The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 565

Chapter 565: Crimson Fox Exited Seclusion

When Hong Wenchang heard this, he was about to refuse, but he was stunned. "Team Fang, do you mean to let me enter Heavenly Rock Academy?" He asked doubtfully.

Fang Mubai did not act pretentious at all. He immediately said, "That's right, I want you to join Heavenly Rock Academy..."

Hong Wenchang was stunned when he heard this, but in the end, he still shook his head slowly and said, "No, no, if I join Heavenly Rock Academy, it would be the same as joining Heavenly Rock City's ranks, and it would be the same as completely standing on Heavenly Rock City's side!" josei

"Besides, the inheritance of the Xingyi Fist is actually very easy to handle. I just need to leave the" Thunder-shocking Strength "in Heavenly Rock Academy …!"

"Thunder-shocking Strength?" Fang Mubai asked blankly, "What is it? Is it a cultivation technique?"

Hong Wenchang said proudly, "Well, it should be considered a cultivation technique. Here are some of the things I have learned throughout my life. There are also some things I have learned. It was created by merging the crystalline power from the Twelve Scriptures and cultivating it."

Hearing this, Fang Mubai's pupils constricted, and he said with some shock, "What you mean by this is that you have created a cultivation method based on the Twelve Serious Canons and combined with what you have learnt. You have created a cultivation method with the Xingyi Fist as the main body?"

Hearing this, Hong Wenchang shook his head and said, "Eh, in Heavenly Rock City, in front of the Rock King, how can I be considered a creation? I can barely be considered a fusion …"

Receiving Hong Wenchang's affirmation, Fang Mubai was overjoyed. At the same time, he was also extremely shocked. He had created his own cultivation technique. He was truly an incredible fellow. No wonder the City Lord kept mentioning him again and again. He really had some skills.

Fang Mubai, who was shocked in his heart, praised sincerely, "Wen Chang, good job..."

"Since you have already created your own cultivation technique, you should stay. Trust me, I won't harm you …!"

"Let's not talk about anything else. After Lord Rock King knows that you have created your own cultivation technique, he will definitely invite you to discuss it. With Lord Rock King's attainments in cultivation techniques, your cultivation technique might be able to rise a few levels …!"

"As for whether you will stay or go, I have already said it. In the end, it will depend on your own choice. However, believe me, if the Rock King sincerely asks you to stay, you must stay …!"

Hearing this, Hong Wenchang was moved again, but he still did not immediately agree. He only said in a deep voice, "Team Fang, thank you so much. I will consider this matter carefully."

Hearing Hong Wenchang's words, Fang Mubai smiled again and said, "Don't worry, there's no need for such bitter enmity. City Lord will never force others to stay. You can rest assured..."

"If nothing unexpected happens, your family should be sent back to Heavenly Rock City within today. Go down and prepare. I have already sent someone to rearrange the house for you in the Four Directions Building."

Hong Wenchang immediately nodded and bowed, "It's troublesome for Team Fang..."

Fang Mubai smiled faintly, "Alright, who's with whom? Hurry up and go..."

With that, Hong Wenchang saluted him formally. Only then, accompanied by the two Ink Armored Sergeants, did he head in the direction of the Four Directions Tower. Fang Mubai remained on the city wall and commanded the overall situation.

In fact, Fang Mubai didn't have to personally come to the current situation. Gu Jian, the commander of the city defense regiment, was enough, but Fang Mubai was still worried about defending it personally. It could be seen that his character...

The main level Corpse King of the Bloody Realm had been subdued. The besieged corpses had all withdrawn from the Heavenly Rock Realm in a few short hours. That was the original LY County. Furthermore, they had not stopped yet. They were still trying their best to evacuate the entire C City.

As for the Heavenly Rock Realm, where the corpses had retreated, they were completely liberated. Other than some wandering mutated insects and some mutated cats and dogs like lone wolves, they could no longer see any corpses. This caused Fang Mubai, who was standing on the city wall, to feel solemn. At the same time, he wished he could shout loudly.

The Heavenly Rock City had finally been taken back by the Corpse Race. Although it was only a county, he believed that under the leadership of the Rock King, the path of the Heavenly Rock People would become wider and wider, becoming easier and easier to walk.

Of course, the impact of this unprecedented battle was far from being summed up by the gains and losses of a small town. Now that Yifan had taken control of the Corpse King of the Bloody Domain, it could basically be said that he had taken control of the entire Bloody Domain.

Not only was the Bloody Domain taken by Yifan, even the Dark Domain was on the verge of collapse. The Domain Lord Corpse King was killed, and the entire group of corpses fell into a headless state.

Although it wasn't a complete liberation, at least for a short period of time, before the new Corpse King established his rule, there wouldn't be any large-scale riots in the Dark Realm. It would even be peaceful for a very long period of time, giving humans the chance to divide them up and annihilate them.

At the same time, the poisonous miasma that had covered the sky above the two domains was slowly dissipating due to the fact that the Corpse Kings of the Domain Master level had been killed and retracted in the two domains, either on their own initiative or passively.

After this battle, the Bloody and Dark Realms completely lost their threat to Heavenly Rock City. Even the entire Bloody Realm would be included in Heavenly Rock City's territory in a short period of time.


Just as Fang Mubai was letting go of his thoughts on the city wall, a loud explosion came from the Luo Xiao Mountain Range behind Heavenly Rock City. A soaring purple-gold pillar of fire suddenly appeared in his eyes, appearing in the eyes of everyone in Heavenly Rock City.

The incomparably powerful aura caused every single warrior in Heavenly Rock City to feel a trace of unease. Even the lower ranked warriors were already unreasonably anxious in their hearts.

"Crackle …!"

Above Heavenly Rock City, silver lightning flashed. The heavily armed Vice City Lord Nian appeared in everyone's eyes. As lightning shone, a thunderous roar sounded from within Heavenly Rock City.

"Hiss …!"

After the thunderous roar, a snake hissed. The loli-shaped cauliflower flapped its translucent four-striped profound wings and flew into the air at an extremely high speed.

"There's no need to panic in case of an emergency. Each department will perform its own duties. Leave the rest to us."

"Hu …!"

The flames howled and flashed. Just as the spectacles roared, a purple-golden line of fire shot towards them. It was so fast that even the purple-golden light didn't have time to disappear. There were already many people in front of the spectacles.

A stunning beauty...

Eyeglasses only hurriedly twitched, immediately shifting his gaze away, not daring to look any further...

The loli-shaped cauliflower, on the other hand, sized up the person carefully and recognized him very quickly.

Her tall and delicate eyes were as tall as jade, and her soul-seizing red lips were as beautiful as a drop of water. Her perfect face was filled with seduction. Her luxurious eyes were filled with restless purple-golden flames, slightly mischievous scarlet red and black ears, and her golden, pure white and intertwined tails. Her glasses instantly guessed the identity of the other party.

Crimson Fox King!

That's right, it must be her...!

She has transformed. From the looks of it, she should have just come out of seclusion...!

From that direction, he had such a beautiful appearance, fire attributes, and the standard fox race characteristics after transforming. His strength had even reached six levels. Other than the Red Fox King, no other beast had such abilities.

The moment Eyeglasses and Cauliflower recognized the Redfox King, and the moment countless Heavenly Stone City residents were stunned, the Redfox King naturally saw who the two fellows in front of him were.

'"You're that guy's deputy, and you stinky snake. I didn't expect that you would turn into a cute creature after transforming …" she said anxiously.

"Where's that guy? Where did he go...?"

"Didn't you say that Heavenly Rock City is in trouble? I rushed over as soon as I advanced …!"

"Mm, I can't even sense that guy's aura. That guy Zhu Yifan couldn't have been killed by someone, right?"

The Crimson Fox King wasn't polite at all. It didn't matter if he suddenly appeared. Before he could greet her, he continued to ask questions like a barrage of cannons, causing his glasses and cauliflower to pause for a moment. He didn't know how to reply.

Clicking …!

At this moment, just as the Crimson Fox King was asking about the matter in Glasses City, a long eagle cry came from afar. A wisp of green light appeared in the eyes of the soldiers of Heavenly Rock City.

The moment the green light appeared, the Crimson Fox King said again, "I say, with that fellow's ability, it shouldn't be that easy."

"Chi …!"

As he murmured, the roar of flames resurfaced. The Red Fox King had already turned into a streak of purple-golden flame and was rapidly welcoming the dark green flame.

"Stupid snake, see you later …!"

As the flames swept out, glasses, cauliflower, this person and snake heard a cold female voice. Following that, purple-gold flashes of fire flashed, and the stunning beauty fox in front of them had already disappeared.

"See you later …!"

It was only at this time that Eyeglasses whispered in a low voice...

"Chi …!"

The wind whistled. Yifan was sitting on Mo Yi's back. After Mo Yi's long cry, he immediately stood up solemnly. He sensed a familiar powerful aura approaching quickly. He immediately said, "Mo Yi, slow down. There's a guest coming!"

"Hu …!"

A purple-golden flame swept across an extremely beautiful arc, shooting towards Yifan's side. A delicate voice said with a trace of teasing, "Speaking of which, do you look down on him? Fortunately, I came the first time I came out of seclusion after receiving your distress signal!"

Hearing this, Yifan turned his head and looked at the peerless fox beauty beside him generously. His heart swayed as he smiled faintly and replied,

"In this vast land of China, who dares to look down on our gorgeous Crimson Fox King? Isn't he courting death?"

'"Thank you for remembering the friendship of your neighbors. I came to help you as soon as you came out of seclusion. Congratulations on successfully breaking through to Tier 6. Your transformation has also been unprecedentedly successful. The beast race's characteristics have basically disappeared. It's even more beautiful than before."

At the end of his sentence, Yifan's tone was extremely formal, causing the Crimson Fox King to be stunned.

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