The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 822

Chapter 822: Constant Space

After Dennis finished speaking, Yifan's eyes were filled with joy...

"Haha, there's no place to find after stepping through the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get here. I didn't expect that we would actually meet here …!"

"Dennis, tell us about the situation in this constant space. Be careful. If we really get the main brain, it won't just be the constant space. I have another big gift for you."

As soon as he said this, Dennis said solemnly, "Yes …! Then let's start with this constant space …!"

"This constant space is called the Angel Cemetery. No one knows when it will appear. Even its location is unknown to very few people."

"As for those who know that this space hasn't disappeared in the tides of time and space, they only have one hand …!"

"Even I discovered by accident that this ruin has not disappeared, and is being secretly exploited …!"

"So, I paid a huge price to bribe one of them...!"

"Of course, I only bribed this person to think that after the treasures in the Eternal Space are unearthed, they can sell me the unwanted items first …!"

"It is from this population that I know some information about this space …!" josei

"That person told me personally that they should have succeeded long ago according to the normal progress, but the mechanisms inside are endless and will automatically recover, causing them to always fail."

"As for that brain, it appeared after they failed several times, moreover, it mocked their incompetence, mocked their lack of qualifications to inherit everything in the ruins …!"

"So far, the entire ruin has been developed to the periphery …!"

"I'm almost certain that as long as that troublesome intelligent brain is present, without external forces, this constant space will probably never be developed …!"

"It wasn't until your arrival that I saw the hope of opening this ruin. This is also one of the reasons why I took the initiative to find you."

Hearing this, Yifan and Xing Jie exchanged glances. Their eyes flickered with excitement. Clearly, the two of them had already treated the ruins Dennis had mentioned as belongings in their pockets.

Hearing this, Yifan asked again, "Where is the spatial entrance, exactly how many people are there, exactly what kind of strength are they?"

Hearing this, Dennis said solemnly, "The entrance is at the abandoned mine a kilometer away, in the labyrinth of the mine..."

"As for the people inside, there are only four people in total. They are all top-level Level 5 mutants. It might be a bit troublesome for others, but for Lord Rock Emperor's strength, there is no need to talk about it anymore."

Hearing Dennis's words, Yifan, who had already stood up, walked to Dennis's side. Without waiting for him to react, he pressed his big hand firmly on his head.

"Sorry, just to be on the safe side, I need to make sure …!"

At the same time that Yifan lowered his voice, the terrifying Spirit instantly penetrated into his brain. Dennis's memories had already appeared in front of Yifan's eyes without any cover.

His thoughts were like lightning. In two breaths of time, after confirming that what Dennis said was true, he immediately released him...

It was only at this moment that Dennis finally realized that Lord Rock Emperor was terrifying. It was no exaggeration to say that if the other party wanted to kill him just now, he could do it in a flash.

Such an exaggerated Spirit, how terrifying! Looks like he really made the right bet this time...

As for Yifan, he ignored Dennis's shock and said again, "Alright, we basically understand the situation. Then let's arrange it."

"Xiao En, Tasha, Anna, the three of you completed your previous mission very well, but you've worked hard..."

'"You don't have to follow me in this expedition. Take Dennis with you and guard the entrance of the ruins. No one is allowed to enter or leave without my orders. Do you understand?"

"Yes, according to the Rock Emperor's orders …!"

When Xiao En, Tasha, and Annan heard this, they immediately responded solemnly.

"Alright …! Then don't be stunned, let's go …!"

"To be honest, I can't wait to see that brain …!"

As Yifan shouted excitedly, the four of them quickly walked out of the house...



At noon, the sun shines...

By the time Yifan and the others arrived at the ruins, it was already noon when the sun was shining brightly...

Walking into the maze of abandoned mines, under the guidance of Dennis, everyone began to quickly shuttle through the maze.

The underground mine had no rules to speak of, but it was really like a labyrinth, causing people to be unable to find a direction...

To be honest, without someone leading them, Yifan and the others would never have found the entrance to the ruins...

Of course, it wasn't just Yifan. Even if there were many people here, there shouldn't be many people who would find this...

As he sprinted behind Dennis, Yifan asked curiously, "How was this ruin discovered in such a remote abandoned mine?"

Dennis smiled and said, "During the catastrophe, a small group of people hid in this abandoned mine in order to avoid the attacks of the corpses."

"Three more of them accidentally discovered the ruins. However, not long after they entered the ruins, they died under the ruins' mechanism because of their ignorance."

"The remaining few people also accidentally entered this ruin in search of them …!"

"However, luckily, one of them was a mutant, and after seeing that it was quite desolate inside, he escaped with the two survivors without touching any mechanisms …!"

"After the three of them came out, they kept their mouths shut about the ruins. It took me a lot of effort to find out about the existence of the ruins from one of these three people …!"

'"Who knew that not long after, all space disappeared. At that time, people's fear of this kind of space had already reached its peak. I gradually forgot about this matter..."

"For a long time afterwards, I didn't care about this at all. Until the rest of North America, I discovered a constant space that hadn't disappeared …!"

"It wasn't until a few days ago that I finally remembered this remnant when some of the three earliest insiders died."

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