The Last Primal

Chapter 65 - 65 - The Hero (Part 1)

Chapter 65 - 65 - The Hero (Part 1)

The leader looked at them, smirking under the cover of the mask. After about a minute, he finally spoke

"You 6, are our dearest VIPs tonight. Now, I would like to ask Mr. Police Commissioner to please be so dear and call the Minister. We have a great party tonight, and we should let him know, don't you think?"

The old man defiantly looked at the captain of the terrorists. However, before he could utter a word, the leader got close to him, and placed a finger on his mouth, silencing him.

"Now, now, Mr. Police Commissioner, you should have realized by now that we are not joking. We are not a bunch of kids that you can threaten with your words or your position. Remember what I said at the beginning? If not, let me refresh your memory."

He nodded to one of the soldiers that were standing guard around the group of people in the middle. The guard turned around and picked up a brown-haired young man from the group and forcefully dragged him to the leader.

"I said" the leader continued "that we don't need everybody alive for our plans." Then he aimed his rifle on the boy "So, Mr. Police Commissioner, can we get you to cooperate with us, or will you force our hands? I will give you a count of 3 to decide. One, Two… and.."


"There, that wasn't so hard, was it? Now then…" he moved closer to the old man, giving him a phone that was already dialing a number. "Please, let the dear Minister know that this great party is missing him. Make sure he comes here. If you alert him and he comes with the police or military, just know that your dear grandson and family may have a tragic lead-overdose incident."

Shortly later as the call connected, the old man did as he was told. The same event was played out with the other VIPs, they had to call and invite other high-profile people to the venue, while also making sure to not alert them of what's going on.

When all was left and done, they were led back to the rest of the group. The leader stepped up to the table once again and looked at the scared crowd.

"Don't be afraid people, if you do what you are told and behave, nothing will happen to you. Once our business is done, I promise you can all go to your merry way! Now, since this is supposed to be a party, why don't we enjoy ourselves while we wait for the others?"

Looking through the crowd, the leader's eye stopped on a gorgeous beauty. He pointed at her, and with a bright smile, he asked.

"Hey there beautiful, don't be afraid. Come to me, and let's enjoy this party!"

The beauty he was speaking to was Kat, who was terrified by his words and quickly hid her face in Aiden's arms. Aiden looked at her and patted her head as she tried to calm her.

"Don't worry Kat, nobody will hurt you while I'm here."

His friendly invite being rejected, the leader's voice turned sour, and he looked at the boy, while he motioned with the guard close to them to pick them up.

"Don't be like that, your boyfriend can also come, we can all have a great time!"

The guard stepped closer to them and wanted to grab the girl to pick them up, but his hand was suddenly grabbed by the boy he wanted to ignore. Feeling the powerful grip cracking his bones, he couldn't help but groan in pain as he looked back at the leader for help.

"Boy, if you value your life, I suggest letting go of my friend and let him do his job. You don't want to suffer a similar fate than the guy before you right?" As he said that he pointed towards the dead guy they shot at the beginning.

Aiden, however, wasn't afraid, and with an expressionless face, he looked at the leader, as he loudly broke the guards' hand, and flung him across the hall towards the door. Then with a chillingly calm voice, he addressed the leader.

"I don't care who you are, or what your business is, but nobody touches her. This was your first and last warning."

Then he sat down, patting the crying Kat's back as if nothing happened.

Both the guests and the terrorists were stunned at his display of prowess and for a few moments, nobody could even utter a single word. Andrew and the group were looking at Aiden as if he was some kind of alien. Who was he? When did he gain such strength?

Andrew was the first to break out from his stupor and quickly whispered to Aiden.

"What are you doing? They might kill you for what you did!!"

Aiden just looked at him as a warm smile curved up on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. When I will give you the signal, you run to the door and escape. Don't look back and make sure you drag the girls with you, okay?"

"W-w-what are you planning to do? Don't be stupid Aiden!" Andrew stuttered.

"Just do as I say!" slightly raising his voice, Aiden's eye flashed in golden light and a small bit of his draconic aura oozed out, causing Andrew and the others close by to look at him with a mixture of fear and awe. It was an indescribable feeling as if they were looking at a higher being. Maybe God? They didn't know for sure…

"Y-yes!" Andrew stammered, but still agreed.

"Who do you think you are, boy, to hurt my friend? You will pay for this with your life!" The leader's voice interrupted their talk. He already had the gun aimed at Aiden and was about to shoot, when suddenly Aiden vanished.

The next moment the leader felt someone from behind. With his rifle still at the ready, he slowly turned around, only to see the boy standing there. Before he could utter a word or command, the boy hit him in the chest, causing him to crack several of his ribs, and flung him back several meters in the air.

The rest of the terrorists seeing this realized the graveness of the situation, and with their training, they quickly got back their footing. Aiming at the boy, they shot at his location.

Aiden's figure flickered once again, and at the next moment, he appeared at the nearest soldier, only to punch him in the chest, causing him to fly backward just like his leader.

In the next moment, he flickered once again and punched another guard. The process repeated itself several times until there were no more guards standing around.

As all guards and the leader were still groaning on the ground in pain, Aiden shouted.

"Andrew, GO! NOW!"

Although Kat vehemently tried to convince her brother to stay, he grabbed her arms and forcefully dragged her.

"NOOOOO! WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM!" she was screaming.

"We will call help! You saw how strong he is, he can handle this, and we would just hold him back. Let him play the hero without worry."

As Kat was dragged away, followed by her roommates, Aiden sighed in relief. He knew how this night should end, but he didn't want them to see it. However, now, as they were out of the picture and hopefully safe, he no longer needs to hold back.

Turning around, he looked at the group of terrorists, who were slowly standing up, and smiled.

A loud growl resounded in the hall, and at the center stood Aiden, with a creepy unnatural smile on his face. His eyes were glowing in its golden color. His gaze was terrifying, to say the least. As Aiden gazed at the leader of the terrorists, the leader couldn't help but shiver at his sight.

"Don't you come closer, monster! EVERYONE SHOOT AT THAT THING!" josei


Andrew, Kat, and the girls were a few meters away from the building when they heard the gunfire.

Hearing the sounds, Kat's face gone white and as all strength left her body, she plopped to the ground. Tears rushing from her eyes, she cried as she looked back at the building.

"Noooooo!! *sob* Aiden!!"

Grabbing her hands, Andrew looked at her sister, with worry visible in his eyes.

"We have to be strong sis! Trust that he is fine, he is a clever and strong man! We have to do our part and get help for him! He is counting on us! That's the best we can do!"

Her brother's words seemed to work, as her eyes cleared up, and she slowly got up from the ground.

"Y-yes, you're right! We have to get help for him, I can't lose him now that we finally…"

Looking back at her roommates, she bawled her fists, as she exclaimed.

"Let's go, quickly! We have to get help for Aiden!"

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