The Last Primal

Chapter 496 - 496 - Respect And Fear

Chapter 496 - 496 - Respect And Fear

After the grand opening, the rest of the mercenaries were a bit wary to join their comrade's fate, even if in the end her vitality was miraculously restored. They did not want to face these little monsters one by one only to humiliate and shame themselves in front of their friends. 

Instead, as they were already discussing amidst themselves with the constant shushes was to join together and propose a team battle idea to the two leaders. Yes, two leaders, as after seeing Captain Don's almost subservient attitude towards that exotic-eyed boy, they already regarded him as someone of higher rank. The dreadful sensation still brightly burning in their hearts and minds, their fright also cultivated the seed of respect as well.

When Captain Don turned towards them to ask for the next volunteer to step up, they made up their minds about the matter. A short scruffy-bearded, rough-looking guy with short buzz cut styled black hair gave a light cough and began to speak with a firm, but at the same time, respectful tone.

"Captain… No, honored leaders, please hear our proposal!" He gave a slight bow, turning his gaze towards the grassy ground, looking at their feet.

"Hmm? What do you propose?" Aiden asked with curiosity. Sara's victory was so dominant, that when Crysta, the mercenaries' 'assassin' hit the ground unconsciously, he already noticed their change of mental states through the system. Through his enhanced hearing, he could also pick up the repressed whispers, the chatters as they all wanted to find a way out of this humiliating display. 

He was also smiling inwardly, just waiting for them to gather their courage to step up and propose to their captain.

"Well…" Feeling the boy's gaze land on him, the man actually shivered in fright once again, reminded of the fearsome display of power, that unbearable weight that they were subjected to just some minutes ago back in the barracks. He couldn't help but gulp audibly and gather all of his willpower to even squeal in the presence of this horrifying creature.

"W-we… We… w-want to…" 

Seeing their friend stutter and visibly lose his strength, the rest of the team stepped up to support him. 

"We would like to fight together. We propose a team fight. Our team, led or commanded by our captain, fighting against the rest of them! Team against team!"

They exclaimed simultaneously, shouting in unison. Don frowned listening to their proposal, well aware of the truth behind it. They did not want to bring shame to themselves or to the corp, hoping that a team display wouldn't be as humiliating as Crysta's loss. Thinking about it, though he felt it was shameful, he already understood that the strange children were most likely all monsters in human skin, rather than normal adventurers. 

Thinking about the idea a bit, he sighed, knowing that this was indeed the best course of action. Instead of straight-up answering, however, he turned to the boy at his side and asked.

"What do you say, Young Master Aiden? I do believe this would be better. In fact, our time is quite limited, and if we want to be ready and in our best conditions, we really should hurry up this game a bit."

Aiden smiled lightly at their words, keenly aware of their heavily palpitating, agitated hearts. He could hear their fast-paced rhythmic thumping, he could actually smell the beads of fear, the stench of their mortal worries wafting off their bodies and he had to admit he was quite amused. 

This much punishment for their earlier misdeeds, even if it was done with good intentions he felt was well deserved. Still, since they do need to somehow find a way to work together, Aiden knew that he too has to give in and offer them a hand. With that, he smiled and nodded as he responded.

"I agree, it would be good." 

"That's good! Then-" Don heaved a sigh of relief and instantly wanted to signal his men to walk up to the fighting ring, but before he could finish his words, Aiden continued with the same smile stretching his expression.

"However… Since we are only 5 men and 2 war hounds only, I don't it's fair for my team to face up against the rest of your team." Looking through the group he gave a quick headcount and continued. I suggest you pick out 7 from your team so they would stand on equal grounds. The rest could then join together and face against us two like we originally planned. What do you say, Captain Don? Does this sound acceptable to you?"

'Fair? Fair my *ss!' Don cursed inwardly at the boy's suggestion. 'Your monstrous friends probably each worth 2-3 average fighter each, not to mention the casters you hid and all the other tricks they may still have!' He cursed, yet he kept all his true thoughts inside and only showed a pondering, thoughtful look outwardly. 

In the end, he could only nod and agree to the boy's condition. 

"Yes, it should be okay." He sighed then turning his attention on his team, he commanded them.

"Go, decide amongst yourselves who will stay behind and fight against us in the third round! Also…" He then turned towards the youngsters standing at the other side, looking much calmer after Sara and Crysta's duel. 

"Also, just a reminder for everyone: The point of these battles is to get to know each other, learn as much as you can, so later today when we are facing the real opponent, our full team can improve! Do not hold or create grudges with others, be lenient, and benevolent to others! Remind yourselves that for the next 30 days, you will be forced to stay, live and survive together! Only by learning to trust the one next to you, will you have a chance to come back from that god-forsaken realm!"

Everyone nodded, agreeing to the old man's words, not arguing with anything he said.

After a momentary breather, the 7 lucky (or unlucky) volunteers stepped forward, taking their sides of the ring. 

From amongst them, 4 of them stood at the front holding shortswords in their hands, whilst the other 3 each grabbed a spear, hoping to utilize the increased range to their advantage.

Seeing their opponents readying up, Aiden nodded at his friends to follow suit, while waving for Sara to walk to him. Since she was already done with her own fight, she naturally couldn't join the team.josei

As she walked up and took her place at the front, besides Drake and Scarlet, Naybeah was almost shaking with excitement. Grabbing her adorned, huge war ax she was like a wild beast ready to be unleashed and jump at their unsuspecting prey!

"Finally! Some action! I have been itching for some training since waking up!" She yelled, her face growing into an almost twisted, crazed, lustful look gazing at the startled mercenaries in front of her. 

She was hungry, and the only substance to ease her appetite would be a filling battle!


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