The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 724

Chapter 724: Perfect Fusion

Hearing Eyeglasses' words, Yifan quickly followed suit, but in an instant, he was already standing side by side with him.

"Coming …?"

"Come on …!"

As the question and answer ended, Eyeglasses quickly sat down cross-legged, picked up the innate potion syringe and began to inject it.

"Hiss …!"

The moment the potion was injected into his body, a slight breathing sound sounded from his glasses. It was obvious that he was suffering from inhuman pain...

Of course, from this moment onwards, he began to mobilize the lightning attribute ability in his body to welcome the berserk energy that entered his body...

As for Yifan, who was standing behind the glasses, he extended his right palm and slowly pressed it on top of the glasses.

With his palm pressed down, Spirit entered his opponent's mental world without any obstruction and began to observe the condition of his glasses.



However, just as Yifan Spirit entered the spiritual space of his spectacles, thunder rumbled and a thunder giant suddenly appeared in his spiritual world.

"Hahaha, I am a Heavenly Emperor, an undying Heavenly Emperor …!"

"As an inferior race, you dare to peek at the might of an emperor? You are simply courting death!"

This lightning giant was almost identical to Heavenly Emperor Chris Tillin. The moment it appeared, it even retained that fellow's arrogant consciousness.

Apparently, he still hasn't figured out what's going on...

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

Just as the roaring Heavenly Emperor Partial Sense was about to wantonly destroy it, a few whistling sounds of wind sounded in his ears.

The giant quickly turned his head, only to see dozens of dark red chains the size of arms shot towards him like dazzling light. Then, he heard a slightly lazy chuckle.

"What Heavenly Emperor? It's just a vegetable chicken. How dare you proclaim yourself an emperor?"

"Hualala …!"

"Ka ka …!"

The chains rang out, as fast as flowing light. The moment the giant turned its head, it was bound tightly. Without waiting for the residual thought to have the slightest bit of time to react, a huge dark red dragon claw flashed away...

"Bang …!"

Light blue Spirit covered the entire spiritual space of his spectacles with a hint of lightning. In front of Heavenly Emperor's terrifying Yifan, the so-called remnants of Spirit's will were easily extinguished by Yifan like fireflies.

"Oh …!"

"Puchi …!"

The intense turbulence in his mental space, coupled with the intense movement of his special ability, caused his spectacles to vomit a mouthful of blood amidst a painful cry.

"Zzzz …!"

As this mouthful of blood spat out, terrifying Power of thunder began to surge on his spectacles. His silver hair stood upright like a terrifying thunder lion, forcing Yifan to circulate the rock power in his body to resist the berserk Power of thunder on his body surface.

"Roar …!"

Power of thunder erupted to the extreme. The thunderous roar of a lion resounded. The roar's bloodline coat appeared. Its huge body, sharp claws and fangs of its sword, and its ferocious spiral horn appeared extremely tyrannical.

Fortune Baptism and ten days of consolidation allowed Eyeglasses to break through to the mid-sixth rank and reach the high-sixth rank. The current bloodline coat was even more tangible.

Especially the pair of claws, as well as the dense sharp teeth in his mouth, shone with an incomparably cold light, appearing exceptionally sharp...

Power of thunder, Thunder Roar Bloodline Cloak, Cold Front Force, and three other powers that could be attributed to innate abilities were all revealed on his body surface. josei

"Ah …!"

Right at this moment, when all of the spectacles' innate abilities appeared, a loud thunderous roar echoed, and a thunderous giant appeared beside the thunderous roar.

This giant was enormous, and the Power of thunder it contained was incomparably terrifying...

In terms of body size alone, it was several times larger than the Thunder Lion. However, this fellow's head was extremely blurry and his facial features couldn't be seen clearly. It was as if he wasn't as vivid as the Thunder Lion.

"Roar …!"

"Ah …!"

A lightning lion, a lightning giant, and two gigantic lightning creatures began to roar at each other. They began to slowly come into contact with each other in the midst of lightning bolts.

"Ah... Roar... Ow...!"

The moment they came into contact, the screams of spectacles, the howls of giants, and the roars of thunder sounded almost at the same time.

Small cracks like porcelain began to appear on the surface of his spectacles. It could be seen how intense the pain he had to endure at this moment was. Looking at Yifan, he couldn't bear it anymore.

However, it was a pity that the current fusion process could only be done by Eyeglasses, and no one could help him...

Luckily, his spectacles were no ordinary person. He had grown up to be an expert on his own...

Along the way with Yifan, he had already comprehended the true meaning of this world. He clearly knew the importance of strength in this new era.

Therefore, even if it was ten times more painful, he would still clench his teeth and endure it...

"Eyeglasses, stay focused. I'm sure you can do it. You're my brother. Don't embarrass me!"

In his spiritual world, Yifan's eyes were slightly red. Although his words were sharp, they were filled with encouragement.

"Ah... Roar... Ow...!"

The three kinds of roars almost formed a strange harmony that resounded throughout the K88 training room, causing the other people present to feel their bones stand on end.

They all knew the people in the arena. Vice City Lord Nian, who had experienced battles of various sizes, was also said to have undergone the Aurora Baptism with Lord Rock Emperor.

Such a figure let out a pig-like scream under this fusion. It could be seen how unbearable the pain was.

Half an hour later, this intermittent scream lasted for half an hour before the frequency finally began to slowly increase.

The location of the glasses and Yifan had long since been shrouded in lightning...

The lightning giant had already lost its human form in this half-hour long collision. It could be said that it had lost its human form. On the other hand, the Thunder Roar bloodline outer garment was becoming more and more like a humanoid creature under this collision.

In this collision, the two Power of thunder seemed to have begun to merge perfectly, revealing a strange deep purple color.

"Try harder and you will soon succeed. This is definitely a perfect fusion …!"

In the spiritual world of his glasses, the voice of encouragement from Yifan sounded once again. His words were filled with pride and even ecstasy.

Eyeglasses replied weakly, "Hahaha, good! Only perfect fusion can save your effort..."

"Zzzzz …!"

Electric power surged, lightning flashed, once the situation was under control, the next step would be much easier...

Amidst this sizzling sound, the lightning around his spectacles began to slowly wriggle. The beast-like bloodline coat was becoming more and more humanoid, and even this humanoid shape was becoming more and more like a spectacle.

Another moment passed. About an hour later, the thunder energy on the field began to recover rapidly. The sound of thunder arcs disappeared. Finally, the spectacles that had completed the fusion appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

In fact, they didn't see the glasses at all. They only saw an enlarged version of the glasses...

Apparently, this magnified version of the glasses was his innate ability after fusing with it...

A giant that was purple in color, and a giant that was magnified by several times. This giant was nearly ten meters tall, and its entire body was covered by sharp silver lion-shaped armor. Its palm held a purple-black lightning-shaped spear, and its overall form was extremely formidable like the God of Thunder.

Most importantly, regardless of whether it was his enlarged face or his familiar aura, everyone could instantly tell that he was an eyeglass.

Even Yifan looked at the lightning giant glasses beside him and felt the explosive Power of thunder. "Congratulations, glasses!" He said sincerely.

Eyeglasses smiled weakly and said, "Haha, it's finally over. Is it really painful …"

"However, no matter what, I still have to thank you …!"

Yifan smiled faintly and said, "Isn't this supposed to be hypocritical between the two of us?"


Eyeglasses laughed out loud. Just as he was laughing out loud, the purple lightning giant began to quickly fade away. As the lightning flashed, the entire lightning giant suddenly disappeared. Sweaty Eyeglasses sat down on the ground panting heavily.

Just as Yifan was about to lift his glasses, a dazzling light flashed in front of him, and a concerned female voice sounded...

"Nian Chen, how is it? Are you alright...!"

The one who spoke was naturally Deng Ting, and Fei Na, Li Li, and the others were already standing beside her.

The moment Deng Ting got closer, she immediately lifted her glasses with concern.

Seeing this, Yifan smiled faintly and said, "Haha, what can happen to him? Very well, he has perfectly fused that ability …! Take it back and have a good rest. I'll study the fused ability another day …!"

When Deng Ting heard this, he immediately bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you, thank you Yifan..."

Yifan immediately waved his hand and smiled, "Well, as his woman, you should know that we are never polite. He needs to rest now. Go..."

Hearing this, Deng Ting's eyes flashed with emotion. Then, she no longer had any ink. After greeting the crowd with congratulations, she carried her slightly weak glasses and disappeared into the K88 large training room.

It wasn't until Deng Ting had completely disappeared from the door that Fei Na asked, "Brother Fan, the bloodline coat of the glasses just now seems to have deformed …?"

"What's the situation? The bloodline outer garment has also been classified as a type of innate ability …?"

Hearing this, Yifan smiled and said, "Of course, the bloodline coat, or Bloodline power, originally belonged to the power of the bloodline. Or rather, it was also a kind of genetic power. This time, the glasses could be considered as a treasure."

Hearing this, Fei Na was stunned. However, it only took an instant for him to figure it out. He immediately smiled and said, "What you said seems to be true. It seems that Bloodline power's transformation started at the genetic level. This is a second mutation in his bloodline."

Yifan nodded. "That's right, Eyeglasses, this time's improvement is definitely beyond imagination. Just the lightning control I feel is very unusual."

"After all, it's a perfect fusion. It's no joke to increase your talent. I guess this kid will be secretly having fun sleeping..."

"However, the pain of fusion is definitely not something an ordinary person can endure …!"

At this point, Yifan looked at Xing Jie with pity...

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