "We are not actually from this region, Master Sebas, the man who you ki-" He stopped himself, almost blurting out the term that might cause another round of displeasure, he corrected himself. "…Young Masters and Misses came with is the person who basically owns us. Though we are mercenaries and usually swear allegiance to nothing but money, Master Sebas saved us in the past, and we owed him, hence our presence." He explained, keeping his posture all the way.

His words and his explanation were kind of a surprise not just to Aiden but to the rest of the team as well. Master Sebas? The butler? Who was he actually, and why did it seem like they have no clue about the Masked Mistress behind the old man?

Hearing no response from the young man, Don gathered all his courage to ask…


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