The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 454

Chapter 454: Intertwined

"After careful consideration, I think it's necessary to report this to you personally. I even want you to report this to the God Race leader's ears …!"

When Shen Ichiro heard this, he smiled indifferently, "Oh …! What kind of opponent is he to the point of alarming the leader …!"

Hearing this, Pu Yu was still extremely serious. "Lord Shenichiro, Heavenly Rock City has dominated the city since the end of the world."

"At present, there is information that even if the Rock King is seriously injured, there are still three peak Tier 5 experts in Heavenly Rock City. Their combat strength is also above Tier 5."

"This power cannot be underestimated …!"

When Shen Yilang heard this, he remained unmoved and said calmly, "Is there anything else?" josei

Hearing this, Pu Yu still bowed solemnly and said, "Yes, in Heavenly Rock City, there is also a special combat organization known as the Outer Five Birds Group."

"There are five hundred terrifying elite evolvers in this special warfare organization. These five hundred evolvers have basically reached a Tier 5 high level of evolution."

"Furthermore, they are also attached to the China Battle Formation. In the battle formation, they have the ability to resist peak Tier 5 warriors."

"Furthermore, each of these advanced evolvers is the strongest bloodline warrior in Heavenly Rock City …!"

"You've just woken up. Perhaps you still don't know about the existence of bloodline warriors. Let me introduce you..."

"No need …! I do know a bit about this bloodline warrior. I've heard from Nongyu that the secret power of Heavenly Rock City is something that you are preparing to steal …!"

Shen Ichiro interrupted Pu Yu's words, and his words were much more cautious. He said, "This Five Birds Group is indeed a bit tricky, but it will not affect the overall situation."

Hearing Shen Ichiro's words, Pu Yu was also quite curious. She smiled charmingly and said, "Lord Shen Ichiro, after your return this time, the changes have really been great."

"Why does Pu Yu feel like Heavenly Rock City is nothing more than a chicken and a tiled dog to the God Race?!"

When Shen Yilang heard this, he smiled indifferently, "It's not that big of a cock, but what about the power you're talking about?"

"Indeed, it is enough to cause some trouble for me and the other Divine Envoys, but it doesn't mean much to experts at the level of our God Race's leader …!"

"Even the distance between a peak Tier 5 and a Tier 6 evolver is no longer something that can be filled by numbers."

"Let me tell you this. Our four great Divine Envoys will fight against the leader. With all their strength, we will definitely lose within five minutes."

"This is the dignity of a Tier 6 expert, so not to mention a Tier 55th, even a Tier 55th would be like a 5,000 lamb waiting to be slaughtered for a leader …!"

"To a leader, there is no need to report such a level of strength. Not to mention peak Tier 5, even Tier 6 existences have their own strengths and weaknesses."

"The reason why the God Race calls itself the 'God Race' is because the leader has a divine object in his hand."

"With this divine object, let alone a group of five birds, and a group of twelve zodiac animals, there's nothing the leader can do about it."

Hearing this, Pu Yu was incomparably shocked. However, he asked again, "According to what you said, the leader of the God Race alone can already annihilate Heavenly Rock City. Why are you still cooperating with the five cities? Isn't this superfluous?"

Hearing this, Shen Yilang Wen smiled indifferently and said, "This is a bit too much. Although the leader is powerful, killing those people of the fifth stratum or even defeating some of the peak experts in Heavenly Rock City might not be a problem."

"But wanting to destroy a city is a completely different matter. There are so many factors involved that it cannot be said on the same day …!"

"Although Heavenly Rock City is weak now, it is not a soft persimmon. Even in this situation, it still has the ability to counterattack at the end of its life."

"Actually, the leader who has just woken up does have plans to go to Heavenly Rock City immediately. However, after a moment of inquiry, he temporarily let go of that idea …!"

"However, due to the darkness in his eyes, he didn't have any information, so he didn't end it in the end."

"At present, most of your intelligence is only in terms of personnel. It can be said that you haven't touched the true core of Heavenly Rock City yet …!"

"You should know that Heavenly Rock City is quite powerful in the field of crystal power utilization. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be one or two great killing weapons …!"

"Furthermore, Heavenly Rock City is the largest clan in the competition for the resources of the ruins in the early Doomsday Era. It has taken over countless ruins of various sizes."

"Just a Rock King, among his many trump cards, not a single one is a trump card that can be defeated by a fish in a net …!"

"Although the leader is powerful, he is still very cautious and wise. Even though he has strength, compared to Heavenly Rock City, his foundation is still too weak."

"Perhaps, for the time being, if we meet the Rock King outside the city and fight head-on, it won't be too difficult to take down the Rock King …!"

"However, I'm not sure if I can take down the opponent in Heavenly Rock City. Moreover, the Rock King is not simple. If I don't hit him in one blow, I'm afraid I'll alarm the snakes."

"Once he escapes, relying on his talent, giving him some time to advance to the sixth rank is inevitable. At that time, the leader's advantage will be gone."

"Furthermore, he has exposed himself. With the strength and foundation of Heavenly Rock City, it is really unknown who will win."

"Under many factors, the leader clearly knows that even if his combat strength is heaven defying, he still has a divine object in his hand."

"However, if the newly awakened God Race were to destroy Heavenly Rock City on their own, their chances of winning would definitely be extremely slim, and they would even be in danger of alarming the snakes."

"So, the leader's original plan was to fully develop the God Race. With the speed of the God Race's development, it won't be long before they can catch up to Heavenly Rock City. When the time is ripe, they will be annihilated in one fell swoop!"

"However, I didn't expect that the plan wouldn't be able to keep up with the changes. However, in a few days, the situation changed drastically. The appearance of the Five Cities Alliance caused the leader to be incomparably tempted."

"They can save the God Race countless troubles, and what they need is an evolver with decisive power."

"In this regard, the two sides can be said to be perfectly complementary. In addition, you and I happen to be connected between the two forces."

"Only by coincidence did we have the Five Cities Alliance, the God Race's foreign aid, and the matter of attacking Heavenly Rock together …!"

Hearing this, Pu Yu's heart was incomparably shocked. At the same time, he sighed and said, "It turns out that the origin of this matter is actually so twisted and twisted."

In her opinion, the leader of the God Race was strong. What was even more rare was that he had such a wise and clear mind under such a strong premise.

After the destruction of Heavenly Rock, this terrifying God Race would probably rise up very soon.

However, hearing the original leader of the organization talk about the leader of the God Race and his respectful attitude, Pu Yu couldn't help but have some thoughts in his heart.

She said, "Lord Shinichiro, since you came back this time, you have always called yourself the God Race's leader. Open your mouth and shut your mouth …"

"Furthermore, regarding the matters in the organization, it has always been handed over to the agency of Pu Yu. Could it be that you …!"

When Shen Yilang heard this, he immediately waved his hand and interrupted Pu Yu's words. He lowered his head and leaned over and whispered, "Pu Yu, don't worry. I have not forgotten my background, nor will I abandon Nara Organization."

"However, the leader of the God Race is extremely powerful and wise. Although I have gained some strength, the situation is not as glorious as you think."

"As for the leader of the God Race, he has absolute power of life and death to the God Representative. Give me some time and I will handle the God Race's affairs properly."

"As for the organization, you are the acting captain in charge of it. However, I will always be the firm backing of the organization and protect the organization …!"

"Right now, China's current situation is a good time for the organization to rise. Take advantage of the general trend of the destruction of Heavenly Rock City and secretly rise …!"

Hearing this, Pu Yu's heart finally calmed down. She smiled charmingly and exhaled like an orchid, "I'm sorry, Lord Shen Yilang, Pu Yu shouldn't suspect you..."

When Shen Yilang heard this, he smiled sinisterly, "Hehe … Miss Pu Yu, your suspicion comes from your loyalty to the empire and the organization. I don't mind it."

"On the contrary, I quite admire your ability. Those eight cute little ones have given me a great surprise."

Hearing this, Pu Yu took two steps forward and said in a charming voice, "Really, Lord Shen Ichiro, you are still so large..."

'"Hearing about the leader of the God Race, Pu Yu deeply feels the pressure on you. Let Pu Yu relax for you."

Pu Yu was so charming that her cheeks turned slightly red as she slowly leaned over. Seeing this, Shen Ichiro's eyes had already turned lustful. As the corner of his mouth rose, he pulled with one hand and Pu Yu's curved body was instantly pulled into his embrace.

As they rubbed their hands together, their breathing became more and more rapid. A moment later, Pu Yu's charming exclamation rang out in the bedroom of the villa.

After a long time, Pu Yu walked out of the independent villa with a flushed face and walked towards the temporary headquarters of the Five Cities Alliance in the small city.

Along the way, Pu Yu was already thinking about how to reveal some of the information he knew to the Five Cities Alliance.

This made them more trustworthy of the God Race, and also increased their self-confidence, making them the perfect cannon fodder for the God Race and Nara Organization.

Actually, when the God Race was thinking like this, the Five Cities Alliance was right.

During the afternoon meeting, the Five Cities Alliance had racked their brains on how to use the God Race as a powerful fighter to wear away Heavenly Rock City's formidable battle prowess.

Even if the God Race, Nara Organization, and even the five cities of the Five Cities Alliance were to join forces, it was still impossible for them to completely put down their schemes.

Just as the representatives of the various factions were discussing the siege plan, they were also plotting their own plans...

Within the underground city of Heavenly Rock City, an exceptionally crisp voice sounded from the Spirit Gathering Chamber at the bottom of the Axis Palace.

"Kacha …!"

"Kacha... Kacha... Kacha..."

The wind blew, as if something had broken out of the cocoon...

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