The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 512

Chapter 512: Qinling Wolves

Yifan, with a smile on his face, slowly released his bloodline aura as he walked. A huge dragon aura pressed down on the Netherwolf as he approached.

You Lang originally wanted to tease him cynically, but when he sensed the huge aura pressing down on him, he felt his heart palpitate somewhat inexplicably. josei

Moreover, even though this king of humanity had a smile in his eyes, the murderous aura on his body caused his heart to be incomparably cold...

For no reason, he felt that this fellow seemed to be able to kill him at any moment...

"I ask, answer. If I'm not satisfied, die...!"

"Get it?"

Yifan, who was slowly walking to the wolf's side, whispered indifferently. His words were filled with killing intent, and the Sixth Grade Stone Crystal Dragon Force pressed down on the wolf's body with all its might.

His casual words and his murderous intent completely suppressed the Spirit Wolf. He had no doubt that if his answer really made the other party unsatisfied, this fellow in front of him would definitely kill him without hesitation.

Hearing this, the Netherwolf immediately fell to the ground slowly, expressing its submission. At the same time, there was no longer a single word of nonsense...

Yifan slowly stretched out his right hand and gently stroked his head. "Then let's talk about your family members. It's said that your family is pretty awesome..." he said.

It was still Feng Qingyun's indifferent tone, as if the two old friends were chatting with each other...

However, the Netherwolf was trembling. He knew that if he didn't give a good answer, the gently caressing hand on his head would instantly crush his head.

"Alright, the werewolf race is very big. They are basically a family. According to the arithmetic of the human family, the old man, the old madam, and the big brother are all rank six. The second, third, and fifth are about the same as me..."

The Spirit Wolf didn't dare to hesitate at all. It immediately released its own strength, wanting to intimidate the king of the human race, so that he wouldn't act recklessly.

"Bang …!"

"Ah …!"

Hearing the wolf's reply, Yifan gently stroked the wolf's right hand and patted it lightly. The latter only felt a numbness in the right half of his head. With a miserable howl, his right eye was immediately slapped out by the wolf's palm and exploded in the air.

"I'm not satisfied with your answer. Next time, you'll be a dead wolf..."

Yifan still smiled calmly, but the Spirit Wolf's heart was completely cold. He no longer had any luck. He knew that the human king in front of him was extremely hard-tempered. He was even more irritable or fierce than his father.

When Yifan heard of his opponent's strength, although his face was still calm, his heart became very cautious.

Although he already knew that mutated beasts were the darling of this apocalyptic world, he had worked hard to advance to rank six.

However, he discovered that within the mutated beast race, there were actually three Sixth Grade werewolves. It was inevitable that he was somewhat disappointed.

Of course, it was only an instant of disappointment, and at the same time, Yifan was much more sad about this werewolf...

Yifan didn't give the Spirit Wolf much time to slap away one of his eyes and spoke again.

"Why are you attacking this time? What is the connection between the Old City Lord of Baize City and your werewolf race?"

"The Old City Lord of Baize City has nothing to do with our clan. It's just a matter of interest." The wolf didn't dare to be negligent at this moment, and hurriedly said, "I don't think the Old City Lord of Baize City has anything to do with our clan."

"Because they are neighbors, there are quite a few casualties among them, but they have gradually become familiar with each other, and they even have a certain tacit strategic understanding …!"

"Each of them has a certain area, and each of them doesn't exceed it. Especially when Father advanced, the werewolf race even had a verbal agreement with them …!"

"As for Father's interest, it comes from a legend among the Mutated Bird Race. It is said that Heavenly Rock City has some sort of extremely powerful bloodline power that can greatly strengthen the strength of the Beast Race."

"That's why City Lord Baize City sent a message to the Qinling Mountains to invite my father out of the mountains."

"Of course, Father doesn't think much of the chips Lord Baize City has given me, and he is skeptical of the legendary bloodline power."

"In addition, Heavenly Rock City's reputation is outside, and we need to make a long-distance raid. Originally, my father was lacking in interest. In the end, I volunteered to lead 5,000 elites to attack..."

As the Netherwolf finished speaking, he looked at Yifan nervously. He was very afraid that this human king would end him with a single palm when he heard this.

Hearing this, Yifan did not feel the slightest bit angry. He smiled indifferently and continued to ask, "You are quite confident. You volunteered. For the sake of your confession, I won't punish you this time..."

"Then let me ask you again. Seeing that your intelligence is not inferior to that of ordinary humans, and your human language is extremely fluent, who taught you …!"

Hearing this, the Netherwolf replied respectfully, "My father, he once accidentally entered the alternate dimension and swallowed a jade pendant. Since then, he has changed …!"

'"He has activated high-level intelligence, and his strength has also increased by leaps and bounds. He has also used his spiritual power to teach us human languages, and he has also taught us how to cultivate werewolf martial arts and polish his own crystalline power..."

"In fact, he will train our thinking ability in anything …!"

When Yifan heard this, he smiled again and said, "Very well, that's the right answer. Then, the last question..."

'"Is the Qinling Mountain Range completely ruled by your father? Are there any Sixth Order cultivators in the other races? If so, how many? Or how many?"

Hearing Yifan's question, the Netherwolf quickly replied, "The Qinling Mountains were completely ruled by our Greedy Wolf Race two months ago."

"Dozens of large herds of beasts, hundreds of small herds of beasts, listen to my Wolf Race's orders …!"

"As for Tier 6, I'm not too sure. However, relying on my father's ability, he has only just advanced to Tier 6. It hasn't been half a month."

"I've heard my father say that there are only ten beasts in the entire Qinling Mountains that can barely fight him. At this moment, there shouldn't be more than five that have already advanced to the sixth level."

Hearing this, Yifan frowned slightly. Obviously, it was the strength of this Qin Mountain that made him feel a little troublesome...

The originally gentle hand paused for a moment, then said again, "Very well, remember, a prisoner should look like a prisoner."

"One eye can be considered a punishment for you. I can crush you to death at any time here. Even if your father comes, it will be useless."

"Also, we already know about your request. After today, someone will naturally notify your family..."

"When the time comes, it will depend on your father's price. Is it enough to tempt me …!"

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