The Last Primal

Chapter 502 - 502 - Mystical Power

Chapter 502 - 502 - Mystical Power

Lost in her own thoughts, Galina was jolted awake by the calm, and soothing voice of his Young Master calling for her in his mind. 

Through their shared mental channel Aiden called out for her, giving her the instructions she had been hoping for but dared not to act without direct command. 

'Galina, dear, you can go ahead and do what you do best. Let's get them back on their feet, alright?'

Startled by his sudden voice, Galina quickly regained her wits, responding energetically whilst nodding in his direction outwardly.

'Y-yes, Young Master! I will get to it at once!' She exclaimed, rushing towards the two sprawled-out twin sisters and crouched down between them.

As she leaned over to take a closer look, Don and the rest of the Silver Howl's hurried over as well. Their gazes were filled with worry, sorrow, and a bit of confusion as they looked at the sisters. They all saw their strange, peculiar behavior right before their captain incapacitated them after all.

"Captain, captain!" 

"What happened to Ginny and Gilly? Why did they look so weird?"josei

"Are they fine, Cap?"

Listening to their concerned, worried voices, Captain Don felt warm, so proud that their corps was more like a family than just a rag-tag bandits-for-hire. They were so much more, over the almost two decades they operated, they turned from a group of soldiers that decided to go against their commander and tagged as deserters into such a close, tight group of people.

When they were forced to escape, and leave their homeland knowing full well that most likely they will never, ever be able to set foot on their home soil again, they never dreamt that such a time would come. 

Still, after 19 arduous years, full of hardships, the misery they slowly climbed out from that veritable chasm, that dark pit of despair they were pushed into. Through their own blood, sweat, and tears they gradually climbed out of the state of hopelessness, never losing sight of their ultimate goal, their dream: to be able to return to their home.

Unfortunately, said goal is still more like a wishful dream, a hallucination at best. Their countrymen suffering under the oppression of the Empire, they all but probably lost their identity in these years under their might. Before they are freed from their shackles, and their mental suppression, there is no route to take, there is no hope for the Silver Howls to ease their aching hearts.

This shared goal, this common desire made the already close countrymen even closer, they were akin to brothers and sisters. Even the more willful ones, like Clynt from before or  Mikhas, the bulky, giant who had thoughts about the proud amazon only to be beaten into submission… Even they were loved and cared for by members of their family. 

Yet, the strange look in the eyes of Ginny and Gilly before… the lost, almost mad, crazed gaze as they saw nothing but their opponents, even going as far as ignoring their captain's word whom they have regarded as a father, the patriarch… That was something they all felt should not be possible. It was more than strange: it was suspicious.

"Cap… What happened to them?"

One of the girls, closest to the captain asked with a worried look on her face. The state of his dear 'sisters' was in… She couldn't understand.

Don didn't respond to any of the chirps, the questions, and inquiries of his team. He was focused on the small, black-haired girl's actions, waiting for her words after finishing her preliminary inspections. Yet, his worry was clear even if he tried his best to hide it from the others. His hands were clenched tightly into fists, that turned pale over the force he exerted over them.

His body was shivering as he tried to swallow all the worry, the helplessness, the anxiety he felt. He knew he had to show a strong front, lest his team would fall back to despair and depression. 

"Sigh…" Seeing them from behind, Aiden sighed and shook his head as a thin smile began to curve his lips. From their actions, their display, Aiden could finally see and accept that they weren't bad like most of the humans usually were. There was something, a strong tie, a connection between them that not just kept them close over their years and pushed them through the hardships they most likely have faced, but also it provided them with a sort of protection, a layer of a barrier against this ever-encroaching darkness.

Yet, it wasn't fool-proof, as seen with the case of the two twins. Under some circumstances, maybe due to the emotional pressure, maybe the rattled state of their minds and hearts, or something else entirely, they could still fall under its corruption and lose themselves in its haze.

"Everyone, step away, let the two poor girls have some fresh air. Standing around them will help nobody." Taking a few steps towards them, Aiden spoke up. His voice though calm, held some authoritative tone, some firmness as well. 

At first, there was no reaction from the mercenaries. It was as if they didn't even hear the boy like they were in a separate realm entirely. It wasn't until Don came back to his senses, and shook his head, and repeated the boy's commands did they finally wake up from their collective trance.

"You heard the Young Master! Don't suffocate the girls, back away you sorry lot!" He exclaimed, repeating Aiden's command as he stood up and waved with his hands to shoo them away.

Reluctantly though, but the crowd slowly began to disperse, taking several steps to back away and give some space, and -as the two leaders have proclaimed: air- to the two still unconscious girls. 

Galina was mostly oblivious to the small commotion and events happening around her, she was focused on the two girls around her. Sending small strands of her primal energy, the [Soul Power] into their bodies to scan the state of their bodies.

Suddenly, feeling a strange, mysterious power, she gasped as she jumped back, falling on her butt. As if she just came up from submerging under the water, she greedily gasped for air, heaving violently, and darting her gaze from left to right then right to left to search for her island of comfort, her protector, her Young Master.

Through their mental connection, Aiden instantly felt the scare, the trepidation of her heart; he instantly darted forward, appearing just behind the girl in the next moment. Crouching down, without saying a single word, Aiden reached out, hugging the poor, trembling girl from the back, pulling her closer into his warming embrace, slowly soothing, calming her agitated heart and mind.

Galina's frantic look and terrifying expression slowly began to ease as she felt the warmth of his beloved Young Master's toned bosom.

Seeing the girl's abrupt change of state, however, Don standing behind them, couldn't sit still, and asked with an anxious tone of voice:

"W-what happened? Why is she so scared?!"


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