The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 302

Chapter 302: Firefly Short Sword

"Chi … Rumble … Buzz …!"

The wind howled and exploded like lightning. As Yifan's wrist trembled, he slashed down with a rock collapsing slash.

"Rumble... Kacha...!"

On the specially reinforced floor of the training room, a crack quickly spread out. Even the wall in front of Yifan had a huge crack.

The power of the Rock Tiger Saber did not disappoint Yi Fan. However, the small training room was unable to withstand Yi Fan's torment. However, with just a single slash, it was already on the verge of collapse.

Yifan smiled heartily and wiped his left hand. The Rock Tiger Saber in his hand was stored in the Heavenly Rock Ring.

After thinking for a while, Yifan took the Heavenly Rock Ring that was originally worn on the ring finger of his left hand and brought it to the ring finger of his right hand.

"Ka ka …!"

The sound of the machine rang out. On the floor behind Yifan, the small mold opened and a black-purple jade dagger appeared in front of Yifan.

The dagger was 70CM long, 3.5 CM wide, 15CM long and 55CM long. It was black and purple. Even the blade was the same. It was dark and there was nothing unusual about it.

However, when Yifan took it out of the mold, he discovered that although the dagger was black and purple, upon closer inspection, its quality was like jade crystals. It was completely like a piece of black and purple jade that grew naturally.

The only bright spot was the silver runes on the hilt of the sword. Although these runes were silver, they did not look too bright. They did not destroy the mystery of the entire dagger in the slightest. Instead, they added a bit of strangeness.

These translucent silver runes were painted on the hilt of the sword as some unknown ferocious beast.

What was strange was that the unknown beast's eyes were black. As the essence of the entire formation pattern, the eyes on his head were like two small black holes. This caused Yi Fan to feel extremely shocked.

Yifan held it in his hand and stroked the sword blade with one hand. Rock Crystal Dragon Energy poured into it, causing the entire dagger to glow with dark red crystals.

It was at this moment that Yifan discovered that the ferocious beast eyes at the hand guard had actually emitted a dazzling dark red light beam. It was dotted with fluorescence, like two streaks of infrared light.

This dark red fluorescent color was extremely similar to the color of Yifan's Stone Crystal Dragon Force. A short red line appeared on the ground beneath Yifan's feet.

Yifan held the dagger horizontally and used his palm to block the dark red light beam. Two small dark red dots immediately appeared in Yifan's hand.

As for Yifan, he felt it seriously. Very quickly, in less than two minutes, Yifan discovered the secret of these two beams of red light.

It was because Yi Fan had already begun to sense that the skin on his hands was getting drier and drier, and he even felt a little hot.

However, in a short moment, Yifan stopped injecting his crystal power. The pair of worm eyes on the dagger guard immediately dimmed, and in an instant, they turned back to the black color they used to be.

In less than two minutes, the skin on Yifan's hand was actually dark red, and there was a burning sensation. josei

Yifan looked at the dagger in his hand and grinned. He was quite satisfied with the firefly sword. In his heart, he had even found a master for the dagger.

Now that he had finished refining this time, his crystal power had almost recovered. Yifan put the dagger into his Heavenly Rock Ring.

He quickly tidied up the disorderly training room, utensils, molds, and so on, and put them all into the Heavenly Rock Ring. Then, they flew out like the wind.

Yifan had a good eating habit, and now that he was hungry again, he was naturally in a hurry to go out and find something to eat.

Right now, it was already past 9 p.m. and it was almost 10 p.m. Yifan quickly walked out of the training room and all the way to the living room.

In the living room, Fei Na and Ji Ruoxue were sitting lazily on the living room sofa, seemingly waiting for Yifan, which moved Yifan a little.

"Ah …!"

Yifan flew over like a gust of wind. In an instant, he squeezed beside the two of them. He hugged both of them with one hand and said with a smile, "Wives, are you two missing me so much that you can't fall asleep?"

Ji Ruoxue blushed and grabbed Yifan's hand behind her back. She stammered and didn't say anything for a long time.

Fina was generous enough to allow Yi Fan to caress her. She even said with a little charm, "No, it's not Sister Ruoxue."

"I know that you definitely haven't eaten. I'm afraid that you're hungry. Let them prepare some food for you, but I'm afraid that you don't know. They're pulling me here to wait for you."

"Bah … Bah …!" Yifan pouted on each of their cheeks and said happily, "How sweet!"

Fina said with a disgusted expression, "Darling, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Yifan looked at the two beauties in his arms and thought to himself, "These two goblins, let's see how I will deal with you after I finish my meal."

Right now, he obediently released the two women and sincerely said, "Fei Na, Ruoxue, it's good to have you!"

After saying that, Yi Fan walked upstairs. However, he had only just walked a few steps when Fina smiled and said, "Darling, did you succeed in forging your weapon?"

"Of course I succeeded. How could your husband not succeed?" Yifan's voice came from the stairs, but he disappeared from the stairs.

Early morning, July 20, 2030.

Time flew by like a shuttle. Three days passed in a flash. Today was the last time Yifan had made an appointment with the Red Fox King.

Using potions to exchange for cultivation techniques. Potions, of course, were Yifan's bloodline potions. If it was of a high grade, Yifan would naturally give it to Excellent Grade.

As for perfection-grade potions, they would only be in his hands. Unless he was a trusted aide, Yifan would not give them out easily.

In fact, Excellent grade bloodline potions were already quite powerful. At the very least, they were much more powerful than the beasts on Earth.

After all, the planet that the Elas lived on was a high-grade or even super-grade civilization. In all respects, it surpassed Earth by too much.

Even if it was just an Excellent grade potion, its genetic ability was far more powerful than Earth's creatures, but it was fundamentally different.

Of course, the creatures on Earth were evolving at an unprecedented rate. Perhaps not many years later, the creatures on Earth would be able to evolve to the level of perfect creatures on Planet Ella.

For example, Cauliflower, its predecessor was just an ordinary cauliflower snake, and Red Fox King, its predecessor was just an ordinary Red Fox in the Luoxiao Mountain Range.

Another example was Mo Yi, who was only a medium-sized raptor before the apocalypse-the Snake Condor. Another example was Elvis Presley, whose predecessor was just a stray black cat.

However, their current appearance and abilities were already completely different from their previous bodies. It was hard to imagine what they would become if they continued to evolve. Perhaps they could really evolve into divine beasts that could destroy heaven and earth in fairy tales.

As for the bloodline potion in Yifan's hand, it could allow the Crimson Fox King to fuse with incomparably precious high-level genes, allowing it to move faster and farther along the path of evolution.

'"Clack …!"

Mo Yi suddenly flew out amidst the high-pitched cries. In the sky, he drew a dark green line of fire and disappeared from the sky above the small town in an instant.

On the broad back of Mo Yi, Yifan propped up a dark red crystal shield. Within the shield, Sister Ruoxue leaned against Yifan's shoulder.

Sister Ruoxue always looked very gentle when she was alone with Yi Fan. Everything was centered on Yi Fan.

Yifan asked, "Ruoxue, if the Red Fox King really let you choose among those Beast Kings, you will choose that Beast King."

Ruoxue slowly raised her head and looked at Yi Fan with her big watery eyes. "This … I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet?" She said embarrassedly.

Yifan smiled bitterly. "Then why were you so excited before? I thought you had already thought of it."

Ruo Xue blushed and asked, "Brother Fan, if it were you, which Beast King would you choose?"

Yi Fan smiled faintly and said, "If it was me, of course I would choose between the Thunderhawk King and the Cloud Leopard King."

Ruo Xue smiled and said, "Well, at that time, I'll be in the middle of these two. Watch and choose one."

"Chi …!"

As the wind blew, Mo Yi brought Yifan and Ji Ruoxue to the peak of Lianyun Mountain.

Clicking …!

Mo Yi's high-pitched cry spread far and wide. Of course, this was Yifan's instructions

"Jittery …!"

A hawk's cry rang out, and a black eagle shrouded in lightning appeared in Yifan's line of sight.

After circling around Yifan and the others, they flew in one direction at top speed.

"Jittery …!"

Another eagle cry seemed to be reminding Mo Yi, or rather, reminding Yifan and the others to follow.

'"Chi …!"

Mo Yi responded with a loud voice and quickly followed. In just a moment, the Eagle King brought Yifan and his group to a huge stone mountain.

Yifan could only vaguely determine that this should be the Lianyun Mountain Range at the center.

However, at this moment, the Eagle King had already begun to slow down and quickly descended. Mo Yi followed closely behind and descended.

"Chi …!"

The wind whistled. Yi Fan and Ji Ruoxue flew from Mo Yi's body and landed on the ground. Mo Yi also slowly folded his wings and stood beside them.

In front of Yifan and the others, the two tall rocky mountains seemed to be squeezed together, but at the foot of the mountain, there was a rift left.

The cracks in the mountain were pitch black. It was obvious that they were not worn right. It could be considered a strange cave.

Obviously, this was the Red Fox King's lair.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp!"

A series of fox hisses interrupted Yifan's thoughts. Without making Yifan wait any longer, a scarlet figure shot out of the mountain-like cave at top speed.

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