The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 831

Chapter 831: Divine Stone Origin

After arranging everything, Yifan didn't delay any longer and immediately disappeared with Xing Jie in front of the four of them.

When they reappeared, the two of them had already opened up a secluded place in the Nuo Great Mine and started to absorb it.

With the lesson from the last polar incident, Yifan and Xing Jie were much more cautious in absorbing it this time.

In order to prevent someone from disturbing them unexpectedly, the two of them set up several grand arrays one after another before sitting down peacefully in the arrays.

Yifan took out Interspatial ring, who had hidden the divine stones, and said to Xing Jie, "Jier, you can rest assured that you can absorb the overflowing crystal energy this time."

"This time, our seclusion is quite secret. In addition to the two great formations we set up together, no one should be able to find this place. Even if we do find this place, no one in this small North American city should be able to break through it."

Hearing this, Xing Jie nodded and said, "Yes, I know …"

Hearing this, Yifan no longer had any ink. He immediately took out the fragment of the divine stone from the Interspatial ring and said, "Alright, then I'll start..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yifan grabbed the divine stone fragment's right hand and was suddenly wrapped in dark red crystalline power.

After being instilled with the crystal energy, the crystal energy on his right hand was immediately assimilated into a strange silver color, and the next was the same as the previous two absorptions...

Starting from his right hand, Yifan's entire body was gradually wrapped in a layer of gentle silver energy, and in an instant, it turned into a silver cocoon covered in symbols.

Beneath the cocoon, dark red and silver currents intersected and surged. Yifan's crystal energy and divine stone runes began to fuse and feed back.

The Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus Crystal Seed in his dantian once again revealed an extremely enjoyable and even intoxicated expression.

Countless silver runes left the dragon's body and slowly revolved around it...

It was precisely this state that caused the speed at which the crystalline power on Yifan's body began to surge, and in an instant, it reached the limit that his body could withstand.

The aura fluctuations on his body also began to increase at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, his consciousness sank into a semi-free state once again...

In the space of his consciousness, the starry sky that Yifan was familiar with and unfamiliar with once again appeared...

The reason he was familiar with it was because Yifan had seen this kind of simulation countless times before the catastrophe.

Around an orange star, nine planets of all sizes and colors revolve around it.

At a glance, Yifan could already tell that this was a map of the solar system before the catastrophe...

As a native of Earth, most humans have seen such pictures when they understood their surroundings...

Moreover, the difference between the phenomena of one star and two stars could be said to be heaven and earth, so it was naturally discernible at a glance.

From the looks of it, the scene recorded on this divine stone fragment seemed to be something that happened to the solar system during the cataclysm.

This immediately attracted Yifan's attention. After all, even Yifan, who had been revived for another life, was still completely unclear as to how the solar system had been moved to this strange starry sky by the Cosmos.

Under such circumstances, Yifan immediately focused all of his attention on the solar system...

At this moment, when Yifan's consciousness completely sunk into the entire solar system, silver specks of light began to appear around him.

At first, it wasn't very conspicuous, and even the speed at which the dots of light appeared wasn't very fast. However, in the blink of an eye, the entire solar system was surrounded by thousands of countless white dots of light.

Then, in Yifan's astonished gaze, these white dots of light became denser and denser. They first connected into threads, then formed giant white spheres of light, completely enveloping the entire solar system.

In the end, amidst the dazzling white light, the ball of light wrapped around the entire solar system completely disappeared from the Milky Way, appearing in another starry sky that Yifan was familiar with and unfamiliar with...

At the same time, Yifan immediately recognized the starry sky because he saw Mailun galaxy, who was filled with blue stars, and a giant orange star at the edge of the sphere of light.

Apparently, this is where the entire solar system is right now...

Then, under Yifan's gaze, the entire white ball of light seemed to have completed its mission and exploded into the starry sky.

During this explosion, most of the white dots of light were extinguished like burning starfire. Only an extremely dazzling silver dot shot down towards Earth.

It was as if Yifan had fallen into the dazzling dream of absorbing the little divine stone for the first time...

In his dreams, he once again attached himself to a resplendent silver star, crossing the vast starry sky, crossing countless dimensions, breaking through countless spatial barriers, and landing on Earth...

Even as they fell, the dazzling silver star shattered into tiny dots of light as it finally passed through Earth's atmosphere and landed on various parts of the planet.

Yifan himself seemed to have split into several avatars, and as these tiny dots of light fell around the world...

Nine points of silver light. That's right, nine points of silver light. The number of shards of divine stones was the same as the number of shards of divine stones. In addition, it was almost exactly the same as the first time. However, the angle was slightly different, allowing Yifan to thoroughly understand the essence of divine stones.

This so-called divine stone was actually one of the culprits that caused the solar system to move... josei

This was too unexpected for Yifan...

After all, he had clearly seen the previous scene. The ball of light had transported the solar system, and the divine stones were part of the dots of light.

In fact, it was most likely the most special and crucial part of the orb, because the only thing left in the orb was the divine stones.

But in this way, the old problem arose again, and the timeline still couldn't match. Because when Yifan picked up this stone in his previous life, it was six years after the catastrophe, after the third tidal wave of space and time.

As soon as this question appeared, many clues from Yifan poured into the dead end once again...

However, the scene recorded in this divine stone told Yifan at least two things...

Firstly, divine stones must have extraordinary origins. After all, Yifan had never seen such a formation before in his life. That kind of might had shocked him so far.

Second, the divine stones were one of the main culprits in moving the solar system, not to mention that Yifan had just witnessed the entire process of moving the solar system.

As for the final secrets of this divine stone, he might really have to gather all the remaining fragments, or he might have to visit the small ruins of his previous life during the sixth year of the cataclysm and the third tidal wave before he could truly fall to the ground.

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