The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 256

Chapter 256: Goodbye, Ancient Capital!

July 7, 2030, 9:00 a.m.

In the Western Military Region, Lieutenant General Sun stood on the walls of the ancient capital with a huge beheading knife in his hand.

Beside him, there were hundreds of evolvers guarding them. They were all warriors who dared to die.

Countless zombie corpses and human corpses piled up in their mountains.

Hundreds and thousands of small teams were leaning back against each other, shoulder to shoulder, fighting in every direction of the city wall.

The outer city wall was already in tatters. Countless zombies had poured into the outer city of the ancient capital. If they didn't retreat into the inner city, they wouldn't have the chance to retreat and would soon be devoured by the zombies.

Five million warriors dared to die, but in just one day and night, there were only tens of thousands left to chat with, but there were only 100,000 people left.

"Zzzz, Commander, the survivors have all retreated!" Han Xiaoxuan's somewhat hoarse voice came from the communication.

There were extremely complex emotions in his words, including intimacy, reluctance, and regret.

Although Han Xiaoxuan came from a military aristocratic family, she was only an ordinary military aristocratic family. She did not have any prominent family, but there were people from previous generations in her family who joined the army.

Lieutenant General Sun was the first noble person she had encountered in the special environment of the apocalypse. He was also an incomparably important person in her heart.

However, she was about to lose this incomparably important person. Han Xiaoxuan's heart was filled with mixed feelings.

In fact, when Lieutenant General Sun said that Han Xiaoxuan had strongly opposed staying in the death squad as a commander, but it was useless. Lieutenant General Sun's intention to live or die with the Ancient City had been decided. He did not even discuss this matter with his family.

Lieutenant General Sun heaved a sigh of relief. The news that he was waiting for had finally arrived, so it was time for them to retreat.

He recognized the complicated emotions in Han Xiaoxuan's voice and smiled broadly in the communication, "Little Han, there's no need to be like this. There's always death. However, it's a pity that this ancient capital..."

Lieutenant General Sun's unwillingness and special feelings towards the ancient city moved Han Xiaoxuan incomparably.

She said solemnly, "Commander, the soul of the Ancient Capital will forever exist. I, Han Xiaoxuan, swear that I will return here and build a new Ancient Capital City in the ruins in my lifetime."

Lieutenant General Sun smiled and said, "Haha, good, good!"

"With these words of yours, I, Sun Jihua, can smile. You can retreat as quickly as you can!"

Of course, Han Xiaoxuan knew about the evacuation. This plan for the dead city was made by her. How could she not know what was going to be released here?

With that, Lieutenant General Sun ignored Han Xiaoxuan and quickly opened the public channel.

"All the surviving warriors, the outer city has been destroyed. All the survivors have been evacuated," he shouted.

"Now, I order you to immediately retreat into the inner city! Exert our last remaining heat and execute the last link of Plan B. The outer city wall will be blasted apart soon." josei

As soon as Lieutenant General Sun finished speaking, he immediately took the lead and jumped off the city wall. Behind him, hundreds of evolvers followed him without hesitation.

Lieutenant General Sun was not an ordinary person. As the supreme leader of the Western Military Region, his strength might not be the strongest.

However, he was also a strength-type, Strengthening Element Fourth Grade Evolver. After jumping down, he did not show any signs of aging or exhaustion and quickly ran towards the inner city.

Upon hearing the order, the other dozens of small groups quickly jumped off the city wall and retreated from all directions towards the inner city of the ancient capital.

In the inner city of the ancient capital, there were numerous buildings. In some corners of these buildings, there were hundreds of observers.

Their mission was not to fight, but to find the commanding heights and pay close attention to the movements of the corpses to ensure the success of the Death City Plan.

As Lieutenant General Sun quickly retreated, he opened the communication and shouted, "Explosion squad, blow up the city wall for me."


As soon as Lieutenant General Sun finished speaking, a deafening explosion sounded.

With hundreds of years of history, the outer city walls of the ancient capital were reduced to ruins in the midst of the flames.

Countless corpses of humans and zombies were set ablaze. At the location of the original city wall, there was a huge fire that soared into the sky. A stench of charred words permeated the entire ancient city.

The soaring fire did not stop the zombies from attacking. Countless low-grade zombies quickly poured into it.

One special "fire corpse" after another rushed out from the fire and chased after Lieutenant General Sun and the others.

Within the inner city of the ancient capital, under the newly built stone city wall, the gates were all opened. Lieutenant General Sun and the others ran wildly and quickly rushed in. They closed the city gates and headed towards the tallest landmark building in the ancient capital, the Ancient Capital Building.

"Peng peng peng peng …!"

Lieutenant General Sun and the others had just evacuated the city gate when countless zombies swarmed over, pounding the steel gates in all directions.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh …!"

This was not the end. Countless fire zombies soared into the sky and flew towards Lieutenant General Sun and the rest of the retreating warriors.

"Chi … Bang!"

Fireballs flew out, and dipper energy overflowed in all directions, transforming into multicolored energy radiance in the air. At this time, the surviving warriors were all extremely powerful evolvers.

Firearms, bullets, and the like had long since been exhausted. They had already entered a hand-to-hand battle. A group of people retreated as they fought. They quickly retreated towards the Ancient Capital Building. As long as they entered a large building, they would no longer fear these fire corpses.

Very quickly, in less than 10 minutes, Lieutenant General Sun finally brought the remaining survivors and rushed into the Ancient Capital Building.

However, the number of people was also rapidly decreasing as they fought and retreated. There were only a few thousand or less people left. They began to sprint towards the top of the building.

Very quickly, Lieutenant General Sun and the others rushed to the top floor. Only at this moment did Lieutenant General Sun let out a sigh of relief.

However, he did not stop. Instead, he quickly walked towards the roof and looked at the countless stainless steel water towers on the roof.


Lieutenant General Sun laughed wildly in his heart. It seemed that Little Han's Plan B had worked perfectly and hadn't been destroyed. It was really great! !

Then, he walked to a water tower and pushed it with both hands.

Dong …!

The stainless steel water tower was pushed down and was filled with blood.

"Gulong, gulong …!"

In an instant, a large area of the roof was dyed red, and it even poured down the ditch on the roof towards Great Xia.

Lieutenant General Sun looked at the hundreds of people behind him and said, "My comrades, haha, I'm afraid we're going to die together."

The survivors didn't have any strange expressions on their faces. In fact, when they chose to stay, they already knew what they were going to face.

Lieutenant General Sun looked at their pitch-black faces in the midst of the bloody flames and shouted again, "All of you are doing well. I, Sun Jihua, am worth it in this lifetime. Everyone, push all these water towers!"

"Dong … Dong … Dong … Dong …!"

The sound of countless water towers falling to the ground rang out, and Bo Po's blood quickly dyed the roof of the entire building red.

The three floors on the roof of the building were dyed blood red. The smell of blood was extremely strong, causing the zombies in the inner city and the zombies outside the inner city to go crazy very quickly.

Lieutenant General Sun looked at the inner city, where countless holes had been broken. He quickly picked up the communication and said, "Plan B has been completed. Zhou Qirui, Wang Qisheng, I'll leave the rest to you."

Wang Qisheng replied in a low voice, "Don't worry, Old Commander. Have a good journey. Leave the following matters to us."

Zhou Qirui even joked, "Haha, Old Commander, don't go too fast. We'll be there soon."

The final executor of the Death City Plan was Wang Qisheng's explosive team and Zhou Qirui's observation team.

An observation, and an order, an arrangement, and an explosion.

There was a clear division of labor. It was only to maximize the results of the Death City Plan. According to Commander Han's instructions, it was best to blow up the Corpse King at the same time.

On Zhou Qirui's side, more than two hundred observer hands were quietly hiding in various places, observing the surroundings at all times in order to confirm when the Corpse King had entered the city, or whether he had entered the city.

The so-called Plan B was the water tower that Lieutenant General Sun and the others had just knocked down.

The blood in the tower was the bait. They were the items that lured the high-grade zombies and quickly gathered towards the center of the inner city.

Of course, this blood was donated by all the high-level evolvers in the base. Only the smell of blood from countless high-level evolvers could attract countless high-level zombies.

Of course, there were still the remaining death squad members who were being used as bait.

Lieutenant General Sun looked at the iron door on the roof that had been blasted apart, the high-grade zombies swarming towards him, and the flaming zombies flying towards him from the sky.

"Haha, come on, everyone, the more you come, the better. I'm not afraid of you."

"Kill …!"

Lieutenant General Sun and the remaining hundreds of soldiers who dared to die did not give up their resistance after completing their mission. They shouted and ferociously rushed into the corpses that had poured into the roof.

"Puchi... Puchi...!"

Saber and sword, sharp claws into flesh.

Blood, heads dancing.

The broadsword in Lieutenant General Sun's hand had just chopped off the head of a Third Grade zombie when a Third Grade zombie on one side tore off a piece of its skin and flesh.

Lieutenant General Sun continued to slash down like a zombie, one zombie after another collapsing.

However, his body was also missing, and one of his arms was quickly torn off.

Fresh blood was dripping, and it could be said to be extremely tragic.

After Lieutenant General Sun slashed with his blade, the broadsword in his hand flew out and stretched out at his waist. A high explosive blue flame grenade that had been pulled open tightly gripped onto his hand and tightly covered his chest, as if he was murmuring to himself.

Goodbye, Ancient Capital! !


Amidst the intense explosions and the brilliant blue flames, Lieutenant General Sun instantly turned into ashes.

Of course, at the same time, the countless zombies and Lieutenant General Sun's sacrifices shocked the soldiers who were still fighting to the death.

"Old Commander, wait for me …!"


A handful of blue flames exploded, and the daring warrior and the surrounding zombies all turned into ashes.

"Farewell, my ancient capital...!"


Another blue flame exploded, and another daring warrior and the surrounding zombies turned into ashes.

The Blue Flame Flower bloomed everywhere, and fewer and fewer warriors dared to die.


A gigantic blue flame flower blossomed, clearing out a large area at the center of the roof.

A deep and low shout echoed through the devastation in his eyes for a long time...

Goodbye, Ancient Capital! ! !

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