The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 38 Ch 36

Chapter 38 Ch 36: Meeting The Khans [Pt1]

“Father, mother, let me introduce you to the person who saved me from the monsters I mentioned before. His name is Yohan and he is from a regular household.”

Yohan bowed in front of Mr. Khan who looked just like Maya. From his black hair to his brown eyes, he looked exactly like a male and elder version of Maya.

However, unlike his daughter’s smiling and smitten face, he had a frowning and sinister light in his eyes. Yohan could tell that Mr. Khan was not too fond of him and his growing ‘friendship’ with Maya.

On the other hand, Maya’s mother looked nothing like her. Her blond hair and green eyes screamed ‘exotic’. Her wrist and her neck, it was all decorated with expensive jewels that could be priced in trillions.

Even the hotel interior Maya had brought Yohan to scream rich and over-powering. The whole Khan family was a tycoon and they did not hide their wealth.

“I know he saved your life, Maya. You do not need to tell me about it again and again since I got it the first time. However, I cannot help but doubt your words. How can an ordinary person like this child have saved you?”

Mr. Khan sounded suspicious of his daughter’s words as he looked Yohan up and down. He could not see what was so special about this boy that his daughter had to make such ridiculous claims.

After all, how could demons and monsters exist? Won’t the scientists and news have a field day if that was the case?

To Mr. Khan, it all seemed like a rouse to gain his daughter’s attention. This boy must have played some tricks to gain Maya’s favor.

“I see. So you saved Maya, huh? You sound like such a charming boy, Yohan. I can see why Maya likes you.”

Mrs. Khan spoke in a soft and melodious voice. Her big breasts were hardly confined behind her dress strip and every time she breathed, it looked like they would escape. Her plump lips also attracted attention to her mole and her green eyes shined.

She was such a beauty that Yohan was unable to snap his attention from her. Mrs. Khan was just Yohan’s type.

“Your daughter is exaggerating a lot. I did not do anything but what was needed. As for Maya, she is quite a daring lady herself. It was an honor to save her.”

Yohan decided to go with the modest route once he had a chance to impress Maya’s parents. They were his goldmine and Yohan needed to play it out correctly.

Maya’s expression turned a little sour to see his mother’s attention being plastered on her love interest but she could not say anything but try to win Yohan over.

After all, his mother might look like a bimbo but she was a cunning bitch and the real mastermind behind the Khan’s business. And she was also known to play with her toys and then leave once she had enough of them.

Maya could see that her mother’s next target was Yohan and that was not allowed.

“A-Anyway, I promised Yohan that he could have that abandoned land for saving me. I don’t think we need it anymore and I even got attacked there and -”

“Are you serious Maya? How could you promise such a big thing to a stranger just because he ‘happened’ to save you? What if it was all a ploy by him and -”

“Honey, calm down. I am sure Yohan is a good kid and had nothing like that in his mind when he saved Maya. He seems like such a ‘likable’ boy to me.”

Mr. Khan, who had just been going on until now went quiet all of a sudden at his wife’s words.

A normal person might not have found anything wrong with this scenario but Yohan did catch the small flinch Mr. Khan gave.

It seemed like the one who was really in charge of the Khan fortune was not the father but the Lady of the house. What an interesting development and one that was to Yohan’s liking.

He had been thinking of getting Lady Khan under his control anyway but it seems like his plans would have even more of a benefit than he thought before.

“Anyway, since you promised Yohan that piece of land already then I will give it to him. It is still a part of the negotiations under my name as the former princess and a descendant of the royalty of this country.”

Mr. Khan seemed like he had things to say but his wife’s words quietened him down. She looked back toward Mr. Khan and he flinched.

Yohan was enjoying all this when he felt a slight touch on his leg.

He quickly looked up toward Mrs. Khan’s smirking face and knew who was responsible for touching him beneath the table. It made Yohan smirk and he decided to pay Mrs. Khan back.

‘Two can play at this game.’

Mrs. Khan had not likely meant to tease Yohan so much but Yohan was in a mood to ruin her. His foot landed in Mrs. Kha’s lap and rubbed against her pussy.

The unexpected sensation caused Mrs. Khan to flinch and her face twisted into an uncomfortable expression. Yohan could even ready arousal in her eyes peaking.

He had successfully managed to exact his revenge and Mrs. Khan backed off immediately.

“Mother, are you alright? You look a little pale right now. Did we choose a bad day for this meeting?”

Despite Maya’s annoyed expression, she did care about her mother a lot. And as such, she was concerned when her mother showed such behavior.

Even Mr. Khan looked concerned for his wife but he chose not to speak up about his wife’s matter. He knew that his wife would tell him if she needed anything from him so he was not concerned.

“I am alright dear. There is just a lot of work that your father and I need to do. Your father might even need to head out for a few days starting tomorrow since I need him to take care of a few meetings in my place.”

“When was this decided? I mean y-yes I remember. There is that one meeting and that one as well.”

To Yohan, it seemed kind of obvious that Mr. Khan pretended to be fierce but he was a total pushover in front of his wife. And he could also tell that Mrs. Khan had something planned for Yohan.

So he was expecting when her next words were an invitation for Yohan to spend a night at their place.

“Since the property transfer papers will take a day to prepare, why don’t you take Yohan to his room for tonight? Show him the best hospitality our house can afford. We cannot have your savior think bad of our house, right?”

Maya looked startled at the sudden address. She looked toward her mother and her attitude before sighing and gesturing for Yohan to follow after her.

There were some major power struggles inside the Khan family that Yohan did not want to be a part of. But he would gladly jump into the fry if it meant that he would be able to reap the benefits.

Currently, both the mother and the daughter were interested in Yohan so he had to make sure he retained that interest and mark them as his subordinates.

The Khan family was a goldmine Yohan was sure to get his teeth in.

“Anyway, it’s a little late for it but welcomes to the Khan family's main house Yohan. I am sure you will have a pleasant time ahead of you.”


Yoann smiled a harmless smile toward the woman in front of him. Mrs. Khan was saying all that as a form of formality. Her scheming smile told a lot about her intentions of using Yohan.

But he had all the intentions of letting Mrs. Khan have her way with him.

“Of course Mrs. Khan. I do intend to have a good time at your hospitality. I am also sure Maya will be able to take good care of me.”

Mrs. Khan just smiled harmlessly as Mr. Khan watched it happen, unable to do anything. The poor man must be setting inside his heart at seeing both his wife and his daughter be all over a stranger.

But that was the price he had to pay to make Yohan successful.

Once the breakfast was over, Maya tugged at Yohan’s sleeve and asked him to follow her. Yohan did that without looking back at his other target.

His aura’s ability had worked really well and he was glad to see that it was able to influence even more people with his skills.

“Yohan, I know that my mother is beautiful but you should be careful around her. She is my mother so I don’t want to say ill of her but she’s dangerous. You are a nice person so you might get swallowed by her.”

Maya seemed worried about Yohan and it seemed like she had decided to impart on Yohan her knowledge and opinions.

But the thing was, Yohan was not a nice person so this warning was of no use to him. But still, it won’t hurt to play along with Maya until she was under his control.

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