The Last Primal

Chapter 75 - 75 - The Apparition

Chapter 75 - 75 - The Apparition

Looking at the visibly tired but still determined look on Lily, Number 3 smiled as she stood up. Walking next to the girl, she rested her hand on her shoulders and started gently caressing it.

"You are a really strong girl Lily, for going through my selfish request. I know I'm asking a lot from you, and I really appreciate everything you did today. You see…" she looked up, lost in her thoughts momentarily, as she continued.

"You see, I wasn't even supposed to come into contact with you guys. But everything changed. We got to know each other, and we grew closer. I honestly look at you guys not just as my apprentices, but as my very own children. You and Aiden are both very dear to me. I know we haven't really talked much, and that you still think I have some ulterior motive against you, and I will continuously work on proving you wrong. I have lost a family once, and now that I found you guys… I will not let history repeat itself. 

You see that's why I am so focused on making Aiden wake up. I just can't lose him… I hope you understand." With her speech finished, she gently patted her shoulders once more before she slowly went towards their room to check up on him one last time.

Lily was silently looking at her back as she walked away. Tears clouded her vision, but she refused to wipe them away, or even let out any sound. No. She promised her brother that she will be strong and will not be a crybaby anymore! She can't, she mustn't! She just sat at the table, shaking as she was fighting off the urge to cry out to her heart's content.


The sound of the door opening caused Granny to slightly shudder. She closed her eyes, as she calmed herself. When she opened them up back in the next second, the golden glow was nowhere to be seen. She also quickly wiped away the tears from her face, as she turned around. Looking at Number 3, she forced a smile on her face as she greeted her.

"Did you get anything important from Lily? What happened to Aiden?"

Choosing to ignore her shaken state, Number 3 instead focused on recounting the events including their fight and Aiden's sudden release of power that shook the very foundations of the Pocket World.

"In the end, I think that for some reason a power that was sealed inside him got released prematurely causing too much strain on his body and soul." She gently placed her right palm on Aiden's chest and listened to his beating heart and breathing for a few seconds, before sighing in relief and continuing. josei

"As he seems to be completely healthy from the outside, he either might have simply overtaxed himself, and are just resting, or he damaged his soul due to this strain. If the latter is true, then…"

Number 3 turned around, facing Granny as she looked her in the eyes. With a stern expression, she continued with a serious tone. 

"Then, we will need you to create a soul-healing potion. I know you know the one I'm referring to."

"I know." Granny answered determinedly "I will do it, but the ingredients are rare and cannot be found in this forest. I assume you know what they need, apart from that, right?"

"Yes. Don't worry about them, I can get everything in a few weeks. Just make sure you are ready on your end." She looked at the closed door as she continued. "Including taking care of her. Hmm… Let's send her to the city. She should be old enough to take in the city by herself. She could register as an adventurer at the Guild, maybe complete a few easy requests, get to know how it all works. She is exceptionally talented with the bow after all."

"I know… It's just that I don't like the idea of her being alone in the city. I would much rather have her around the house, maybe sending her to gather some herbs?"

Number 3 shook her head in response.

"No. She is not a kid anymore, and she wants us to respect this. She wants to show Aiden that she is strong and that we can rely on her. In the morning, after breakfast, you will talk with her, and send her to the city. She needs to do something that would occupy her, so she wouldn't stress out about Aiden non-stop."

Granny looked at Number 3 with a conflicted expression for several long seconds, before she finally relented, and nodded.

"Fine. But I will tell you right now, I do not like this, one bit! Also, if Aiden wakes up, and doesn't see Lily anywhere, what will we tell him?"

"The truth. She is out working as an adventurer. I'm sure he will go after her and join. Then those 2 will be an unstoppable duo." Looking at the sleeping boy, she smiled gently and stepped over to him, sitting down at the side.

She lightly caressed his head, and for the first time, she kissed him on the forehead. 

"Get better, Aiden! We are all worried about you!"

After the small peck on his forehead, she stood up and silently walked out of the room. All the while, Granny was smiling at her. Once she left, she also gave Aiden a small peck on the forehead and left the room.


Arriving back to the dining table, she was surprised to see that Lily was still sitting while Number 3 went to her usual spot beside the fireplace and was already silently sipping her tea. 

Walking beside the girl, she gently caressed the top of her head. 

"Dearie, what the matter? If you would like you could go and be with him now, he is just resting, he is not injured."

Hearing the words she was hoping for, Lily immediately jumped up, and eagerly looked at Granny with her tear-stained eyes. 

"Is he really fine?! Are you not lying, Granny?!" 

Smiling, Granny nodded.

"Yes dearie, he is fine. He seems to have tired himself out and may stay asleep for a while, but otherwise, we did not find any injuries on him."

Lily bolted towards the room as soon as she heard Granny's words. She was already at the door when Granny finished, and without looking back she waved with her hands, and without turning back, she thanked her.

"Thanks, Granny! I will go and rest now! See you! You too, Master!" She also waved towards Number 3, who smilingly raised her cup at seeing Lily's actions. 

"This girl…" she muttered to herself mostly.


Closing the door behind her, Lily slowly walked towards Aiden's bed. Sitting down at the side, she looked at his peaceful sleeping posture. 

"Dear brother… Please wake up! I don't know what to do… I'm trying really hard to be a big girl, like I promised… But it is easier said, than done. "Tears clouded her vision once again, her voice started breaking up. Closing her eyes, she gulped, trying to calm herself. After a few moments, she exhaled, and as she opened up her eyes again, she continued whispering to Aiden.

"But rest assured, even if you keep on sleeping, I will continue to work hard, to become better, stronger… Someone you can rely on. Aiden, I…" Instead of finishing her words, she smiled at his sleeping brother, and gently pushed him to the side, making room for one more. 

Quickly she snuggled next to him. Resting her head on his chest, she relaxed to the sound of his slowly beating heart and to the rhythm of his steady breathing. After several minutes, she silently whispered.

"Aiden, I lo-" However, before she could finish her thought, suddenly a white blinding light illuminated the dark room. The air vibrated and distorted, and in the middle of the room, a gate, similar to the one they used to traverse between the worlds formed, only this was white instead of black.

From the white portal, a figure, or more like an apparition stepped out. She was made of the same white energy as the portal she used, but Lily could still make out most of her defining features.

Curvaceous, and mature female, probably similar in age as Number 3. She couldn't make anything out of her face as the energy that formed her body wasn't solid and kept restructuring itself. While the whole visage was otherworldly, Lily wasn't afraid. Instead, she jumped up, and while she didn't have her weapon at the ready, she still entered into a battle stance. If needed, she was ready to sacrifice her own life for the sake of her beloved brother.

Yet, the apparition didn't show any hostility, and just stood still. She kept facing Lily, even as the door opened up and both Granny and Number 3 rushed in. They both rushed between Lily and the invader, eyeing the 'thing' in front of them. 

"Lily! Are you alright?! Did this thing hurt you?" asked Granny while she still kept her eyes on the apparition. Number 3 didn't talk but was listening to their discussion to determine the best course of action. She didn't feel any hostility from the being, so she did not attack. 

Before Lily could answer, a soft melodic female voice came from the being resounding in their minds. 

[Sorry for the intrusion. I bring news about Aiden's situation.]

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