The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 43 Ch 41

Chapter 43 Ch 41: The Sweet Taste Of Revenge [Pt1]

The group was beyond happy to have made quick cash. All they had to do was to dump the body into the light show and then they were free to go their own way.

“How lucky that we got the easy job. But why did Big brother refuse to participate? He would have gotten rich easily with us.” Grunt 1 spoke in confidence and expressed his confusion.

“Apparently, he talked with boss Zane and the boss asked us all to back out. We are here off the records so don’t go opening your big mouth back at the base.” Grunt no 2 spoke in a teasing way.

Everyone broke off into laughter, unaware of how much trouble they were all in. The grunts were happily walking toward the exit.

Suddenly, Grunt 3 who was walking in the back felt a touch on his ankle. He tried to shake it off, thinking that it might be a leaf that was sticking to him but the feeling did not go away.

“Hey guys, cut it out. Your jokes are not funny, you know.”

Grunt 3 spoke in a timid voice. Out of everyone involved in this murder planning, he was the one who was the most opposed to it.

But even then, he was no saint and he had folded in front of money. But the guilt of his action was still there.

“What are you talking about? We are not playing any games on you. Your mind is playing tricks on you, No 3.” Grunt 1 laughed back at his companion, taking his words lightly.

“No 1 is right, man. Don’t tell me that you are feeling guilty about what you did.” Grunt 2 spoke, adding to Grunt 1’s words.

They were both enjoying hyping each other up while ignoring the distressed voices Grunt 3 was letting out.

“G-Guys, I am not joking you know? Something is seriously wrong—epffffff”

Grunt 3 fell quiet all of a sudden. One second he had been speaking, the next he was yelling in a muffled voice coming out of his mouth.

That was what convinced the other two to turn toward his direction and scold him.

“Cut it out, No 3. Trying to scare us will not work out….”

Two pairs of wide eyes watched back as their companion was dragged back to the ground by a bony hand. The skin had started to peel off that familiar-looking wrist as it continued to dominate Grunt 3.

Cold black eyes looked back at Grunts 2 and 3 and they flinched as soon as they recognized the face looking back at them. It was melting off the dead man’s body but it was still stuck in their minds.

“Wh-What is going on here? No 3, this joke is not funny.”

“Y-Yeah man. You are going too far. W-What kind of special effects are you u-using to make the dead body move?”

Grunts 1 and 2 were terrified of the scene in front of them. The man they had just killed off to throw into the light was haunting them now.

Grunt 3’s terrifying screams haunted the other two as they turned around to run away. They needed to save themselves.

“G-Guys, help me. Please help me out—ahhhhh”

Grunt 3 screamed as the dead zombie snapped at his neck. It hurt badly and Grunt 3 tried to get the dead man off him.

Hope left Grunt 3’s eyes as soon as he realized that he had been abandoned by his friends and partners. He was left to die and rage filled him at that fact.

Suddenly, nothing else mattered but revenge. He wanted to make those two who had pretended to be his ‘friends’ pay for abandoning him.

The sound of footsteps reached Grunt 3’s ears but the bleeding was causing him to lose his focus. There was so much Grunt 3 wanted to do but he would likely not get to do any of that now.

Death was his only option out.

“Look at you, my dear killer. Aren’t you a bundle of joy right now? I can see your body boiling with rage.”

A male voice reached Grunt 3’s ears but he could not hear properly now. He could only hold on to his desire for revenge.

“You want to get revenge on those who abandoned you, right? Do you want the world to suffer because you had to suffer? You look like the perfect specimen for my experiment. Will you be willing to become my property if it means that you get to exact your revenge?”

Grunt 3 was as good as gone now. He was on his last dying breaths but he was not able to let go of the bitterness.

His stubbornness and his desire for revenge were what caused this man’s words to reach No 3’s brain and his eyes focused on the hand extended toward him.

‘W-Will I get my chance for r-revenge?’

Grunt 3 wanted to ask but his body had no energy to voice it out anymore. He was going to die, unable to take the last ray of hope in his life.

And then, a miracle happened. The man, teen really, who had been kneeling in front of Grunt 3 came into focus and grasped his hand.

“I see. So you do want a chance for revenge. Don’t worry, I shall give you your chance right now. All you need to do is to accept me. Accept me and my cause and you shall live.”

Grunt 3 did not know how to do that. But when he felt a cool feeling surrounding his body and taking away his pain, he accepted it.

Suddenly, he knew that he would get to live and his wounds began to heal. The dead zombie behind him also got off Grunt 3 and stood at a distance.

“W-What are you? Some kind of god? An angle?”

Grunt 3 voiced out as soon as he felt capable of speaking. His eyes saw a halo of light behind this mysterious teenager and everything inside his body wanted him to bow to the teen as his master.

“Me? An angle? As if those insignificant beings will help you out when you need it the most. I am more like a devil, and now you are one as well. Do you want to die now?”

The teen asked in an amused voice and Grunt 3 knew that he should be freaked out right now.

But how could he do that when this teen had just saved his life? Grunt 3 had been a coward but he had been a loyal coward. And now his loyalty will be extended to this man.

‘Master Yohan,’ his brain supplied.

“Now then, since we are done here, I will let you go. Take dead no 1 here with you as take care of your companions. It is up to you if you want them as your mindless subordinates or to kill them.”

Master Yohan was a benevolent person and Grunt 3 was surprised at his generosity. He had even given Grunt 3 a go-ahead to weave his own story.

Grunt 3 wanted to kill the two people who had abandoned him but now he had a better option on his hand. He would get his master more minions to work around with.

“Master, your will shall be carried out.”

Grunt 3 left to take his revenge and the zombie called dead no 1 followed after him. They had a pair to catch up to.




Skill applied successfully. No of servants under the effect of skill ‘Necromancy’ has increased to 2.


Yohan grinned as soon as he looked at his screen. His gamble had paid off and now he had two, potentially 3 more people who would serve under him.

Yohan could feel himself getting more powerful with every use of his skill and it filled him with even more confidence to be able to take on Vivian again in the future.

‘This time, I will have you submit to me, Vivian. But first, I need to take care of a pest.’

Mr. Khan had not left the first yet. Yohan could still feel him lingering at the edges, likely coming back to check whether the work had been done or not.

Too bad, the tiger that had been sent to kill Yohan had died at his hands instead and had now been converted into a slave by him. And that tiger would be the one who would kill Mr. Khan in the end.

‘Here comes the prey.’

Yohan could see Mr. Khan walking toward the place he had killed Yohan. The light no longer penetrated the forest and Yohan hissed as he remembered it hurting when the light had touched his body.

It was lucky that Layla had warned Yohan and he had been ready. A surprise attack like the one he had been subjected to would have hurt beyond belief.

Mr. Khan walked toward the clearing with conflicting feelings. It showed clearly on his face that he did not know what to expect.josei

And Yohan stood right in the middle where he had been standing when he had been attacked the first time.

The second his eyes met Mr. Khan’s, he could see the fear and confusion swimming in the elder’s eyes.

“Y-Yohan, how are you alive right now?”

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