The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 57 Ch 55

Chapter 57 Ch 55: It's A New Beginning [Pt2]

Time had passed in a flash for Yohan. He remembered being just five yesterday and recalling everything that had happened to him. And now he was thirteen years old, finally an adult in the demon years.

It was a lavish birthday party Zane had organized for him. It was a lot different from any of the previous ones that had been held in his honor and it made sense as to why.

Humans might not have any idea how significant the day was for the demon race since thier king had turned thirteen and gained access to his powers.

“Yohan, are you ready? The ceremony is about to start and you will be able to age to your liking now.”

Yohan looked toward the entryway where Zane stood. The elder demon looked to be no older than the day he had met Yohan again, his face the same youthful one.

The signs of weathering caused by the past eight years did not exist on his face and for good reasons. Once a demon hit their adult years, they could control the age thier body would take.

But it was not the only feature this transformation would have. The main reason it was such a big deal was that no one would question your age in your form.

All it did was require a large ceremony with a certain number of attendees to make happen. That was the reason Yohan had agreed to hold such a large gathering.

As long as you had magic, if you chose to become a specific age on your adult ceremony then you will be stuck in that form forever.

“I am ready. And I have the perfect age in mind as well. How are the preparations on their other side going?”

Yohan was excited to gain an adult body again. He had trained enough but now his body was becoming a restriction to him. The sooner he took an adult form, the better for Yohan it will be.

He was going to choose his 21-year-old body as his prime body age.

“Everything is ready for you and so is the sacrifice. But man, was it a pain to get an angle for this ceremony? That thing would not stop screaming the whole time so I had to gag it.”

Zane’s words revealed his dislike for the angel race. He did not only hate them all but was also pretty vocal about it. All this hatred had sprouted from a time when Yohan had not even been alive so he did not comment on this hate often.

But Yohan did often agree with Zane on his points regarding angles. They needed to be subdued as soon as possible.

“Master Zane, everything is ready for you and your companion. B-But are you sure everything is alright if we do this? Won’t we get caught kidnapping a person?”

The human who asked this question had been hired by Zane to bring the angel into the fold. It was done to make the angel they had captured unable to fight back.

Most angles could not hurt humans since it was against their rules. Only arch-angels could touch humans to force them. But even that came with conditions.

As a demon, Zane had no such restriction placed on him so it was easy for him to recruit humans to do his bidding. He had more than enough money to hire them after all.

“Don’t worry about the kidnapping incident. I told you that I will take responsibility for it so you do not need to worry. Besides, think if your sick family. Don’t they need the money?”

Zane’s voice was temptation itself. He knew what to say and when to say it to get the humans eating out of his hand.

The human turned toward Yohan, wanting to see whether the kid would say something on his behalf or not. The human was currently divided on what he should do and his morals were asking him not to hurt someone else.

“Relax. It is not like we are doing anything illegal since we have the police on our side, right? Even if you get caught, you can always get out of trouble with the official records, right?”

Yohan reminded the human and it caused the human to relax. The human did not need to know that the police department had been bought out by Zane and Yohan as well. They had taken control of it a long time ago.

And not only the police department, but Yohan had also replaced some of the political figures of the current world with his servants as well. That was what all these ‘important’ parties had been about.

As long as his opponent was a human, Yohan did not even need to try hard to get control over them anymore. Their desires exposed themselves in front of him all on their own.

‘And now, today will be the final show for the human world. Once I have this place under my palm, I can get started on the demon realm one by one. Do not think that you will get to escape me, Vice commander Vivian.’

It had been such a long time since Yohan had felt that humiliation at Vivian’s hands. He had died and been reborn ever since that time.

But his desire to take revenge had not lessened. He needed to see that bitch beneath his body, begging for Yohan as she got bred by him.

“Alright stop. You can fantasize about your thoughts later on. For now, let’s head out and kill the angel. The auspicious time for the ceremony would be over otherwise.”

Zane reminded Yohan and he nodded.

Another weird thing about the supernatural calendar was that it was based on astrology. Unlike the human calendar which marked the start of the day at 00:00 AM, the supernatural day could start anytime.

Not only that, but it followed a lunar calendar that highlighted the importance of the celestial object.

Every ceremony needed to be held in between a specific auspicious time to reap the most benefit and avoid disaster. Yohan had studied hard to master how to operate this calendar.

And he had also gotten used to keeping up with these timings.

“Let’s hurry and not keep our guests waiting. I am sure they must be losing their minds right about now.”

Yohan went out of the room as thirteen years old but it would be the last day he would be this age. He would have to wear a mask of a child for some years but his real body will finally become an adult.

He could not wait for that time to come and to reap all the pleasure he had missed because of being a child.


The angel had been gagged quite expertly by Zane. her eyes blazed as she looked at Yohan and Zane, having recognized them as demons.

Yohan had not even tried to hide his demonic energy, knowing that there was no point in doing that anymore. The angel was about to die anyway.

“You all can head out now since your work is done. Now, remember, keep your mouth shut or you will be abandoned. Contact us if you ever get in trouble with anything regarding this case.”

The head officer who had been appointed for this case was officer 1. He was the same person Zane had used back when Yohan was stuck in Khan’s case.

The officer finally seemed to have manned up and taken his place as a natural leader. Zane also seemed to think of him as a good tool because he did not say anything to officer 1.

Officer 1 turned toward Zane and Yohan once he was done making everyone else leave. He looked eager to follow orders and Yohan decided to leave it up to Zane.

“You can go now as well. Be sure to clean after yourself.”

Officer 1 left as well, his face twisted in a happy mask. Once they were truly alone and the magical barrier was up, Yohan pulled the cloth from the angel’s face.

“You demons. You fiends. Do you think heaven will let you get away with killing me? They will find you and make you pay for sure-”

“Sure the heaves will look around for you. Just as they looked around for your friends we killed. You might not believe it but heaven is quite a sad place. No one cares about another’s life unless they want to benefit from them.”

The angel looked struck but her eyes turned angry quite soon.

“Stop lying to me. Just accept that you will be killed. But if you let me go and plead to god, you might be able to save yourself and-”

“Shut up. Why do all of you speak so much?”

While Zane and the angel were having this fight, Yohan did what he had to. He whispered the spell he needed and his dagger pierced the angel’s heart.

Light and life disappeared from the angel’s eyes in a matter of seconds and she was dead.

At the same time, Yohan felt magic fill his being. His body got bigger and he could feel himself getting stronger.

Once he pulled his knife back, he was no longer a child but a full-grown adult now. And the spell on the humans beneath in the mansion had also been casted fully.

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