The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 47 Ch 45

Chapter 47 Ch 45: Someone Is Listening In [Pt1]

“Maya, are you alright? It must have been quite a shock to you to see your father die like this.”

“Maya, don’t be sad. I am sure everything will be alright soon.”


Yohan watched as Maya dodged the questions she was being asked by the people. Maya’s tears were falling down her face and her expression looked sad but she was anything but sad right now.

The uncomfortable look on Maya’s face was likely a mask she had put on to fool the world. And it was not like Maya was close enough with anyone to have her words not be trusted.

“I…am sad that my father passed away but I will recover with time. I am sure that time will heal my wounds and give me the strength to keep on living.”

Yohan turned away from Maya once he was satisfied with her performance. People were eating out of her hands, not even questioning her acting skills. Maybe Yohan should have Maya try out for acting as well since she had the skills to carry through.

There were a lot of people at the funeral, most of which Yohan did not even know. But he made sure he showed his face at places so that people remembered him.

Yohan did not need people to know his name or personal details, but he needed them to know that he was close with the Khans. This way, new opportunities would open for him.

Everything was progressing too smoothly when Yohan’s sixth sense tingled and he knew that something would happen. In fiction, things always went wrong just when they were going so well.

“Excuse me. Are you Yohan? I have a few things I need to ask you regarding Mr. Khan’s death. If you would be so kind as to follow me, I would like to talk with you.”

Out of everyone Yohan had expected to approach him, a police officer was a fairly good deal. Yohan needed to state to clear his name anyway.

“A talk? I have time but this location is rather…..”

Yohan trailed off, wanting to get out of the crowded hallway. A lot of people had their ears glued toward his conversation with the police officer and Yohan wanted to have a private conversation.

No matter how nicely his talk went, as long as these people would have any fodder to twist his words, they would.

Even if he said ‘hi’ in a nice tone, these gossippers would spin stories about how spiteful his greeting had been and Yohan would end up in imaginary trouble. And while it would be fun to break all the dreams these idiotic people were weaving regarding Yohan, he did not want to deal with them.

“Ah, I understand. Don’t worry, you are not in trouble. In fact, I am afraid that you might become a target because you were living with the Khans when Mr. Khan was mauled to death by a tiger. We are still trying to investigate where the tiger came from and who released him.”

Yohan’s sharp hearing picked up too many annoying voiced talking behind him. They were pointing toward him and calling him the ‘unfortunate lad’.

It was quite an unexpected development. Yohan was suddenly getting all the sympathy for having landed in this situation and it was worth milking.

But Yohan knew that the situation would not last forever. All these people calling him unfortunate would sooner change their tone than Yohan could change clothes if they got any dirt on him.

“Listen, if you want to talk then come with me. It is rather awkward to speak in this hall right now.”

The police officer in front of Yohan was either new or ignorant because he went red at Yohan’s words, finally realizing that he had eyes and ears listening in on the conversation.

“Ah, yes. We should get out of here right now. Do you happen to know any place-?”

“If you want to have a private conversation then come with me. I know the perfect place we can use so that we are not overheard by anyone.”

Yohan led the police officer outside the hall and into a side room. A lot of disappointed eyes followed him leaving but Yohan did not pay attention to them.

From the corner of the room, Layal looked up at Yohan was a questioning look, asking whether she should come and save him or not. But Yohan signaled her to wait for a little while longer.

He had a feeling that this police officer was hiding more than what met the eye.

Yohan noticed a few things about the police officer that was following him out. He was looking around with wide eyes, taking in everything he could in the shortest amount of time.

While most people would chalk it up to curiosity and wonder at seeing such a huge mansion, Yohan was sure that he could see guilt and alertness in the officer’s eyes.

And that more than anything convinced Yohan. This officer was not who he said he was.

Yohan kept calm until he closed the door behind the officer’s back and then he backed the officer into the wall. The officer, who had stood tall in the hallway, suddenly looked small in front of Yohan.

Despite being a little shorter than the police officer, Yohan’s confidence and posture made him look taller and older.

“Who are you? And why did you ask me for this talk? You better speak the truth or you will not get to live long.”

The police officer shook, his eyes going wide with fear before he fell to his knees and bowed in front of Yohan.


“I-I am a lowly subordinate of our boss. I m-mean Boss Zane. He heard that you were in trouble and asked me to h-help you out since I was in the p-police department. T-The testimony will c-clear your name. I had n-no other intentions. I s-swear.”

The poor officer looked like he would start to cry any second. Now that his facade had faded a little, Yohan was sure he could feel demonic energy coming from this officer.

And if this officer was a demon, then the chances of Zane being a demon were high as well. It would explain why Zane was so invested in Yohan’s well-being and even helped him out.

‘Wow, it seems like I thought the opposite of what is going on here. Instead of being a hero, Zane turned out to be the villain. Or an anti-hero on the side of darkness. Makes sense that the transfer student was special.’

It was all connecting inside Yohan’s mind but he did not mind the kind of picture he was being presented with.

“So, you are here to help me out? Are there no other police officers assigned to this case apart from you?”

Yohan had been so sure that he was safe from being under inspection since he had his bases covered. But it seems like it was not what ended up happening.

“T-There are two more officers assigned to this case. B-But I asked to talk to you first and get a testimony before they both could. They thought since I was soft-looking and sounded harmless, you would let your guard down.”

Yohan did understand where the police officers were coming from when they made this plan.

For them, Yohan was nothing more than a teenager who had been through something traumatic. So if he had an ‘understanding’ adult in his life who would offer support to him, Yohan would naturally spill everything he knew.

Maybe Yohan was even under suspicion and these people were trying to get a confession out of him? That could happen as well.

“I see. Hey listen, I will give testimony since I am innocent anyway. So, what do you want me to tell you about?”

Yohan had been about to say something else but he changed his words as soon as he felt human energy headed his way. Someone was coming and Yohan needed to make sure they only heard his statements.

Yohan had everything already planned and the maids knew what to say if they were asked questions.

“So, first question…..”

The question and answer session continued and Yohan answered with his fabricated answers until he felt the curious person walk away.

“Is something wrong-”

Yohan shushed the officer asking him questions and looked outside the door. It had been another male officer who had been listening in on them.

His posture was straight and rigid as he walked away from the place he had been listening in on Yohan and his conversation about the death of Mr. Khan.

Somehow, Yohan was sure that Police officer no 2 was suspicious of him and as a result, officer no 2 needed to go.

“Hey officer, I am free to head out now, right?”

“Y-Yes you are. Will you be returning home today?”

The officer asked, now curious about Yohan’s answer. And Yohan should be headed home right now but he had another task to do all of a sudden.

“I will be heading home in a few hours so I need you to be my witness for the same.”

Yohan had a plan but he needed external help to make it possible to pull it off. And he had the perfect external help to make it happen.

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