The Last Primal

Chapter 72 - 72 - The Runaway

Chapter 72 - 72 - The Runaway


Many miles away, in the capital city of Elsaid, a figure of a man shrouded in a brown tattered cloak was currently sneaking in an alleyway just outside the royal palace. He was watching his every step, careful, not to make any noise, he was heading towards the direction of the city gates.

'Come on, careful there you idiot, or that hound dog will find you!' he whispered to himself. His face was currently hidden behind the tattered cloak's hood. His right hand was placed on the hilt of his sword, which compared to his current attire was adorned with jewels. A large green emerald was inserted into the pommel in the shape of an eagle's head, while a few other gems were also placed along with the grip all the way to the crossguard. 

The hilt was designed to be the upper part of an eagle with its head being the carefully crafted emerald, while the crossguard served as the animal's raised wings. It was beautiful craftsmanship. The blade couldn't be seen as it was currently resting in its scabbard. Only the top of the scabbard was visible, the locket, that was pure gold with the emblem of the Royal Eagle embedded on it.

The figure placed his hand on the hilt trying to cover the design and the emblem of the scabbard at the same time. Anyone who would see it would immediately recognize it as only members of the royalty could carry such.

As the meters behind him grew, he increased his pace, and soon he was running through the city, sticking mostly to alleyways and out-of-the-way roads, so he wouldn't be seen by the guards or the Nobility. After a few minutes, as he reached the wall that separated the nobility from the commoners, he pressed a few bricks seemingly randomly. As he pressed the fifth, a small tunnel opened up in front of him. 

'Finally! I'm out!' he exclaimed happily as he stepped into the tunnel.


Inside the Royal Palace, a large brown-haired man could be seen walking in hurried steps towards the Throne Room. He had a large scar running across his face all over his left eye. Miraculously, or maybe with the help of magic during the time when he received this reminder of his exploits, he hasn't lost the light of his eye. 

He was wearing red silk threads, with the Royal emblem embedded just above his heart. On his right, a sword could be seen hanging. While it wasn't as incredible as the one that the cloaked figure had, it was still a fine craftsmanship. 

The sword was resting in a similar scabbard than what the figure had, and the pommel of the sword carried the Royal Emblem, the Soaring Eagle.

As he reached the Throne Room, he stopped before the guards, and with a strict and demanding tone, he loudly stated his purpose.

"I have to see your highness. The matter is related to the crown prince!"

The two guards that guarded the entrance, looked at the man with a wry smile on their faces, as they asked with a mocking tone.

"Did you lose sight of him again Sir Lloyd?!" 

Sir Lloyd didn't answer but the troubled expression on his face answered instead of him. He looked at the closed door then to the guards before he asked again.

"Let me talk to your highness. Open the door."

They nodded, and opened the entrance to the Throne Room, giving way to him to report his mistake. As his figure vanished and the door closed once again, the guard on the right smiled victoriously and looked at his partner on the left as he placed his open hand towards him.

"I won! Give me my money! I told you he will lose sight of him in 2 days and looks like he actually did!"

Grumbling, the guard on the left, gave him 10 silver coins. The coins all had the royal emblem on them. 

"I shouldn't have agreed to this, it was obvious he would lose sight of him again. This is what, the third time this month? At this rate, his bodyguard saw the Crown Prince less than anybody else in this castle!"

The guard on the right took the coins and placed them inside his coin purse. Grabbing it to get the feel for the wealth he obtained, he laughed.

"Hahaha! So true Evan! Seriously, why does your Highness even keep this guy? I get it that he was once a legend but look at him now! He can't even keep his sight on a rowdy teenager!"

As they continued to talk and laugh at his expense, Sir Lloyd arrived in front of the King and knelt down. In front of him was a throne that was crafted in the shape of a giant eagle. The crest was the eagle's head that looked down with its green emerald eyes, judging the mortals that stood before this mighty being. The armrest was crafted to be its wings and it ended with 2 huge green emeralds once again. The throne was an incredible sight to behold.

The old man resting in it was currently looking at the kneeling person with a tired look. He buried his face in his hands as he already knew what the man kneeling in front of him was going to say.

"Your highness, please excuse me for my intrusion! I…" he started, but the old man in the throne silenced him quickly. 

"*Sigh* Let me guess. You lost sight of him again didn't you?" the king asked while not bothering to lift his face from his hands.

"I… I did your majesty. I'm terribly sorry. I don't know how he slips away every time. I was keeping a close watch in front of his room. I… I failed you, your majesty, please punish this lowly servant of yours." he bowed his head even deeper in shame.

"It's not your fault Sir Lloyd, it's him that I'm worried about. I placed him under your care hoping he would grow up and stop acting so immature, but it seems I was wrong. *Sigh* Do you know where he went?"

"Yes, your highness, I believe you and I both know…" he replied as he raised his hand. He had a troubled smile on his face. 

"*Sigh* I know… Please go after him and bring him back. I will talk to him. It seems that there is no reason to swim against the tide…"

"Your majesty! Are you saying that you will let him…" Sir Lloyd started to speak, but the King once again interrupted him.

"Yes. I will. Now go, and bring my idiot son back…"


Inside the forest, in the backyard of Granny's cozy little hut, 2 black gates formed. Both Granny and Number 3 were already waiting for the kids to return. Soon the gentle smile on their faces disappeared and was replaced by worry when from the right one the unconscious body of Aiden appeared. In a flash, Number 3 disappeared and caught Aiden's falling body before it hit the ground. 

A moment later, Lily also appeared and immediately rushed to her brother's side. She was already on the verge of crying, with tears dripping from her face. She looked at Number 3 as she carried Aiden inside and with a shaky voice she asked.

"I-is he alright?"

Number 3 didn't answer her and with hurried steps, she quickly entered into their shared room. Her focus was on her talented little apprentice who was currently in a deep state of hibernation to recuperate due to the excessive overuse of his energy and the additional strain he placed on his soul with the forced evolution.

Granny, who was right beside her patted her head gently, as she replied. While she also was anxious, thanks to years of experience, she still managed to speak in a calm tone.

"Don't worry dearie, I'm sure he will be fine. He must have just taxed himself too much. Remember, he already did this years ago when he first arrived. Sit down and drink some tea. I have also made your favorite tarts if you would like to munch on something while we place Aiden down to rest!"

She poured some tea for Lily, offered her some tarts, and promptly left in the direction of the room where Number 3 was already checking up on Aiden. Lily was holding the cup of tea in her hands and with a worried look in her face was looking at the room where he was at. 

Inside the room, Number 3 had her palm placed on Aiden's forehead and the other on his heart. Her eyes were closed, and she was silently muttering some words. A short time later, her hands shone in bright white light. 

However, as soon as the light interacted with Aiden's body, and tried to invade, an invisible force erupted and pushed it back along with her hands. As the light faded from her hands, she looked at Aiden shocked. Only when placing her hand back on Aiden's chest and feeling his heartbeat did she manage to calm down.

Granny who just entered the room, looked at her, and with worry visible on her face she anxiously asked.

"So, what did you manage to find out? Is he okay? What happened to him?! At one moment he was completely fine and in the next, we lost all signs of him!"

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