The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 764

Chapter 764: Eighth Order Red Chelate

Berserk and terrifying, there was a pressure that seemed to be tangible, overwhelming and overwhelming...

All the upper echelons of Heavenly Rock City, including Yifan, Fei Na, and Ji Ruoxue, felt their bodies sink, as if a huge mountain had suddenly appeared on their backs.

At this moment, Yifan's expression was already extremely hard to see, because this kind of pressure, this kind of aura, Yifan wasn't the first time he had seen it...

However, the last time he sensed this aura, it was just his avatar...

Eighth Order...!

Yes, that's right! Eighth Order...!

The aura emitted by Chi Jie was the same as the aura emitted by Underworld River Jellyfish in the depths of the seabed, belonging to the eighth level.

Although Yifan had thought that the other party would definitely hold on to this big commotion, he had never thought that the other party would be able to directly advance to the eighth stratum through the strange broodmother in a short period of time.

This was simply too terrifying …!

Eighth Order...! It could be said to be an invincible existence...!

Looks like I can't do anything without risking my life this time...

Fortunately, he had already prepared himself, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable...

At this moment, although it was a bit risky, with his body's endurance and the combined strength of all the upper echelons and the two Ant Race elites, the 840-man Super Large Circumferential Starnet Formation might not be able to defeat the opponent, but it shouldn't be a problem for him to deal with it one or two times.

With his berserk method of ascension, it would inevitably be accompanied by extremely terrifying side effects. As long as he could delay him for a period of time and wait for the effects of the secret technique to pass, everything would be over.

Thousands of turns, but it was just a blink of an eye...

The moment Crimson Claw released his aura, these thoughts flashed through Yifan's mind like lightning. In just an instant, Yifan cleared his mind and formulated a battle plan.

However, Yifan would not know that Chi Jie, as the leader of the Naka Clan, was extremely powerful and had long surpassed Yifan's imagination.

In fact, Chi Jie didn't need to use a secret technique to increase his strength at all. The strength that he displayed right now, how could it be an increase in a secret technique? It was basically the recovery of his normal strength after he rebuilt his body.

The most terrifying thing was that he had just reconstructed his body, and all aspects of his body were at their lowest levels, not even one percent of his peak.

However, this strength of less than one percent was still not something that the other party could contend against...

In his opinion, the moment he had successfully reconstructed his body, the so-called Rock Alliance and the so-called Rock Emperor were no longer enough.

That's why he asked Yifan so confidently, did he think about how he died...

Of course, he had long noticed that the various colored'stars' that were almost everywhere in the heavens and earth...

He knew that this was a battle formation, but he still didn't care, because in his eyes, these fancy things were as fragile as bubbles in front of absolute strength.

"Hahaha, the secret technique isn't bad, but you shouldn't be complacent too early. Who's going to die is still unknown …!"

Faced with Chi Jie's clamor, Yifan, as the leader of the Stone Alliance, naturally did not give in at all. He immediately rebuked Chi Jie and stomped his right foot fiercely.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Starlight Guidance …!"

"Whoosh...!" josei

The starry sky wrapped around the scarlet claw instantly blossomed with resplendent starlight. Rays of rainbow-colored crystal light were like lasers, carrying extremely terrifying power as they shot towards the scarlet claw...

In an instant, Chi Jie, who was in the center of the starry sky, was already drowned by the dazzling starlight...

However, Yifan didn't care about the outcome of the battle at all. Instead, he took this opportunity to shout loudly.

'"The opponent's strength has already reached rank eight. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, all Star Lords below rank six are not allowed to take the initiative to attack without my orders. All they need to do is scrupulously abide by the formation patterns and transfer their crystal power to coordinate with the transformation formation..."

"Huala …!"

"Bang …!"

As soon as Yifan finished speaking, the colorful starlight in the central region instantly shattered, and a blue-gold crystal light soared into the sky...

Four heavenly chasm-like saber auras pulled out extremely long cracks in the space, bringing with it an earth-shattering might as they slashed down towards Yifan's location...!

The extremely terrifying Blue Gold Blade Astral Form was like four Heavenly Blades that easily cut through space and shot out with terrifying might.

Cut through space...!

Such might caused Yifan and everyone else in Heavenly Rock Forces to shrink their pupils...

"Help me …!"

The hairs on Yifan's body instantly stood up. Under such a terrifying saber aura, his entire body's crystalline power was immediately raised to its peak. The crystalline power battle armor, bloodline battle armor, and Heavenly Rock Original Magnetic Battle Body were all activated in an instant.

The Rock Tiger Blades in both hands buzzed as a ferocious dragon head appeared on it.

In fact, the moment the saber blade slashed down, the upper echelons with the ability to interfere also shrank their pupils and immediately supported him.

In Fei Na, Ji Ruoxue, Eyeglasses, and the Crimson Fox King's formation changed, starlight flashed in the starry sky, and a few of the'stars' began to shine brightly.

Seeing that his lover was in danger, Fei Na was the first to react the moment Crimson Chelate drew his saber. He immediately mobilized the power of the formation to help Yifan...

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Feng Huang Xing Yao Spirit Formation …!"

As he whispered, the formation was activated in conjunction with his own secret skill. Fei Na, who was filled with terrifying wind crystal energy, quickly returned his sword to its sheath, and pushed it gently with his hands in an illusion.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

It was at this seemingly extremely slow speed that countless thin indigo-colored dazzling shadows turned into indigo-colored whirlwind barriers, blocking the path between the blade and Yifan.

Since Fei Na was like this, Ruoxue naturally had no reason to pull down...

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Veluriyam Star Pattern Wall …!"

At the same time, Ji Ruoxue gently waved her snow-white swamp sword, and dazzling colorful springs shot out like glass. In an instant, a seemingly soft but actually resilient seven-colored water curtain formed between the two.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Polar Lightning Meteor Pendant …!"

Eyeglasses moved slightly slower than Fei Na. Ruo Xue, however, was the first to arrive. Her hands shone with purple lightning. Countless terrifying lightning spears had already turned into shooting stars, heading towards the terrifying saber aura.

Moreover, contrary to the situation where Fei Na and Ruoxue chose to protect him, he chose to attack, obviously wanting to consume the power of that terrifying saber aura.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Fox Flame Burning Light Wheel …!"

Eyeglasses wasn't the only one who chose to attack. As Crimson Fox King Yu Yan waved her scimitar, countless terrifying Purple Gold Flame Wheels flew towards the Heavenly Chasm Saber Dipper like moths.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Greed Heaven Splitting Claw …!"

As the giant wolf roared, Greed Wan Qin Yu and White Wolf King Bai Rou also attacked in the grand formation. With their combined strength, two gray Heaven Splitting Claw Astrals, along with the terrifying crystalline power that the two of them had sublimated in the formation, shot towards the blue-gold saber astral.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Silver Fox Heaven Breaking Sword …!"

The Snow Civet's long sword stabbed swiftly, and numerous sharp sword beams condensed into a huge silver sword body in front of him. With the might of piercing through the heavens, they shot towards the blue-gold sword beast at an extremely high speed.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Demonic Wolf Soul Devouring Sword …!"

Wang Yang's face was as heavy as water. He didn't seem to have the slightest emotion fluctuation. The long sword hidden behind him flashed like an illusion. Black sword auras instantly turned into a black demonic wolf and whistled towards the blue-gold saber aura.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Star-Patterned Spider Silk Formation …!"

Li Li was the third person after Fei Na and Ruoxue to use a defensive stance.

As her hands and sharp accessories behind her danced, strands of jade spider silk shot out from within the dazzling crystal light. In an instant, they turned into fine spider webs in front of Yifan, clearly wanting to protect her.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo--Black and white reversed, reversing the universe …!"

Under the curtain of silver flames, Han Xiaoxuan, who was incomparably cold and gorgeous, gently threw out a chess piece with his left and right hands.

However, strangely enough, these two chess pieces flew in different directions...

Among them, a black chess piece flew towards the sky like a heavenly chasm, while another white chess piece was thrown towards the sky at an extremely high speed, causing others to be confused.

On the other side, the light and darkness had long since fused together, transforming into the heart of a god-like six-winged Light Nether. The two of them had naturally displayed their strongest attack at the moment the saber aura attacked.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Star Dazzling Underworld Halberd …!"

The six-winged Light Nether claws clasped together, and a strange battle halberd intertwined with black and white exploded out...

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Extreme Flame Star Explosion …!"

Ling Wanyao, who was wearing a bloodline armor and was bursting with terrifying heat, leaned her long saber, and a rainbow-colored flame carrying a terrifying heat wave shot out at an extremely fast speed.

Zhou Xin's golden pupils were solemn, and his bloodline armor was majestic. Under the tremor of his bone bow, a two-colored golden and silver arrow wrapped in star patterns shot out.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Heavenly Wolf Star Execution Arrow …!"

The moment the arrow shot out, it had already transformed into a giant winged heavenly wolf that intersected gold and silver, charging towards the saber astral at an extremely high speed...

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Star Soul Dou Yi Jing …!"

Mo Ling and Hua Leng, who were dressed in ferocious insect armor, danced with their swords and spirits as they intersected the formation patterns. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a giant star ant and bombarded the terrifying saber astral.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Luo-Azure Flame Soul Extinguishing Spear …!"

When Mo Yi saw that his master was in danger, he naturally roared repeatedly. His spear danced violently, and his spear auras transformed into a gigantic cyan-flame sculpture that ferociously rushed towards the saber aura.

All of the higher-ups of Heavenly Rock had been given orders by Yifan just now. Those who were qualified enough to make a move were almost all willing to lend a hand at the instant the Blade Astral Armor appeared.

Either attacking or defending, there was only one goal. Try to block the saber aura that was so terrifying that it could tear apart space, or consume the power on it to lighten Yifan's burden.

Unfortunately, the scarlet claw right now was not Tier 6, nor was it Tier 7, but a terrifying Tier 8...

Even though everyone was attacking with all their might, with the support of the formation, they could exceed the sixth rank and reach the seventh rank, or even the seventh rank intermediate rank.

However, it was only at the seventh level...

In front of Tier 8, Tier 7 attacks were far from enough...

"Pfff … Pfff … Pfff …!"

Amidst the slight muffled fart sounds, the blue-golden heavenly chasm-like saber aura broke through all kinds of berserk aura along the way like a bolt of bamboo.

Meteor-like lightning spears, sharp golden arrows, scorching purple-golden fire wheels, everything was as fragile as paper beneath the blade.

In an instant, it was blown away by the Berserk Tyrant Saber Astral Blow and exploded, turning into tiny strands of fragmentary Astral Qi that flew away...

Saber Astral didn't seem to receive any obstruction at all as he charged into Fei Na's first line of defense amidst the scattered multicolored Astral Qi along the way.

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