The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 882

Chapter 882: Kill Geng Jin

In the midst of the chaos, Old Man Gengjin, who had just revealed himself, was once again blasted into the turbulent sea by the terrifying dragon head formed by Yifan, disappearing from the sight of all Clan Emperor.

This time, Yifan didn't even give the other party a chance to rush up again. He was already like a flood dragon flying into the sea at an extremely fast speed. Only a group of completely dumbfounded Clan Emperor were left, looking at the violently churning sea surface at a loss for what to do.

The black-skinned Clan Emperor, also known as Hai Xin from Old Man Gengjin, was stunned as he asked Zhang Ping, "Lord Zhang Ping, what should we do in this situation?"

Zhang Pingping revealed a serious expression, but it was only an instant. He immediately said in a bad mood, "What should we do? Let's do something cool..."

"Old Man Gengjin himself has to provoke the Sea Dragon Emperor. In addition, he has just expressed his stance. If he goes up, he won't rest until he dies. Think about it yourself!"

"In any case, I definitely won't go up in this situation …!"

Hearing this, Hai Xin was stunned for a moment, and then he said worriedly, "But under such circumstances, Lord Geng Jin might really be killed by the other party."

"When the time comes, how are we going to deal with Lord Yu Shu?"

As soon as he said this, a trace of worry flashed through Zhang Ping's eyes. However, it was only a moment before he immediately calmed down.

"Don't worry, in my opinion, although the Sea Dragon Emperor's words are unrestrained, his mind is still clear."

"Killing Demonic Shark Twin Emperors might even be able to use the newly awakened injunction to blurt it out, but if we kill Old Man Gengjin again, it won't make any sense …!"

"That would be completely ignoring Lord Yu Shu, and even completely standing on the opposite side of Lord Yu Shu …!"

"I think, even from our attitude, he should know what level Lord Yu Shu has reached …!"

"Therefore, Old Man Gengjin might be taught a hard lesson, but there shouldn't be any danger to his life …!"

Hearing Zhang Ping's words, Hai Xin pondered for a moment and recalled Yifan's attitude before. He was still worried, "But what if..."

"Come on, don't worry. With the strength that the Sea Dragon Emperor has shown, even if we interfere, what can we do...?"

"Can we really save Old Man Gengjin...?"

"Alright, let's not talk about saving Old Man Gengjin first. Even if we do save him, we'll be completely hostile to the Sea Dragon Emperor from now on."

"I don't think this deal is worth it …!"

"In the end, even if the Sea Dragon Emperor really killed Old Man Gengjin, it would still be a matter for him …!"

"At most, we are incapable of saving him. At most, we will receive a few reprimands from Lord Yu Shu."

"In this way, you should know which is more important."

"Of course, this is only my personal opinion. If you really want to participate in the battle, then go down..."

"Anyway, I've made up my mind to watch the play peacefully."

Hearing that Hai Xin was still a little worried, Zhang Ping broke all the details of this matter into pieces for him...

In this way, Hai Xin naturally understood the various interests involved and completely let go of the thought of rescuing him.

After all, he wouldn't be so selfless as to use the possibility of losing his life to rescue a Old Man Jin that he wouldn't normally deal with.

As for the other Clan Emperor, as the two emperors of the ten great royal families, they did not move. They even felt that they did not have the qualifications and did not have the position to move. How could they dare to move?

However, this time, Zhang Ping was going to make a mistake.

Because, Yifan's original goal this time was to make the whole thing bigger, the bigger the better...

Since this Old Man Gengjin had come to his door, under the circumstances where his killing intent had risen and he had the ability to execute him, how could Yifan let go of him?

A moment later, perhaps less than five minutes later, Old Man Gengjin, who had already been blasted into the sea, was already extremely weak...

Afterwards, even the astonished time was given to them. The fluctuations of Old Man Gengjin's aura completely disappeared...

At such a moment, the aura of life completely disappeared. Naturally, there was no explanation as to what it represented.

The leader of the Radiofin Fish Race, Old Man Gengjin, is probably gone...

He died in battle! Or perhaps he was killed by the Sea Dragon Emperor!

At this moment, Zhang Ping, who had originally sworn an oath, had an extremely exciting expression on his face.

He hadn't expected that the Sea Dragon Emperor would be so bold...

He actually killed Old Man Gengjin. How dare he kill Old Man Gengjin...

This was one of the inner five races, one of the core Clan Emperor...

Demonic Shark Twin Emperors could still say that he did not know the injunction. This Old Man Gengjin knew the injunction and then openly killed him...

Doing so would be tantamount to publicly provoking Lord Yu Shu...

Looks like this brat doesn't know the slightest bit about Lord Yu Shu's cruel methods and terrifying strength.

That's right, this guy said before that he just woke up not long ago...

Something bad happened, something big happened...

After three peak Eighth Grade Clan Emperors died at once, Lord Yu Shu would definitely be furious when he returned from the clouds.

With that thought in mind, Zhang Ping began to maximize his perception. Obviously, he wanted to give it a final try to see if Old Man Jin was really dead.

However, before he could wait any longer, just as he was maximizing his perception, a dark red flash shot into the air...

The Demon God-like Yifan once again appeared in everyone's eyes...

One hand was an amethyst saber, the other was a twisted blonde head...

The appearance of Yifan once again shocked all the Clan Emperor in the arena...

Even Zhang Ping was filled with fear towards the Sea Dragon Emperor who didn't know the heavens and earth before him.

Too terrifying!

It was simply too terrifying!

Because in this guy's eyes, there were no rules...

Old Man Jin, who had just quarreled with him, turned into a dead fish in the blink of an eye.

Even the head was held in the hands of the enemy...

"You killed him...?"

"You actually killed him...!"

At this moment, looking at the extremely shocked and twisted expression on the face of the deceased old man Jin, Zhang Ping almost subconsciously said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Yifan smiled indifferently and said, "Yeah, that's right, this guy must die, but he can't blame me..."

"I, Long Yifan, have always kept my word. Since he dares to provoke me again and again, and even wants to kill me, we will naturally be divided between life and death!"

"Besides, such a lowly person would die if he died. There's nothing for Zhang Huang to remember, right?"

Hearing this, Zhang Ping's eyes twinkled. He did not reprimand, nor did he accuse or attack. josei

Because he knew that there was no point in doing so...

After all, the opponent's strength was enough to ignore their strength...

Therefore, he only stated in a rather solemn manner, "Sea Dragon Emperor, I have to say, your combat strength is indeed rare …!"

"However, ever since you broke the restriction again and killed Geng Jin, your life has entered the countdown stage …!"

"Enjoy the rest of the time …!"

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