The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 220 Ch 219

Chapter 220 Ch 219: Tying Up Loose Ends [Pt1]

Yohan watched his given staff avoid his eyes. They knew it themselves that they were not good enough for looking after the guests at their current level. But they could not have said 'no' to the head butler as well.

"Well, looks like you all are stuck here with me. So we should all cooperate and get along well."

Yohan sighed and gave in to his current fate. He was confident that he would be able to whip all these slackers up to their full potential by the time his guests arrived.

*Yawn*, "So, how long do we need to keep on standing here? This is almost time for our break, right?"

A guy in the back asked, yawning openly. He did not even feel ashamed of what he was doing and the kind of image he was portraying. So far, he was the most open one to display such habits but the others were beginning to look comfortable as well.

Yohan needed to act right now if he wanted to wind up everyone in shape. Once they got too comfortable, they would stop listening to him.

'So the first course of action is to compel everyone's actions and make them act the way I want to. A little bit of my power mixed in with their food today should do the trick.'

"Sure, you all are excused for your food break. Head to the cafeteria and get something delicious to eat. I will go and talk with the head cook about the cooking arrangements."

The servants looked surprised at Yohan's easy attitude. He looked soft and easy to bully.

'Huh? I was worried for nothing. I thought it would be a tough job to look after the guests but it seems that this butler has no idea what he is doing.'

Many servants could not help but this of it like that. They decided to be lazy and not do their jobs right.

Unknown to them, Yohan had taken everything into account and would soon be executing his plan.


"Head cook, can I have some of your time please?"

Yohan headed over to the kitchen where the head cook was busy preparing the food. She was a plump demon, mainly characterized by her food-related powers.

She looked tough and intimidating at first but she was a total softy and easy to bully. Yohan had gotten her on his side as soon as he had met her.

"Yohan, my boy. I heard what the head butler did to you. Tsk, how could he put all that burden on you and not even give you decent help? I shall talk to Miss Rui about it and -"

"No, it's alright. I know the head butler did what he must to ensure that every place has a decent hand. There is no need to involve Miss Rui over such a small thing."

Yohan pretended to be an innocent lamb who did not understand the ways of the world. He wanted to laugh out loud at the sympathetic look he got for his acting.

"Don't be this modest Yohan. There are too many animals in this world, just waiting to make you their prey. It would be better for you not to give them a chance."

The head cook replied with a worried voice. She looked at Yohan were eyes full of pity, trying to understand what he did to get on the head butler's nerves.

As far as she could see, Yohan was a handsome and good-natured young man. He was tall and good-looking, also good at his job, and an overall asset. No one should have any problem with him.

'Maybe that is what ticked the old man off. He was afraid that Yohan is much more liked than him. I always knew he was a jealous man deep inside his heart.'

The head cook could not help but have a low opinion of the head butler. He was bullying this man over such a petty thing.

"By the way, I was here to know the serving schedule of our guests. I need to write a report and submit it before they arrive. Do you think you can tell me?"

The head cook felt her heart hurt for this kind young man.

He had taken time out of his busy schedule to come down here and check up on preparations. No one, not even the head butler had done it before.

"Of course, you can. Come, I will show you what we have planned for our guests."

The head cook led Yohan deeper into her kitchen. Yohan smiled a small smile in return, hiding the bigger grin that threatened to break free on his face.

He quietly let his powers penetrate the kitchen, into the very ingredients without telling anyone. His control was subtle enough for even the head cook to not notice.

The tour came to an end soon and Yohan looked satisfied. Everything was in order and ready for the guests.

"Everything looks good, head cook. I will write a report and submit it to miss Rui now. Hope you have a nice day."

The head cook nodded to show that she had gotten Yohan's greetings. She waved him off even as her heart hurt from watching him leave.

'Such a nice lad. It's too bad that the head butler is bullying him so much without any reason. I ought to talk with Miss Rui as soon as I can. She's a compassionate soul and she would listen to me.'

The head cook promised to herself as she dusted herself off. She was off to serve her lady and she watched her eat her food.

'It's time to bring the topic of Yohan up.'

The head cook had promised herself that she would help Yohan out. She could not back out of her promise now.

"Lady Rui, I need to inform you about something. It's urgent so please hear me out."

Lady Rui looked interested and as soft as ever. Her calm expression made the head cook hesitate to bring the topic up. But she needed to bring it up at any cost.

"Yes, head cook. Is there something you want to say to me? You are looking quite fierce standing behind me like that."

It was now or never for the head cook. She had to bring Yohan up now.

"I did have something I wanted to bring up with you but I did not have the right to. But I think I need to say it anyway."

"My lady, are you sure that the staff you provided to butler Yohan for the guest is adequate? I went through the list and many of them are not fit for thier current posts."

The head cook had brought up this topic. Finally, she managed to say the words she needed to.

Lady Rui had fallen quiet once she finished but the head cook was sure her lady would do something about it. She had to do something about it since she cared about Yohan as well and-

"I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do about it. The responsibility of looking after the guests belongs to the head butler and he's the one who divides the work as well. Since he provided Yohan with the staff, I don't want to overstep and interfere."

Lady Rui surprised the head cook with her words. She sounded sorry but also determined not to step in.

The head cook but her lips in regret and anger but she knew that she could not take it out on Lady Rui.

'I knew she was soft-hearted but this is too much. She will never be a good person if she doesn't harden her heart and make firmer decisions.'

The head cook could not help but bad mouth her employer. Her lady was leaving Yohan to his device and it may cause Yohan a lot of trouble.


Lady Rui watched the head cook leave the room with an angry expression in her eyes. She wanted to sigh at the foolishness the head cook had shown by coming to Lady Rui of all people to ask for help.

'How dare that fool to think I am not aware of the situation? The only reason I did nothing was that Yohan asked me not to do anything. It's the only reason I am sitting so quietly right now.'

Lady Rui almost threw her food out in anger and frustration. But she held her temper in and that proved to be the right choice for her overall.

The head butler entered as soon as the head cook was gone and he looked concerned for some reason.

'Ah, so he heard the head cook talking about his behavior regarding Yohan? I wonder if he would take action to save himself?'

Lady Rui was interested to see how the head butler would handle the current situation. There was so much that could go wrong here.

"My lady, I would like to ask you for a day off tomorrow. I will come back before our guests arrive."josei

The head butler sure was planning something and Rui was sure it involved the head cook as well as Yohan.

'Now, what shall I do? Should I help Yohan out? But I don't want to.'

"Alright, you can take the afternoon off tomorrow."

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