The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 52 Ch 50

Chapter 52 Ch 50: Death Is Inevitable....[Pt1]

“Ugh, the human body is such a pain. I cannot believe that people live like this all the time? Don’t they feel claustrophobic in a container this small? I feel like my soul will rip this body apart if I exert even a little bit of my power”

Zadkial complained as he felt around his new body. It was a good body by a human standard but it was nothing compared to the might of an archangel like him. A little blow from him could end up killing this human.

But currently, this was the best he had. Zadkial was on limited time and he needed to take care of the potential demon kind in that time.

“Ha-HAHAHAHA. It is sure going to be fun to rip a demon apart. It has been such a long time since I got to enjoy myself like this so I should take care to have fun.”

To humans, angels and holy beings were the ultimate forms of good and holy. They considered them to be scared creatures that were to be trusted and honored.

And it was true for most angles who worked with humans. They were kind and gentle for the most part, but most angles were no different from demons. And the worst of that batch was the seven archangels.

Zadkial did not even remember how many demons he had killed until this day, and most of them had been innocent. All those souls needed to be saved and brought in the god’s embrace.

And the one who was perfect for that job had been him - Zadkial.

“Now then, what should I do about that little girl this body liked? Should I kill her off? But then again, killing humans is off-limit to an angle like mine so I will let her go. She is going to die anyway.”

Zadkial had already sensed the dead tiger heading for the female officer.

It was a pity that the human was going to die a painful death but that had nothing to do with Zadkial and his ultimate goal.

“I promised the little goddess to kill the next demon king so let’s have a look at who my target is. Hopefully, it will not be another boring outing this time. Possessing humans to use enough energy as it is.”

Zadkial complained as he walked around. He was getting used to this body and it was getting easier to walk around in it.

“New demon king, here I come. Please entertain me more and more.”josei

The forest was silent around Zadkial as he walked. Even the animals were afraid to come out and have a look at the bloodthirsty archangel in front of them.

The mad dog of the heavens was out again and anyone who got between him and his prey would die at his hands.


“Should I go and check on how well officer 2 is doing? I could feel some resistance from his side of the bond before it fell silent. I am curious to know what happened.”

Yohan was curious only because the system had stayed quiet when the bond had thinned between himself and officer 2. It had seemed like it would snap when it had fallen silent again.

But Yohan had gotten a jump scare as soon as he had felt his control slip. It was not a good thing for him to feel anxious like this.

The forest was deadly silent as Yohan tracked down officer 2 with the help of his magic. He ended up finding the dead and broken body of officer 3 before he found officer 2.

From the slash marks on the dead body, it was clear that she had been done in by the tiger and not officer 2.

“So he did try and fight my control over his brain. What a curious human he was. I will need to punish officer 2 once I find him again.”

Yohan did not like his toys acting out of line. This new world was his domain and he did not want anyone taking advantage of him. If there was going to be one dominant person in any relationship in Yohan's life, then it was going to be himself.

He felt the familiar energy of his bond nearby and he easily pinpointed officer 2.

“You did not finish your work so now I will have to think of a way to punish you. I wonder what punishment would be good for you and-”

Yohan was just rambling right now, his attention was not on this conversation. Maybe that was why he noticed the glint of silver that was headed his way.

He managed to dodge out of the way of that dagger but he had to make a valid attempt to save his life when officer 2 fired a magic spell at him.

Although Yohan managed to block the attack, the force of the fire spell caused Yohan’s balance to wobble and he fell to his knees.

“That is a good look on you demon. I very much would like to keep you on your knees rather than kill you. But too bad that my goddess wants you dead.”

Officer 2, not, the person occupying the body of officer 2 spoke in a gleeful tone. Yohan had no idea who the person that had taken his servant over was.

But the mysterious person did not give Yohan time to compose himself when he attacked him again. Yohan had to use his magic to defend himself from all those bare-handed attacks.

‘S-Such strength in a human body that is not his one. What kind of monster is this-’

“I am not a monster but an archangel. My name is Zadkiel and my master, the little goddess sent me to get rid of you and clear out her mistake. It is nice to meet you.”

Officer 2’s body gave a mocking bow in front of Yohan. That head was bowed as low as Yohan was currently kneeling.

‘This mockery, I have had enough of it.’

Yohan was angry at himself for falling so easily but his heart also boiled after hearing the words ‘little goddess.’

Even if he had no idea who that goddess was, there was only one goddess he knew. And that one had not only been little but had also ended up landing Yohan in this mess.

“How dare she! It is all her fault that I am in this situation. Why do I have to bear responsibility for something she did?”

Yohan’s anger was justified since none of this had been his idea. He might have gotten carried away and embraced his new life but that was what he needed to survive.

“I know it is not your fault that your nature is demonic, nor is it your fault that you are a demon. But still, you are a being of darkness and that is enough reason for me to try and kill you. Farewell demon.”

The archangel spoke calmly and Yohan felt his anger rise. He was going to die just because he was a being of darkness?

“Are you going to kill me because your master asked? If she is so virtuous, then why does she not take responsibility for what she did?”

Yohan asked as he barely managed to dodge the attacks coming this way. Every time the holy sword touched his body, it burned him a little.

‘Oi system, help me out.’



The system regrets to inform the user that he is too under-leveled to go head-to-head with an archangel.

The system cannot help the user this time.


Even the system was abandoning Yohan at a time like this? It was not fair to him to be suffering all this.

What had he done wrong? Had he not followed his nature and tried to get stronger? Was he not the protagonist of this world and had been mistaken all this time?

What was a fictional world in the first place? What was the law of fiction anyway when Yohan was just living in the same world he always had?

“Say goodbye. I know you got hurt badly by heaven and we all apologize for that but we will take responsibility for you and end your suffering.”

“But then again, you also bear some responsibility. You knew that there was a world full of danger out there but you chose to focus on the insignificant pleasures of life. You never knew anything about being a demon and your one potential even until the very end, right?”

Maybe this angel was right and Yohan had not known anything. Actually, he had not even tried to know anything and had only lived in ignorance.

But that would change if Yohan got another shot at things. He needed to be a better demon and show the world that he could change. He knew that he had enough power to conquer everything if only he got another chance.

‘All this, it is not fair. I never asked for this world.’

Until the end, Yohan had not changed but the world had changed a lot for him. But he still wanted to live, to find himself in this world and conquer it.

But with the archangel’s sword piercing Yohan’s heart, it no longer felt possible for him to reach any other end. his life was about to end.

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