The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 828

Chapter 828: Second Test

Under the various fantasy lights, the two of them walked up a circular corridor filled with sci-fi aura...

The entire corridor was made up of unknown silver metals. It was extremely textural, simple, yet beautiful. It looked quite extraordinary.

Seeing the end of the corridor, the two of them couldn't help but notice that there seemed to be a lot of hidden doors around the corridor. However, the head didn't say anything, so Yifan and Xing Jie naturally wouldn't act recklessly.

After all, this was someone else's place. After passing the first test, Yifan knew that the so-called Angel Cemetery ruins were not simple.

At the very least, in his previous life, apart from the ruins of Tian Qi, Yifan had never heard of any ruins that contained powerful defensive forces.

Not only was there a defensive force in this Angel Cemetery, it was even an incomparably powerful existence. If those two rank eight angels were placed outside, they would definitely be invincible in the entire North America.

He followed behind the head and walked for five minutes. Of course, he had changed directions during this process. However, the scene in front of him was much the same. Almost all of them were the same long corridors.

It wasn't until the seventh change of direction that the three finally stopped in front of a transparent compartment door.

Master Seraphim immediately said, "The second trial has arrived. Are you ready?"

Hearing this, Yifan immediately looked through the bright compartment door. There was a faint silver flash on his four arms, but the entire room was empty.

This made Yifan somewhat puzzled. He immediately asked, "What exactly is this second test? There seems to be nothing there..."

Hearing this, Seraphim said seriously, "You'll know when you go in. Of course, if you're afraid, you can give up."

Hearing this, Yifan was stunned. He immediately smiled and said, "I won't be afraid. It's fine to enter, but you have to tell me what the criteria for passing this test are."

"Ka ka cha cha …!"

Hearing Yifan's words, Master Seraphim did not reply. He only waved his hand and the transparent door slowly opened in front of him.

"Let's go in. After the examination begins, you will naturally know what the criteria for the examination are."

As soon as these words were spoken, Yifan was no longer in ink. He immediately patted Xing Jie on the shoulder, indicating that she did not need to be nervous, and quickly walked into the room.

The moment Yifan entered, the Gate of Grievances lowered once more and disappeared without a trace.

It wasn't even just the Gate. The six walls on the left, right, and left also disappeared in an instant. The entire space instantly sank into absolute darkness, causing Yifan to secretly circulate his crystal power nervously.

However, just as Yifan was releasing a faint dark red light due to his dark crystal power, he suddenly discovered that the space he was in started to shine with stars.

At first, it was just one by one, but in an instant, it had already formed galaxies and galaxies that covered the entire space...

In an instant, Yifan seemed to be in the universe. Stars shone, and it was as beautiful as a painting. He could even see the moving tracks formed one by one. It was extremely strange.

However, at this moment, just as Yifan was enchanted by the starry sky in front of him, the voice of Seraphim's head resounded throughout the entire space.

'"Human, the second test is the Spirit test. You must use Spirit to record everything in the starry sky in front of you. From the sequence of appearance of each star and its orbit, record and copy it without exception..."

"Of course, you have 30 seconds to memorize …!"

When Seraphim finished speaking, Yifan felt quite indignant in his heart. At this moment, he only wanted to say to Master Seraphim, 'I wonder if I should say something about MMP'.

The average human brain has more than 10 billion nerve cells that record about 86 million pieces of information about life every day.

However, a normal human only had 100 trillion pieces of information stored in his memories in his entire life.

That's right, it's 10 billion, but it's a lifetime's worth...

This is a trillion stars, not hundreds of billions, but trillion, only thirty seconds...

At this moment, even Spirit, who was quite confident in his Yifan, was completely at a loss...

Stars began to flicker within 30 seconds. In the process, it was simply too difficult to remember the orbits of each star while remembering the new ones.

Not to mention the fact that he had never forgotten anything, this test was clearly a test of extreme Spirit...

However, this difficulty was a bit too exaggerated. It was a trillion stars...

Remember their appearance, that is, the process of flickering. Forget it, remember the trajectories of all the stars, and then perfectly duplicate them with Spirit.

"Alright, I believe you should know the rules. Then don't delay. Let's begin..."

Without waiting for Yifan to think too much, the voice of Seraphim's head rang out again in the starry sky. As he said this, the surrounding starry sky began to slowly dissipate.

Yifan slowly sat down and closed his eyes, only putting his spiritual perception to its maximum...

"3... 2... 1, begin...!" josei

As Seraphim mechanically reported the time, the first star appeared in the silver light, followed by the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth star.

Until the tenth, they immediately formed a small galaxy and began to rotate and revolve. At the same time, the stars around them began to flicker at top speed.

They quickly formed galaxies, and these small galaxies converged into nebulas that eventually converged into galaxies...

However, in an instant, the entire space was already densely packed with galaxies, making it look extremely spectacular...

Of course, for some people, this spectacle was a huge headache...

Thirty seconds was so fast, in such a fast memory, it was almost a blink of an eye...

In this situation, even if Yifan and Xing Jie fused together, Spirit's perception would only be able to remember half of it when the stars began to dissipate.

There were still a third of the galaxies and dozens of galaxies. There was simply no time to remember them. Not to mention memories, even Spirit's perception of the galaxies was not touched at all.

When the time came, the entire planet almost completely disappeared in an instant. In the dark space, the emotionless voice from Seraphim's main brain sounded once again, "Alright, memory complete, please start copying …!"

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