The Last Primal

Chapter 69 - 69 - A Primal’s Fury

Chapter 69 - 69 - A Primal’s Fury

[That's it Aiden, that is what we need! Feel the anger! Let it flow through you, open those gates that still hold most of your power locked away.]

Looking at the old man, he only saw the one responsible for the death of Lily, the cruel murderer from the visions that clouded his mind. Reality once again started to slip away, but this time it was something that Enya was hoping for. Everything she said and did, was to force Aiden to be lost in his rage. 

Yes, she may have crafted the events and used the true power of the system, the hold it has on his mind to manipulate Aiden, but it was all for a reason. She had the only goal in mind, and to achieve it, and protect Aiden, she will do anything that it would require. No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice…

Looking at Aiden, Lily didn't know what to do anymore. He was slowly pushing through the barrier, then he suddenly stopped and started crying and losing himself in sorrow, apologizing and talking about how he failed. Then, after a few moments, he changes his tone and promises to keep her safe. Now, she wasn't sure what was happening to him anymore, she didn't know how best to help him.

"Brother, let me help…" she spoke. Standing up, she tried walking closer to Aiden but was stopped when an invisible force pushed him back down. Struggling, she pushed through the pain as she was still pushed to the ground, and looked at the source, only to be stunned at what she saw.

The old man had suddenly raised his left hand and was looking at her with that cruel smile plastered on his face. Then he looked at Aiden, who was already shaking with fury, and with his raspy voice, he mockingly said.

"That's all you can do?! If so, then allow me to give you a bit more motivation…"

As he said, he raised his right arm and aimed it at Lily. As soon as he did that, Lily felt the pressure on her double. It was already hard for her to hold it, but now she felt as if she was slowly getting crushed. Unable to hold back, she desperately cried out.

Seeing her sister suffer just like she did in his visions, Aiden felt something break inside him. His fury running rampant inside him, he looked at the old man with pure hatred.

"STOP IT, YOU BASTARD! AAAAAAARGH!" Aiden let out an otherworldly shout, as his eyes shone in bright golden light. He felt that he tapped into something sleeping deep inside him. This untapped potential, this sleeping power was a result of some of the forms he mastered, nor was it a reward from the system. No, this power was always a part of him. This energy came from his very soul, his being that not even the Great Ioris could define. This was the true power of a Primal.

[What is happening?!] Enya exclaimed inside his soul space that was currently shaking. The darkness that always ruled this 'world' was being pushed back by a golden light that came from below.josei

Notifications kept coming from the System, but Aiden did not care for them now. He felt this new power fill his body, reinvigorate him, refresh, and even overflow his reserves. The golden light that was his eyes now, shone even brighter than before.

The air around him vibrated, it was like if the essences in the air couldn't remain still after being reunited with a long-forgotten friend as this new source of energy once again interacted with them. Soon, Aiden's whole body was lightly coated in the same golden light as were his eyes.

As his power increased, the force that pushed her down and almost crushed Lily dissipated instantly. The old man didn't stop his attack, it was all a result of what the boy was currently doing.

Lily slowly sat up and looked at the state her brother was in. She couldn't help but feel delighted. After the rollercoaster of emotions he went through, he finally found something inside him. Maybe it's a new power, maybe it was always there, whatever it was, she was happy thinking that her beloved brother may have gained something extraordinary.

"Go, brother, show this old man that you are the best!"

As the energy hid Aiden, nobody saw the transformation he was going through at this time. The black smoke, the [King's Wrath] has long dissipated as it was no longer maintained by Aiden.

Even the old man looked at the boy with a hint of surprise visible on his face. While he was merely following the directives set upon him by this world, he still had limited conscience. This turn of events was not something that was projected to him, and as he felt the surge of power that radiated from the boy, he wasn't sure that the next phase of the fight would go the same way as it was planned…

As Aiden's power kept surging, soon not just his Soul Space but the whole Pocket World was shaking, trembling in front of the uncontained potential that radiated out from him. Other than Lily, who was strangely unaffected by the force, all the creatures that still resided in the world struggled to even stand. The smaller animals and monsters were already lying on the ground unconscious, just the largest and strongest beings could barely keep up.


Number 3 and Granny also felt that something wasn't going as planned. The whole testing ground, the pocket world was being shaken by some incredible power. 

"What is happening there?! We have to pull the kids out, now!" shouted Granny, as she felt the power. She was about to stand up and rush out to the back yard, but Number 3 pushed her back down.

"Stay. Focus! This power is coming FROM Aiden, and not somebody else. You can also feel his life essence, he is fine along with Lily. Something has happened to him that is causing this. We have to investigate more and see if this is beneficial to him!"

Granny looked at Number 3 with a troubled expression and sighed. She was right, she could feel that both kids are perfectly fine. In fact, he could feel more vitality coming from Aiden than ever before. 

The power he was radiating however felt like nothing before. She, who lived longer than anybody would expect, has also never felt anything like this. 

"But what is this energy that is coming from him? I never felt anything similar." she exclaimed after a while.

Number 3 was gazing at the fire, lost in her thoughts. As she kept racking her brain.

"I don't know… This energy is not something I ever felt either. It's stronger than anything I ever experienced." Coming back to reality, she looked at Granny with a serious expression.

"We should get ready. We may really need to pull them out. Aiden might not be able to contain this power and we may have to calm him down before something tragic happens! Come! Let's get ready!" 


The Pocket World was experiencing something similar to a cataclysm. The whole world kept shaking, entire forests destroyed by just the sheer force that came from Aiden, creatures squeezed too much or ripped to pieces. Nothing was safe in front of the overwhelming, unsurmountable power that came from the boy shrouded in Golden Light.

Everything was experiencing the world's destruction. Everything and everybody, except Lily. She was fine, completely unaffected by his brother's power. She was looking at him smilingly, happy that his brother found something so incredible! Not wanting to disturb his concentration, she didn't want to speak or even breathe loudly. She just continued sitting on the ground and looked at her beloved brother with deep affection visible in her eyes.

Inside the Golden Light, Aiden was experiencing something new. All of his senses were overwhelmed by some power he never knew it existed in him. He was trying hard to contain it, but he was having a really hard time, as the energy was insurmountable. 

[Aiden get a hold of yourself! This is your power, you are in control! Calm down, and feel the power, feel as it flows, and direct it back. Don't stand against it, go with it! Be one with it, this is your power, your potential.]

Aiden could hear Enya's voice, and as he closed his eyes, he did as she instructed. Feeling the power all over his body, he followed the flow of the stream, feeling it. As he no longer offered any resistance, he started to enjoy the feeling, as the energy coursed through him. Slowly calming down, he could finally feel that he had some sort of hold over it. Gently guiding it back, he asked Enya.

'What is this power? Where does it come from?'

Enya looked at Aiden, then smilingly answered.

[This, Aiden, is the true power of a Primal. Tap into it and use it to defeat the enemy!]

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