The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 164 Ch 162

Chapter 164 Ch 162: Help On The Way [Pt1]

"Have you calmed down now? Or is there something you still want to say to me?"

Yohan entered his room, only to feel a familiar presence waiting for him inside. Diantha had been waiting for him to enter the room for some time now. And she had calmed her emotions down so that they won't interfere with her work.

The more she thought about what she had done, the more she felt embarrassed. Both she and Yohan had not been in a position of equality in the first place.

At least not once she had submitted her everything to Yohan Yohan and his cause. She had given up her right to say anything against him as well.

"I am sorry for my small outburst. I promise not to be this emotional in the future and also to consider my limitations."

Diantha bowed in front of Yohan to appease him. She did not want to be thrown away by Yohan this far into their plan. She wanted to see the end of this journey with her chosen monarch.

"I can see that you have repented your mistakes so I will not hold it against you this time. And since you are this agreeable, I will also tell you what happened when you were sleeping."

Diantha was surprised and happy to hear Yohan's words. She had not expected to be taken so seriously by someone she admired. And she vowed not to let Yohan down.

She was quiet the whole while Yohan talked to her about what he planned to do next. It was a simple yet efficient plan but the varied factors it involved made it risky. Especially the 'uncontrolled' factor known as Bernetta.

"Master, I know that you choose to trust officer Bernetta and her partner, but we cannot rule out the possibility that we might be betrayed by them later on. Are you sure we should risk it?"

Diantha sounded worried and Yohan was sure that she would do a future reading to make sure nothing goes wrong. But that was not why Yohan had told her all about it.

In reality, he had a different role for Diantha to play in his small play. And it was to suppress Bernetta and her partner while the other side went after the chaos core. He doubted that Bernetta would submit to Yohan and allow him to control her.

"Diantha, I am about to give you a very important task that might risk your life. If you are ready to help me out anyway, then I might have a task for you."

Diantha perked up after hearing Yohan's words. She had not expected to be taken seriously by Yohan at all but she was happy to see that she was being considered to do something.

It meant that she was useful to Yohan still and she would not be thrown away because she had messed up once or twice. Since it had happened before, it was a real concern of hers.

'You can see the future but you cannot prevent even this small accident? What use are you?'

The memories of the past she had suppressed inside her mind were making Diantha hazy but she decide not to dwell on them too much. She could not afford to get distracted by them.

She had a master to serve and if she got distracted then she would not be able to serve him well. He trusted Diantha and he had not gotten angry at her for messing up once or twice. She needed to repay that trust in any way she could.

'I will make sure I do whatever is asked of me.'

Diantha's determination shined brightly in her eyes and Yohan was sure that she would not disappoint him. Unknown to him, a small smile broke free on his face.

"Then, I will leave the matters of Bernetta in your hands. Make sure you keep an eye on her and do not allow her to move around freely."

Diantha did not look disappointed after she had been given this mission. If anything, she looked more determined than ever to not disappoint Yohan.

"I understand. I will keep both Bernetta and Shizue in check."

Diantha had not faced off against the two officers before but she knew of them as the 'genius' that Bernetta was. It would be tough to keep both of them in check but Diantha was determined to prove her worth at all costs.

There was no way in this world that she would let Yohan down again. She would protect her position by his side at all costs.


"Y-Yohan, you are here. Finally, you are here. Can you take the madman away from our base? I don't think we can take him anymore."

Yohan was faced with Sid's crying face as soon as he entered the base. He did not even have to ask what was wrong since he could see the aftermath of what happened.

The whole space was stuck with a gooey liquid that was making the walls melt. It was likely highly corrosive and getting everywhere. If someone accidentally touched it, then they were surely going to feel it tomorrow.

"What happened here? Is this some kind of new experiment that you all carried out?"

Yohan did not feel afraid as he stepped inside the building. He reached out to test the potency of the goo that was corroding the walls when Sid stopped him short.


"Are you serious? Your hands would melt off if you touched this thing. Can't you see how corrosive this is?"

Sid sounded scared for Yohan's well-being when he should not be. Yohan was a demon and he had tougher skin than any human possible. He also healed fast and poison generally did not affect him.

He just wanted to see how potent this goo was and if it was worth keeping around to fight in the demon realm.

But the look Sid was giving him told Yohan that it might be better to give up if he wanted to save his eardrums. So Yohan gave up touching the goo, for now. But his interest did not weaver even for a second.

"Anyway, I have the biologist you wanted me to find for you here, but I don't think it's a good idea to make him into our ally. He might end up killing us all before helping us all."

Sid sounded scared for his life but still respectful enough to not be seen as disgraceful. That only lasted as long as another small explosion took place and then Sid lost it.

"S-Stop him. Please Yohan, I don't think I can take any more of this trauma. Can you do it in there and get the man out right now? Our funds cannot take more of this, please."

Yohan was about to let Sid wallow a little more until it came to funds. Yohan was not even aware that he had a businessman inside him but it suddenly jumped up and decided to care about the profits he would be losing.

Suddenly, the thought of stopping Khole jumped into Yohan's front mind and he had to give it to Sid, he knew how to make Yohan stir.

"Fine, I will see what kind of middle ground I can reach with Khole regarding this agreement and where else I can store him so that he does not cause you any trouble. Is there anything else you want to say to me?"

Yohan asked this more as a joke than anything serious. Even if Sid had complaints and intentions against Yohan, he would not be foolish enough to say them out loud like this.

"I hate you. How do you manage to find the most annoying people in the world and manage to gather them at your side?"

'Oh, looks like Sid is growing a backbone finally. Too bad that it is happening at the wrong time and in front of the wrong person.'

Sid suddenly realized what he said and in front of whom. He quickly shut his mouth, not wanting to land himself into any more trouble.

There was no doubt in his mind that Yohan had heard every word that he had said. And Yohan was someone who held grudges for a long time. Sid would die if he made any more mistakes today.

"S-So, about the biologist Khole. I think it is time I took you to him. You should also be happy to know that Trisha took to him like a kitten with a parent. They are both assisting each other."

Yohan could easily see through Sid's attempt to change the topic. And if he wanted to, he could have allowed him not to change it this time.

But since Sid had shown him such an amusing side, Yohan decided to let him off this hook this time. He decided to let Sid successfully change the topic and even cooperated with him in that regard.

"Ah, is that so? Then I guess their cooperation I should see for myself. I also have something to talk to Khole about. And I am sure he would be interested in talking about this topic as well."

Sid breathed a sigh of relief as he left Yohan deeper into their base. And this action was something Yohan noticed but pretended like he did not see.

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